Club President   

By: Joe Dotterer - Club President

Nothing to report.
Joe Dotterer
(951) 897-5685 
Club Vice President

By: Pete Whitworth - Club Vice President

Nothing to report.

Pete Whitworth
(909) 223-5822

By: Louie Lopez -

Nothing to report.

Louie Lopez
(714) 538-7202
Range Captain
By: Chriss Bowle s -  Club Range Captain
Nothing to report.

Chriss Bowles
(951) 757-4571
 Hunt Chairman

By: Bill Leal - Club Hunt Chairman   

Hi all,

Turkey season is coming soon and bow fishing should be real good this season with all the rain we got. You need a fishing license to bow fish and a hunting license to hunt game and non-game animals. Bearded turkeys are only in the spring hunt . As I all ways say read the FISH AND GAME REGULATIONS to be right and safe.
We have game cards at the club house and if you can’t get them there email me your address and phone number and I will send you some. I get phone calls all day long, if you call me LEAVE A MESSAGE I will answer but if you DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE, I WILL NOT ANSWER. I get people saying they called, but did not leave a message, so please leave a message. When you call me leave your phone number and please say it slowly. You can leave game cards and messages at the mail box at the front gate at ORANCO RANGE.
                                                  Have a good and safe hunt

Bill Leal 
(714) 803-9617 - Cell
(714) 523-5284 - Home
7328 El Dorado Drive
Buena Park CA 90620-7589
Range Secretary

By: Mark Houston - Club Range Secretary

Hi Oranco Bowmen,

Oranco Bowmen Champ Shoot Sun. March 10th was well attended and a huge success! The shoot originally slated for Sunday the 3rd was rained out. The following weekend the range dried up, and Sunday turned out to be a perfect day with 55 archers competing throughout the entire range shooting a total of 56 targets.

Everybody enjoyed the new extended menu. Continental breakfast with coffee, hot chocolate, bagels cream cheese, English muffins, PB&J and fresh fruit. For lunch third pound cheese or hamburgers with all the fixings, quarter pound chili cheese hot dogs, smoke kabasi in fresh French baguette with grilled onions and bell pepper and mozzarella cheese, chili cheese strips, macaroni and potato salad, chocolate cake and brownies for dessert, and an assortment of ice cold sodas and water! All members shot and ate for "FREE" guess were $5 to shoot and also ate for "FREE" as well. This is the only Club shoot of the entire year that is provided exclusively free for members and $5 for guests, all these to show our appreciation for our valued club members! If you missed out on this one, be sure to attend next year's Champ Shoot!

First, second and third place winners received beautiful gold, silver and bronze medals with the Oranco emblem on them at the Annual Awards Banquet Saturday night the 23rd of March. For those of you who couldn't make the banquet you can pick up your medals in the office on Sundays between 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. or at the club meeting on the second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m.

Be sure to mark your calendar for next year to make this shoot!!!

Here's a list of the winners who haven't picked up their medals yet:

Jordan Tossell           1st
Karen Stanphill          1st
Bob Dupuy.                 1st
Alejandro Romero.    1st
Bill Waltz.                    1st
Ronald Kimbrough.   2nd

I'd also like to give a "BIG THANKS" to all the members who stepped up to make this shoot possible and volunteer their time!

Target setup and tear down volunteers

John Mathisen, Pete Whitworth, David bacon, Al Wiscovitch, Ruben Carlos, Brad Belvedere, Amanda Duchardt, Sarah Strong, and Tyler Kimbrough

Cook shack volunteers

The Vargas family, Victor, Beatriz and their son Victor, and Justine Houston

And a special thanks to Pete Whitworth for printing all of the Flyers and scorecards and doing shoot day sign ups, as well as David Bacon for posting web Flyers, doing score keeping and shoot day sign ups. Both these guys pretty much walk me through the whole tournament process from start to finish and I couldn't have done it without their help!

Oranco Bowmen Annual Awards Banquet

I also had the privilege to serve on the Banquet Committee this year with Al Wiscovich and Joe Dotterer. We brought three different banquet venue possibilities to the table at the club meeting, the board members and membership voted to do the banquet on the range. I'd like everybody to join me in giving Al Wiscovich "HUGE KUDOS"!!! Al took the Bull by the Horns and did the Lion's Share of work. Al arranged the catering, tent, table, tablecloth and chair rental setup and tear down. Procured all of the raffle prizes from Riverside archery, Hi-Tech archery, Turner's and Big Horn Ranch hunts. He also brought in a live Elvis impersonator to entertain us throughout the evening, and built the lighted hanging picture display snapshot photos of members shooting at the range! Al's wife Susie did a wonderful job decorating the two Oranco banquet cakes for dessert and making all of the table centerpieces, what a talented and artistic lady! We had a full tent with the best attendance in the Years! I'd like to thank everyone for making this a wonderful fun-filled evening with plenty of drinks, good food, laughter, and friends!!!

Truly a magical Night to Remember...

One last thing guys, we have multiple upcoming shoots

Junior Field Archers introduction to 3-D's on April 7th at 9 a.m. with David Bacon

JOAD ( Junior Olympic archery development ) April 13th at 9 a.m. with Vernie Urbano JOAD Coordinator

And one of my favorites the Big Game Shoot 42 3-D targets one arrow unmarked yardage April 14th at 9 a.m.

For more details go to click on event / scores

Mark Houston
(760) 605-1155
Tournament Chairman

By: David Bacon. - Tournament Chairman

Hi All,

I just wanted to take a minute to bring you up to date on all the goings on with JFA and the JOAD program.

Our last JFA class was cancelled due to the Club Champ shoot so I don’t have much to report on that front except to say that our next class on April 7th will be an introduction to 3-Ds and I am looking forward to having some kids and parents come out to learn how to shoot and properly score 3D targets. It should be fun.

Our Beginners Archery class is doing very well and Vernie is doing a great job. I get out to help whenever I can and am always impressed with how patient and knowledgeable she is which really puts the new archers at ease. Last week we only had four participants, but she had them on target very quickly and I even learned a thing or two myself. Presently we have 3 groups of Girlscouts coming out in the next couple months to earn their Archery Badges, Vernie gives the beginners class then I take them out to shoot a few field targets and that seems to work out very well.

Our JOAD program is off to a great start. We have 10 JOAD members and Vernie is working very hard to get them ready for this year’s events. Our JOAD program is a little different from most in that our team is also expected to learn and participate in Field Archery and 3D Events as well as FITA and Indoor. Our goal is to help the youth become well rounded archers that feel comfortable in any type of event.

Joe has been getting quite a few orders for club gear so get your club shirt or hoodie order in soon so you don’t have to wait for the next order to be placed. It may be getting warmer but believe me when I say that your Oranco Hoodie will come in very handy at the Big Bear Shoot this year.

PRA (Pasadena Roving Archers) is having their annual Oak Tree 3D on April 7th year. I have heard a lot of good things about the shoot and just a week later is our Big Game Shoot which is one of our best attended shoots of the year. The weather should be a little warmer and hopefully dry.

That’s all for now.

David Bacon
(909) 217-4441
Club Secretary

By: Amanda Duchardt - Club Secretary

Hi All!

Thanks to all our members, prospective members and guest that attended the March Club Meeting! As a reminder, all prospective members need to attend 2 Club Meetings and participate in 2 work parties to become an Oranco member.

Here are the goings-on highlights from the last meeting:

* There were 55 participants in the Oranco Champ Shoot. Our new Range Secretary, Mark Houston, stepped up into his new role and quickly organized and executed a well-run event. Awards will be given out at the Annual Club Banquet, Saturday, March 23.

* There were 70 participants in this year’s first Scalps and Skins shoot. The second Scalps and Skins Shoot is set for March 30. It’s a night shoot so bring your lighted knocks, flashlights, headlamps and extra batteries. And BE CAREFUL not to accidentally dry fire your bow. Everything is harder to see at night.

Make sure you have an arrow securely knocked and double check your friends.

* Joe and helpers continue keep the range in tip top shape! Thank you for all you do on the range!

* Valley Target 21 and Target 26 plugs were reversed and moved a bit for safety reasons.

* In April, Oranco is welcoming the Girl Scouts as part of our beginners and junior field archers’ classes and we’re hosting a Boy Scouts arrow making class and shooting badge activities. If you are interesting in helping out beginner or youth archers, please see David Bacon or Vernie Urbano for more information.

Contact info on our website.

* Our Hunt Chairman, Bill Leal reminds everyone that turkey, carp and small game season are coming up. Time to brush up on the California Hunting Regulations!

* Samantha Ewertz resigned as Club Membership Chair. She held this position for 3 years and we thank her for her efforts on behalf of the Club! David Bacon has been appointed to fill this role temporarily until we find and appoint a new Chairperson.

Want to be informed or get involved? Our next club meeting is Tuesday, April 9 at 7pm in the club house.
Club Meeting Minutes are available in a binder at the Club office or email for a copy. The Summary of Board/Member Actions from the last meetings are included below.

Amanda Duchardt
Membership Chairmen  
By: David Bacon - Club Membership


My name is David Bacon and I will be helping out with membership until we find and train a replacement. We already have a few candidates for the position so I will be training them on the new system in the coming months and getting them up to speed.
Earlier this month I sent out a pretty detailed explanation of how membership will be handled going forward…if you missed it, there is a link below so you can read it later and don't forget that we need a copy of you current CBH or NFAA membership card or it may delay your renewal. You can take a picture of your card and send it to me at if you intend to mail a copy to the club, please do so soon...renewals are just around the corner. 

Currently, we are at 463 members and have 13 prospective members who have been working hard to complete their requirements and one who is almost there. 

I would like to welcome the following New members to Oranco that signed up before the new membership requirements went into effect:
Lamont Baymen
Sal Quinones
Jonathan Hilton
Ryan Huntsinger
Cesar Carda
Roman DeLeon
John Gonzales
Nick Day
Please give them all a warm welcome to the club.
At the club banquet, I was my pleasure to hand out the Club Pins for 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of consecutive club membership. I you were not able to attend, it was a lot of fun and great food. It was nice to see so many club members at the banquet and I would like to give a big thank you to the Banquet Committee (Joe Dotterer, Al Wiscovitch and Mark Houston) for a job well done and a special thanks to Suzy Wiscovitch, Brad Belvidere and Justine Houston for stepping up to help when we needed them. Also, a big thanks as always to Terry Adams from Unique Awards for providing us with some truly “unique awards” to hand out this year. Next time you see Carlos Mejia at the practice butts give him a big thanks for all his hard work. He received a very HEAVY award for taking such good care of the practice butts.

Back to the pins…here is a list of the recipients and if you see your name on the list, you can come by the clubhouse on Sundays or during a shoot and pick up your year pin. They are in the membership mail box.

5 Years Consecutive Membership
Thomas Perina
Ivan Yospe
Peter Egus
Rustico Realica
Kyle Robertson
Terence Lee
Jeremy Wilkens
Steve Ponder
Liz Dougherty
Bob King
Rocky Chisholm
Karen Coyne-Hanson
Dan Gersna
Octavio Gomez
Steve Wilson
Anthony Jr. Tobin
Michael Tobin
Joey Saldana
John Vavoudis
Peter Piche
Larry Baglio
Ray Pocoroba
David Carlos
Don Williamson
Obuber DeMoss
Dominick Alicastro
Stephen Cole
10 Years Consecutive Membership
Richard Ramirez
Don Livingston
Stephen Russel
Kyle Reiter
Martin Probert
Don Reiter
Jake Reiter
Steve Bassett
Byron Means
Mark Vander Zon
15 Years Consecutive Membership
Phyllis Barker
George Peich
20 Years Consecutive Membership
John Bunten
Eugene Hartman
Don Ison

Thank you,

David Bacon
Flint Captain

By: Jason Duysings - Club Flint Captain

Nothing to report.
Jason Duysings
Two Year Board Member

By: Al Wiscovitch - Two Year Board Member

Greetings Oranco members,

Boy what a month of March we had at Oranco Bowmen.

Let me first start by congratulating Mark Houston for a job well done with the champ shoot, or should I say suffer shoot, this is one of my favorite club events we do every year. It not only gives you a chance to hang out with club members you get to shoot a lot of arrows in one day. This year had a different spin to it. They added 14 animal targets which pushed out the total of arrows for one day to over 140 Arrows shot! Wow that was tough; but all in all it was a great day of shooting also they put out some good food and this was free for club members! (I think you all need to put this on your to do list next year)


Well if you missed the banquet you missed a great evening of entertainment provided by Johnny Lightening who did a great job with Elvis Songs from the 50s, some of the ladies were having a very good time singing along as “Elvis” sat next to them at their tables!! Camaraderie was outstanding with club members, their friends, and families. Congratulations to all those that received awards and to those that were presenting the awards it was fun to hear some of the chatter of those who were able to garner awards for some of their archery adventures hunting, tournaments & accomplishments.

The evening would have not been complete without the support from our local Archery stores. This raffle was filled with some great prizes like pig hunts, Bows gift cards and so many more prizes.

I would like to give a special thanks to all of our board members for approving this banquet and its format. I would also like to thank all those did volunteer to help put this together: Mark Houston, David Bacon, Pete Whitworth, Brad Belvedere who jump in and helped set up for the evening and Justine Houston, who also jumped in as our greeter and generally helped with anything and everything Thank you guys for making all this come together. Finally: My wonderful wife was able to make our club cake with our logo in full camo. Thank you Suzy for the help!

One last thing I would like to talk about I’m working on a summer league to take place sometime in after Scalps and Skins. This will be a club league for club members and will go for six weeks with awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.please you will have to complete 5 of the 6 weeks to be eligible for awards.

More to come as we get closer so standby for further details….


Al Wiscovitch
(909) 322-3869
Oranco Bowmen Archery Range

Occupying about 45 acres, Oranco Bowmen Archery Club is a NFAA certified 5-star range. This is the highest certification given by NFAA. We are the only range in Southern California with practice butts from 10-80 yards in 5-yard increments. If you need a place to "dial in" your bow, this is it! 

Oranco also has two NFAA roving courses: Our Valley Course is a level 28-target course, consisting of 14 animal and 14 hunter paper targets. For those who desire a bit more of a physical challenge, our Mountain Course is a hilly 28-target course offering 14 Field targets and another set of 14 animal paper targets. The Layout changes occasionally.
Oranco Bowmen Archery Club - Range Map 
Oranco is not responsible for lost or stolen belongings.

Please remember to lock your vehicles when you are not present and always take your equipment home with you. We have received reports about stolen equipment, and want everyone to understand that you alone are responsible for your belongings . We advise you to put your identification information on your belongings and try not to leave anything unattended.

Remember: We are open to the public on Sundays and during shoots. During these events it is much more difficult to track who is on range property, especially if people do not sign in at the office.

Be safe and responsible everyone.

Range Beautification Party : We would greatly appreciate your help and support to the upcoming Work Parties. Keep an eye out for the email blast. All Club Members and their families are invited. Per Joe Dotterer, Club President there will be an “ ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH ” served for ALL of our Volunteers who come out and help.

Your assistance ensures that the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club remains the best in Southern California. There is a reason why people travel from all over California to shoot at our Archery Club. Get involved and help us out.  
Cook Shack Workers Needed : Positions are still available for volunteers to help out during the upcoming shoots. Mark Houston will be taking over Cook Shack Assignments effective immediately. Terry Lopez will no longer be accepting calls for Cook Shack volunteers.

Please contact Mark Houston in order to reserve your spot at: Cell# (760) 605-1155 . If he is unable to pick up please leave a message with your name and your cell phone number. First Come, First Served.   

Target Camping : This is NOT Allowed...Period. Your Membership will be terminated for doing this! The Practice Butts are for sighting in, improving your archery skills, and honing your accuracy. The Roving Range is just that, Roving. Shoot 4 arrows, Score them, then move on to the next target. 

You have been warned. Don't do it. It is not worth it.  

Bowhunting Hogs: Night Hunt vs. Day Hunt

Are you looking for a way to stay sharp in the off-season? Few critters allow bowhunters to beat the off-season blues like hogs. Pound for pound, hogs are the baddest beasts in the country when it comes to an affordable bowhunting opportunity at any time of the year. And while hog populations are booming, don’t think for a second that they are an easy quarry to pursue. Hog hunting can be tough. They will dodge hunting pressure as quick as any animal out there, leaving you scratching your head. I’ve had the opportunity hunt hogs in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi and Tennessee, each presenting their unique challenges. One of the biggest hurdles I’ve run into with hogs is their habit of running the night shift when pressured, or during the hot summer months. That’s why, where legal, hunting hogs at night versus daytime can be the most fun and product means of killing wild pork. Here’s a closer look at 5 reasons you should try bowhunting hogs at night.

The Scientific Facts & Unknowns of CWD

It was inevitable that some hunters would get upset about state game agency actions relative to chronic wasting disease (CWD). You can’t really blame them. In some places, hunters are now being told to shoot lots of does (to slow the spread of CWD), to shoot more yearling bucks (because they disperse and increase the potential spread of CWD), to not use deer urine products, to not use bait, to not put out mineral licks, to not bring home whole deer from out-of-state hunts, etc.

Mission Statement :
My Goal as Newsletter Editor is to help Members stay informed with the Operations and Activities that are going on in and around the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club. Your suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Check out our Club Website : Oranco Bowmen Archery Club Website