President's Message
Dear CCCA Friends,

Thank you for your confidence to serve as the 2018-19 President of the California Contract Cities Association (CCCA). I am tr uly humbled and honored to lead this  organization and hope to raise the bar even further than my predecessors have done before me. CCCA is an organization dedicated to bringing fresh ideas and experiences to help members become better leaders, delivering the best service possible to our communities, with an eye for the future. 

I start my term with a call to action, a call to all colleagues to help us lead the Association with greater purpose. I chose this theme at the Annual Municipal Seminar to help us rediscover and re-imagine our roles as leaders to help transform complex policy issues into solutions that make our cities more resilient, vibrant, and economically prosperous. More importantly, I want to help shape and strengthen our Association as a tried and true model for solving problems locally.

This year alone, CCCA stood as a united voice for cities, shaping the conversations on local tax revenue, affordable housing, homelessness, water, drug and rehabilitation facilities, and public safety. We  met with bill sponsors and legislative leaders amending key legislation that would have imposed tremendous challenges to cities. We will continue to innovate and find new ways to expand local control and protect the contracting model. For these reasons, I am proud to announce the Executive Board for 2018-2019 that will serve at the forefront of CCCA's advocacy and educational efforts:
  • Jorge Morales (South Gate) - President
  • Sandra Armenta (Rosemead) - Vice President
  • Mark Waronek (Lomita) - Secretary/Treasurer
  • Ana Maria Quintana (Bell) - Legal Contracts Committee
  • Ali Sajjad Taj (Artesia) - Membership Committee
  • Michael Davitt (La Cañada Flintridge) - Immediate Past President
  • Juan Garza (Bellflower) - Legislative Committee
  • James Bozajian (Calabasas) - Marketing Committee
  • Frank Zerunyan (Rolling Hills Estates) - Associate Members Committee
  • Nancy Tragarz (Walnut) - Budget & Audit Committee
  • Liz Reilly (Duarte) - By-Laws Committee
  • Michael Flad (South Gate) - City Managers/Administrators Committee
  • Mitch Englander (Los Angeles) - Resolutions Committee
  • Gustavo Camacho (Pico Rivera) - Special Events Committee
By sharing ideas, working collaboratively as regional partners, and serving as advocates of local control, CCCA will continue to lead in prominence. I want to thank our Immediate Past President, Michael Davitt of La Cañada Flintridge, for his service and guidance this past year. He has been a tremendous advocate for our association and I look forward to his continued wisdom during my term. Lastly, I encourage everyone to remain engaged and participate in the conversations ahead, as we redefine what it means to be a family of cities and CCCA.

Jorge Morales
California Contract Cities Association

P.S. If you didn't get a chance to view the photos from the Annual Municipal Seminar, visit our Flickr account here

Fall Education Summit: October 5-7, 2018

The Fall Education Summit will be on October 5-7, 2018 at the Coronado Island Marriot Resort. This year's summit will focus on the growing challenges to city services and what innovative steps cities are taking to address them. Topics will include a service comparison of law enforcement agencies, homeless strategies, economic development, legislative and November ballot update, and a county contract services update.
2018 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Debate

On July 23, Contract Cities was proud to join Professional Peace Officers Association, League of Women Voters, and ABC 7 to host the debate for the next Los Angeles County Sheriff, with candidates Sheriff Jim McDonnell and Lt. Alex Villanueva.

Several questions were posed to the candidates, ranging from staff morale and current vacancies, immigration, use-of-force, liability, city contract issues, jails, and leadership at the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Both men shared their stylistic differences in leading the organization and their plans as the next Sheriff. 

If you are interested in watching the debate, please click here.
Legislative Update
AB 1912 (Rodriguez) Public employees' retirement: joint powers agreements: liability
Status: Senate Appropriations - Hearing 8/6/18
Position Watch  (pdf)

AB 1912 was recently amended in July 3rd. CCCA, the League, and SEIU had come to an agreement on the measure that would remove joint and severally liability language. Instead, the bill would allow agencies, in the event of dissolution, ceasing operation, or ending a retirement system contract, the ability to determine apportionment to all members, former and current, based on participation in service. The agreement were due to negotiations facilitated by Senator Anthony Portantino.

Status: Senate Appropriations - Hearing 8/6/18 
Position: Oppose  (pdf

AB 931 would change existing definitions regarding the use of force from reasonable to necessary, including directing peace officers pursue other alternatives using time, distance, communications to deescalate a situation. The bill poses tremendous risk to law enforcement when responding to calls. The bill is opposed by all major law enforcement associations, including Police Chiefs. CCCA has taken an oppose position, due to the potential risk the bill poses to liability.
Associate Members



To see a full list of our Associate Members, click  here
Upcoming Events
August 15, 2018
LA County Arboretum and Botanical Gardens

August 23, 2018 
Monterey Hill Restaurant

September 12, 2018
Board of Directors Meeting
LA County Fire Museum

October 5-7, 2018 
Coronado Island Marriott Resort & Spa
Member Highlight

Juan Garza

Juan Garza was first appointed to Bellflower City Council in 2016, and elected in March 2017. Juan is a combat veteran of the U.S. Army and has previously served on the Bellflower Planning and Parks & Recreations Commission. Juan, a loving husband and father of three, is also the Senior Vice President of Englander, Knabe & Allen, advising government agencies on various public outreach projects. Juan enjoys sports, music, and volunteers with the Bellflower Kiwanis Club. Juan will be serving as the 2018-19 Legislative Chair.
Associate Member Highlight

Crown Castle owns, operates and leases more than 40,000 cell towers and approximately 60,000 route miles of fiber supporting small cells and fiber solutions across every major US market. This nationwide portfolio of communications infrastructure connects cities and communities to essential data, technology and wireless service - bringing information, ideas and innovations to the people and businesses that need them.

Crown Castle works closely with wireless carriers, governments, communities, businesses, and technology companies, to make sure transformative ideas and innovations find their way to the people who rely on them.
For more information, please visit