Rhode Island Department of
Behavioral Healthcare,
Developmental Disabilities & Hospitals
Developmental Disabilities
Awareness Month
In 1987, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
It is a time that reminds us to work together to provide individuals with a developmental disability the opportunity to achieve their full potential. It is also a time for us to share our vision of a community that celebrates individual strengths and one that values self-determination for individuals to live the life they choose.
We hope that everyone is guided by the voices, experiences and determination of the individuals we support to make that vision a reality.
A Fond Farewell..
Her caseworkers described her as quiet, friendly and soft-spoken, and perhaps those qualities had something to do with her long life.
Born on March 24, 1914, Esther Lambert passed away this month at the age of 104. She had most recently been living in the West Bay Group Home, in Coventry, and her age easily made her the oldest person receiving state services for people with disabilities or living in the Rhode Island Community Living and Supports system of group homes.
One of 11 children, Esther was born in Plainfield, Connecticut, and grew up in Chepachet and Glocester, Rhode Island. Her parents were wood-choppers, and Esther, according to some records, may have attended school as far as grade six. Then, at age 15, she began working as a domestic, performing chores such as cleaning.
There is much that we don’t know about her, but the records tell us that in 1940, Esther was admitted to the Ladd School, a state institution for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. She was there for nearly seven years. Eventually, she was admitted to a group home.
Esther would spend the remainder of her life in state-subsidized group homes, and after she adjusted to this change she showed a renewed interest in activities such as cooking and doing laundry, as well as socializing and helping others.
Esther was well loved by her RICLAS and West Bay Families and will be deeply missed!
In Her Own Words
What my job means to me--
My name is Leann and I live in Newport. I work at the Boys and Girl Club and work for Looking Upwards at the Florence Gray Center. I also do some work for Fab Newport. I was hired to clean the floors, tables, gym, restrooms, etc. I am good at my job and have been working here for about two years. I get to make money which is important so I can do things that I want.
I have a dog named Bob, and I pay for his food, haircuts and vet bills. This job helps me pay for those things. I like to go out to dinner with my boyfriend, go shopping, go to the movies. I take the RIPTA bus to get to where I want to go. I know a lot of places in my community and when I find somewhere that I think my friends would enjoy, I always grab a brochure or flyer and bring it to show people.
Since working at the Florence Gray Center, I have made friends with the ladies at the businesses upstairs, especially Cynthia, who works at the Food Bank. Sometimes I go out for coffee with Cynthia at Dunkin Donuts when we are not working. She has become my friend. I also like to use the gym when I’m not working to keep me strong. I am very helpful to all the businesses at the Florence Gray Center, and like to help out anyone who needs it. I feel good about coming to work every day because it keeps me busy, I make money to pay the bills, and I get to see my friends.
Last year I was a part of the Sidewalk Parade, which is a celebration of art, community, and nature, in Newport’s North End….My Neighborhood! This year I am a member of the planning committee for the Sidewalk Parade, which is coming up in April. I help get everything ready for the parade so that everyone can enjoy it and have fun! The parade gets people out of their houses and I can meet new people in my neighborhood and say ‘Hi.’
Getting this job was a great idea because it keeps me focused, smart, happy, and I make money and new friends!
Job Seekers Club
The BHDDH Employment Team, consisting of DDD staff members Tracey Cunningham & Jay MacKay, host a
Job Seekers Club
Advocates in Action
. This is an opportunity to discuss job seeking strategies, share success stories and talk about issues surrounding finding and keeping a job. Photos to the left show folks playing Job Jeopardy.
For information about the Club, email
NEW Opportunities for
Employment and Training
The Department of Labor and Training (DLT) and Governor’s Workforce Board (GWB) have awarded multiple community organizations and Developmental Disability Providers with grants through the Real Pathways RI program to open new doors for unemployment and training for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). Click
for more information.
RI Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities & Hospitals
Questions about -
uthorization Issues: (401) 462-6302
Authorizations for Transportation: (401) 462-1833
Transportation Issues: (401) 462-2766
Social Services: (401) 462-3421