Annual Meeting
Mark your calendar for the Syringa annual meeting on Tuesday, April 16th, at 6pm, at North Star Charter School. This annual meeting is most important as we will be electing residents from the community to be the Board of Directors. If you cannot attend the meeting please be sure to fill out and return your proxy, so that we can make quorum. If you are interested in being on the Board of Directors you may volunteer at the annual meeting or be nominated. Notices and proxies for the meeting have been sent via mail. Please contact us if you have not received notification.

Irrigation Water
Water will start being released into the major canals April 1st, and should make it's way into the ditches that serve the community around April 15th. Once we've received water the pump station will be scheduled for startup. We'll let the system run for a couple days pushing through debris before opening up the system to the entire community. We'll send out updates as we get closer, so residents can prepare to start their own systems.

The community is implementing a watering schedule to help distribute water evenly throughout the community, so that pressure is maintained for everyone. When too many homes water at the same time it draws down the system rapidly, and can cause the system to shut down until it can recover or be re-set. Please make note of your watering days and try to stick them as best as possible:
  • Even ending addresses water Mon, Wed, Fri
  • Odd ending addresses water Tues, Thur, Sat

Pet Etiquette
Now that we're all getting out and about in the community more, we've noticed that pets are not being cleaned up after all the time. Please be responsible pet owners and leash and pick up after your pets.

Parking Reminder
We're starting to see more and more cars on the street and just want to remind residents, they should be using the garage for parking automobiles first before anything else, and if full, additional vehicles should be parked in the driveway first before the street.
Stop Sign
The new stop sign at Arena and Braveheart is routinely ignored by both residents and contractors alike. Please report traffic violations to the Eagle Police Department at 208-938-2260.
MARCH 2019
Annual Meeting
April 16
Pool Open
May 24
Spring Garage Sale
June 8
Pool Close
September 3
Fall Garage Sale
September 14
Community information
Catch up with neighbors

Let's be friends!
Check out what's new


Ann Marie Baird, Association Manager

Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-4:30pm, Friday 8am-Noon