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Bayer , Astellas / Pfizer . Thank You!

Navigation Tip: Click on blue text that’s underlined and in bold for link to more information.


We hope that you enjoyed the weekend. The Hot SHEET email that we sent on Friday included the standard link from the front page image to the newsletter; but it did not include the text link to the Hot SHEET newsletter PDF. We apologize for the oversight.

Please CLICK HERE for the April 2019 issue of the Hot SHEET .

We’re excited to share that we’re expanding the team at Us TOO and looking to hire a full-time Director of Development . Please CLICK HERE for more information and help expand the search by forwarding the career opportunity to potential candidates.  

As a supplement to this Us TOO newsletter, be sure to check out the two new educational columns featured in the insert or online:

  1. Progress on Prostate Cancer Research provides some of the latest research from the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Read the current or last month’s column at:
  2. Between the Sheets is a regular column that addresses challenges with sex and intimacy after treatment for prostate cancer. Read the current or previous columns at We also invite you to submit your question to for possible publication with an answer by experts.

Change Together   recently featured a post from Us TOO at: . Content addresses sexual health, urinary incontinence and the psychosocial  impact of prostate cancer .

If you are the wife or female partner of a man with prostate cancer, we invite you to join a conference call to connect with other women facing similar challenges.  Because prostate cancer is a couple's disease, the woman is often subject to her own concerns in addition to those she shares with her partner.  A Forum for Her is an ongoing series of conference calls and invitation-only Facebook group that provides women with important peer-to-peer support. For more information, visit To register, email  or call 877-978-7866. 

Us TOO is an advocacy partner assisting   The Metastatic Prostate Cancer Project ( ), a nationwide genomic research study for men with metastatic and/or advanced prostate cancer. Patients can join online and participate by sharing their medical information and samples. The project’s first data release included de-identified clinical, genomic, and patient-reported data.  The goal is to release new data every six months at  to help researchers better understand metastatic and advanced prostate cancer, and accelerate discoveries.  

Many military veterans may have been exposed to a range of chemical, physical, and environmental hazards during their service. Healthcare providers can use the Exposure Ed app as a tool for an informed discussion with veterans about their individual exposure-related concerns and potential impacts on their health. To learn more and download the app, visit: .

Take care, get lots of fresh air and sunshine, and let us know how we can help you with educational resources, support services and personal connections to others in the prostate cancer community.

All the best,

Chuck Strand, Chief Executive Officer
Jackie Konieczka, Office Manager
Terri Likowski, Program Director - Support Group Services
Tim Mix, Communications Manager