Please take a minute to respond to the below surveys in order for the carpool committee to plan accordingly for the 2018-19 school year. If you are a NEW FAMILY, then you do not need to respond to this survey. NEW FAMILY carpool tags have been assigned and will be available at the Ambassador Welcome Tour on 8/10 or at the HSA Welcoming Coffee on 8/16. If you are not applying for HOV or do not need replacement tags, you do not need to respond. Each of the below surveys will be open  until Tuesday, August 7th .

You should complete one of the below surveys if: 
1. You are applying for HOV. Current 2017-18 HOV must reapply for the upcoming school year. Auction HOV does NOT need to complete the survey and is already qualified for HOV status. HOV will be issued on a first come, first serve basis, all 5+ rider's names need to be listed on the application. Individual families with 5+ children will automatically qualify for HOV, but will need to respond to survey in order to receive carpool tags. 
2. You need additional carpool bag and / or car tags. *NOTE: Bag tags have ALREADY been pulled for all new siblings, available at the HSA Welcoming Coffee on 8/16; do not include these in your survey response. Complete the survey if:
  • You need to replace lost or damaged tags.
  • You need additional tags due to changes in your carpool routine, i.e. You have another family member picking up your child on occasion.
  • You will be sharing a carpool regularly with another family (but are NOT applying for HOV).
Full Time Bridges and Early Dismissal (ED) are NOT included in this survey. 
ED tags must be requested directly through the homeroom teachers and are not included in our survey. Students whose Oldest/Only is in 1st grade or below are eligible for ED. 
Full-Time Bridges (FTB) Families will not need to complete this survey. You will use your designated "Family Tag" whenever you need to use Community Carpool pick-up.  You will receive an additional bag tag that says “Bridges” when your child is enrolled in Full Time Bridges.  You can learn more about Bridges at the beginning of the s chool year from homeroom teachers. If you have a question in the meantime, please email .

The first 3 days of school will be classroom drop off and pick up. Carpool using carpool tags will begin on Monday, August 20th . (Note: Mrs.Nunez and Mrs. Hicks are available to answer questions and assist with families who have students who are experiencing apprehension). 

I f you still have questions, please contact Carpool

Thanks, St. Cecilia Catholic School Carpool Administrators
Stephanie Meeks and Christine Mediamolle