Searching for the Lotus-Born Master
A Film by Laurence Brahm
Saturday, April 27, 2019
2:00-2:30pm Intro
2:30-3:45pm Screening
3:45-4:30pm Q&A with Director
導演 Laurence Brahm 龍安志
- 八個化身之量子能量
English & Chinese subtitles, Q&A in English
In 2018, a documentary expedition team followed the historic journey of the "Lotus-Born Master" (also known as Padmasambhava or Guru Rinpoche), who lived in the Himalayas during the Eighth Century.
Shrouded in myth and mystery, the Lotus-Born Master is recognized as the founder of Vajrayana or Tibetan Buddhism. In "Searching for the Lotus-Born Master," documentary film director Laurence Brahm beckons to ask: was the founder of Tibetan Buddhism also the father of quantum physics?
In the documentary film, "Searching for Lotus-Born Master," the expedition team sought to prove the legend to be true. The Lotus-Born Master had eight manifestations depicted in Thangkas, murals and statues across the Himalayas. The expedition team sought to decode the quantum energy field behind each manifestation.
The expedition followed the Lotus-Born Master's historic journey covering over 20,000 kilometers under extreme conditions, scaling the snow mountains he crossed, finding the sacred lakes where he performed magic, exploring the caves where he engaged in tantric meditation.
Throughout the journey they conducted interviews seeking the wisdom of great lamas, the knowledge of dedicated scholars, and the science of technology innovators, in verifying the connection between Vajrayana Buddhism and quantum physics.
"Searching for the Lotus-Born Master" is directed by National Geographic explorer Laurence Brahm, who spent over a decade and half directing the award-winning "Searching for Shangri-la" expedition series. "Searching for the Lotus-Born Master," is co-produced by William Lo and Laurence Brahm, with support from David Lee and Sherry Pan and the entire team at Shambhala Studio.
Address: Orgyen Dorje Den
2244 Santa Clara Ave.
Alameda, CA 94501
April 27, 2019 (See times, above)
Cost: There is no charge for this event. Donations at the door will be gratefully accepted, and all proceeds will be used for the maintenance of the facility and for the support of visiting lamas.
Please do not park in the ODD parking lot! Parking at ODD is reserved for the lamas, tenants, essential staff only.
Parking is available one block away from ODD, at the Civic Center Parking Lot. It's located at 1416 Oak St., between Central and Santa Clara Aves. Cost is only .75/hour, and is free after 5 pm.
Orgyen Dorje Den| orgyendorjeden@gmail.com |
Orgyen Dorje Den is a 501c3 non-profit organization.