Volume VI | Winter 2019
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists
Sports Medicine Newsletter
Winter 2019
Youth and Teen Vaping
Vaping nicotine (e-cigarettes) and TCH oils has become an epidemic throughout the country, and is especially problematic in the teen population. Vaping can be especially damaging to athletic performance, but also the overall health and wellness of teens. The NYS Department of Health has issued a formal advisory recommending that anyone using vaping products stop immediately. Vaping related lung injuries have been recorded in 49 of the 50 states. There have been over 30 documented cases of vaping related illnesses leading to death.

Read more about the risks of vaping in the general and athletic populations here.
Injury Prevention Corner
Skin Infections

The sport of wrestling creates the perfect storm of conditions for skin infections. There is a lot of direct skin to skin contact between competitors, the small area for competition, and a warm, moist environment.

Fortunately, even the most contagious skin infections can often be prevented with just a few key habits.

  • Clean athletic equipment and playing surfaces after every use.
  • Keep the wrestling room well ventilated.
  • Shower immediately after practice.
  • Wash workout clothes after every use.
  • If possible, have competitors wash hands or use hand sanitizer before and after a match.

If you do sustain an infection, limit the potential spread of the by having it checked out by a healthcare professional at the first sign of a possible issue. Keep it covered until you have had it cleared by a physician. If you are given medication to treat the infection, take the full dose as prescribed by your provider even if it looks like it has cleared up. You want to make sure all of the pathogens are destroyed so you don't infect your teammates or re-infect yourself.
Mental Health Corner
Balancing School and Sports

Studies have shown that students who participate in sports in high school have better grades on average than their non-student athlete counterparts. At the collegiate level, NCAA athletes have higher graduation rates than non-athletes. Sports can help students stick to a schedule and act as motivation to maintain grades and academics as most schools implement academic probation standards on their athletes.

While there are a lot of benefits to participating in sports, it can also add to the pressure students feel. It is important to teach youth and teen athletes how to balance athletics and academics. Here are some tips to help your student-athlete maintain balance in their life.
  • Make a schedule and stick to it. Student-athletes have less free time after school due to their practice and competition responsibilities. It is important that they set aside time for school work and other activities and stick to that schedule. Failure to get school work done in a timely manner can lead to lower grades or sacrificing sleep to get work completed.
  • Include downtime in your schedule. It is important to make time for self-care. This can be allowing yourself to watch some TV, socialize with a friend, have a game night with family, or any other activity you enjoy. Filling your schedule 24-7 can lead to burnout and a lack of motivation. Sometimes doing nothing is more beneficial and will make you more productive in the long-run.
  • Look ahead. Take time to look at when term papers and projects will be due and break it up into phases with "due dates" for yourself. This will help keep the project from becoming overwhelming and also help stop procrastination.
  • Be present in the moment. People often get wrapped up in what went wrong yesterday or what is coming up tomorrow. While it is important to plan ahead, constantly worrying about what is coming up can be stressful and cause you to miss out on good things that are happening now.
Team Spotlight
SOS Sports Medicine works with area high school, college, and professional teams to keep the athletes in our community performing at their best. Check out what's going on with some of our teams!
Today's spotlight school is the Syracuse Stallions
Team Physician: Dr. Battaglia
Athletic Trainer:  John Brecht, ATC

The Stallions are a semi-pro basketball team in the American Basketball Association. The ABA is a semi-pro league with 160 teams. In their inaugural season last year, the Stallions went 24-2. They are currently ranked as the #4 team in the nation going into the pre-season.

During the 2018-19 season, the Stallions won their first 20 games and were ranked #1 in the country for 10 weeks. They were the East Region Champions and finished #3 in the country. They lost in the final 4, which was a great showing for their first season.

Head Coach Nick Perioli says this season's team is a great mix of local guys that travel in from throughout the greater Syracuse area. They have already participated in many community events which is is a main focus for the team this season, to be a family and community oriented team.

The athletes on the team have regular jobs and families. The Stallions is a way for them to continue their hoops dreams. They practice 3 days a week during the month of October, then scale back to 1 practice per week once they start games. The team is a mix from all different player backgrounds from former SU basketball players to NBA G League players, and All-American College players. "This year's team is very deep and we have a lot of weapons. It's my job to make it all mix together." says Coach Perioli.

Check out a game this season! Visit for schedules and tickets.
Community CPR Classes
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists is now offering AHA CPR courses to the public. All courses are instructor-led and hands on.

Certifications offered:
Basic Life Support (BLS):  This course is ideal for healthcare professionals and other personnel who need to know how to perform CPR and other basic cardio-vascular life support skills in a wide variety of in-facility and pre-hospital settings. Cost: $75 (includes supplies)

Heartsaver:  This course is intended for anyone with little or no medical training, who needs a course completion card for job, regulatory (e.g., OSHA), or other requirements. These courses can also be taken by anyone who wants to be prepared for an emergency in any setting. Cost: $55 (includes supplies)

To register for an upcoming class Click Here .
Tips for a Healthy Season
  • Balance school and sports by making a schedule and sticking with it.
  • Prevent the spread of skin infections by taking basic precautionary steps. Wash your hands and wash them often.
Have a team, tournament, or game coming up?
Click Here to request an SOS Athletic Trainer for your team or upcoming event. Athletic Trainers are available for regular coverage for your school or team as well as per diem coverage for individual games, tournaments, or camps!
SOS Sports Medicine Physicians
Dr. Glenn B. Axelrod
Dr. Todd C. Battaglia
Dr. P. James Newman
Dr. John F. Parker
Dr. Bradley S. Raphael
Dr. Irving G. Raphael
Dr. L. Ryan Smart
Dr. Daniel C. Wnorowski
After-Hours Care
Convenient, immediate, evening & weekend care for acute orthopedic injuries. Treats medical conditions that need prompt attention, but are not life-threatening.

Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists | Sports Medicine | 315.251.3100 |