26 July 2019

Brought to you by  Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story

The notorious crop waisting scourge, Xylella fastidiosa has been detected in Israel. The pathogen is confined to Almond nurseries in the Hula Valley but stands poised to creep south to the Lower Galilee’s Olive Oil region.
The Darling River between Bourke and Louth in NSW in April. Picture: Leanne Davis
A group of the nation’s leading water experts has criticised the ABC for its recent coverage of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, saying a Four Corners episode propagated myths and misrepresented the science of the plan.
Plant biosecurity risk analyses 

The Australian Government Department of Agriculture has announced the release of the final report for Part 1 of the Pest Risk Analysis For Cut Flower And Foliage Imports. Part 2 is currently underway and further information on both is available here.
From 1 September 2019 import permits will be required for cut flowers and foliage sent to Australia produced using a systems approach from Kenya, Colombia and Ecuador. More information about the changes is available here.

With the threat of a Xylella fastidiosa incursion into Australia/New Zealand, this increased awareness and activity is good to hear. 
Adelaide Cemeteries Authority customer strategy coordinator Lisa Clarke with the olive oil. Photo: John Krüger
A small batch of extra virgin olive oil made from olives grown at the West Terrace Cemetery has been bottled this week and will be sold to the public in what is believed to be the only commercial release of its kind.

Small projects like this get a surprisingly large amount of media attention and help boost consumer interest in local olive oil. Great stuff!
Olive Industry Communications Survey extended – please share your thoughts
The AOA operates a communications and extension program for the benefit of our industry. They need your feedback from time to time to help measure the impact the program, and ensure each of the resources is delivering benefits for producers. 
The 2019 Communications and Extension Survey is currently underway and your participation would be greatly appreciated. A wide cross-section of industry input is vital to make the process a success, so all industry members and stakeholders are invited to take part. All responses remain confidential and completion takes just 5-10 minutes.  

Thank you in advance. Your feedback is important in ensuring we continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our efforts - Greg Seymour, AOA CEO.
The survey has now been extended – please take part now here.
Professor Phil Taylor from Macquarie University’s ARC Centre for Fruit Fly Biosecurity Innovation.
Macquarie University has recently been awarded $4.7 million funding from Horticulture Innovation Australia Ltd to identify the genetic code that enables elimination of females in overseas fruit flies so that these characteristics can be reproduced in Australia’s Queensland fruit fly.

Not on our major pest list but a problem for olive crops nonetheless, so this is positive news.
Lawry is holding a clearing auction on 29 July, so he’s advertising directly to his target market
Got something to sell, or want to buy? You can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertise your unwanted equipment, extra oil or even your grove - like Lawry, who’s selling a COE C7 prune/olive harvesting unit for a client as part of an auction clearing sale on 29 July.

Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.

Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at
2019/20 Australian Olive Association membership renewals now due – help us continue to help you
Are you an Australian Olive Association member? Thank you! We appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to hearing from you in 2019/20. You should have received your membership invoice by now: please email if it hasn’t arrived, and make your payment by the due date.
These are just some of the many activities the AOA is able to achieve for the olive industry with your membership contribution:

✓Advocacy and Representation - your voice to Government ✓Australian Standard for Olive oil and olive pomace oil AS 5264-2011 ✓Code of Practice  OliveCare® ✓Consumer Awareness & Education Campaigns – Everyday, Fresher Tastes Better! ✓Biosecurity management ✓Australian International Olive Awards ✓AOA National Industry Conference & Exhibition ✓Point of sale marketing merchandise ✓PHA Biosecurity Levy ✓Market surveillance and reporting ✓Grower field days & seminars ✓Industry communications –  Olivegrower & Processor, Friday Olive Extracts, Olivebiz ✓ AOA Facebook page ✓ TasteBook™ program ✓Registered pesticide minor use permits holder for industry ✓Voice of Horticulture Membership ✓NFF Horticulture Council Membership ✓Industry Risk and Crisis Management.

Being a member also entitles you to many invaluable benefits providing major competitive advantages – e.g. certification through the OliveCare® program, and discounted subscriptions and tickets to the annual premier olive industry events, the National Industry Conference & Exhibition and Australian International Olive Awards – knowledge and awards can set your business apart!
Not a member? Help us help you. New members receive a FREE copy of The Olive Growing Book, valued at $165.  Click here for more details on the benefits of becoming a member today.
Reclaim some of your overseas marketing costs
The Export Marketing Development Grant scheme helps exporters advance into new markets with an expenses reimbursement scheme. Applications are now open – more information here.
Austrade and Foodall, India's premium gourmet retail chain, recently ran a “Taste of Australia” promotion in India. Nearly 20 Australian brands participated, reinforcing Australia's reputation as a high-quality and reliable supplier of safe food and beverage products. Read more here and if you’re interested in participating in future promotions, contact Austrade India at
Sensory Master Course – Save the dates
Following enthusiastic response to previous events, an Olive Oil Sensory Master Course is being held in Geelong in February 2020. Being run by Modern Olives, presenters will include sensory chemist and head of the Modern Olives Laboratory Service Claudia Guillaume.
Dates: 7-8 February 2020
Location: Geelong Regional Library
Register interest/enquiries to:
It’s time to get your entries in for the Australian International Olive Awards – don’t miss your chance to be named 2019 BEST EVOO or TABLE OLIVES OF SHOW
This could be you!
We hope you’ve got your oil ready and lab testing organized, because entries are now open for the 2019 Australian International Olive Awards – Australia’s premier EVOO and table olive competition.
Providing an unmatched opportunity for peer review and brand promotion, the 2019 competition features new elements including:
  • Reserved Champion of Class awards - increased chances of winning
  • Bigger and better trophies
  • Online decal ordering
  • Medal results emailed post-judging
  • Earlier entry and earlier results = early promotion and increased marketing opportunities
Key dates:
Entries now open
30 August – entries close
18 October – Awards Presentation Dinner, Albury, NSW
More information here or contact Chief Steward Trudie Michels on 0419 031 527,
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshops – bookings open for WA and VIC events
Registrations are now open for the next two in the series of national sensory training workshops: 
  • WA: Sunday, 18 August - Castellorizian Club, Mt Hawthorn, WA
  • Vic: Saturday, 31 August - Quality Hotel Wangaratta Gateway, Wangaratta 
Feedback from the first three TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory training workshops has been outstandingly positive, with attendees gaining invaluable insight into the evaluation process, varietal nuances and the quality parameters which make award winning EVOO and table olives stand out from the rest. 
The series of national sensory training workshops are being run by NSW DPI Sensory and Consumer Science Researcher Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay and OliveCare® administrator Peter McFarlane, with regional guest presenters adding their expertise to each event. The program includes sensory training, olive oil chemistry, freshness testing of EVOO and determining objective best before dates (BBDs) and more, providing an interactive learning experience which will benefit olive growers and processors, olive oil judges and anyone wishing to gain a better appreciation for EVOO and table olives.  
The cost is just $40 for levy payers, $50 non-levy payers, including catering and comprehensive course notes. 

Don’t miss your opportunity to learn - register now for the Mt Hawthorn and Wangaratta events in August. 

More information and register here, where you’ll also find the full national schedule.

“It took my basic knowledge to the next level with respect to sensory analysis.”

“World class presenters. Friendly collaborative environment. Outstanding venue and catering.”

More information and register here, where you’ll also find the full national schedule.
New Zealand
2019 Olives NZ Certification
2019 Olives NZ Certification is now well underway, with the first batches of oils tested and results on the Olives NZ website.
Growers are reminded that a criteria for registration for National Programme One with bottling exemption is that you must have your oil/s certified and be licensed to use the OliveMark. Entries for the 2019 NZ EVOO Awards must also be submitted for Certification, with a deadline of 9 August.
All grower members should have received their 2019 Certification pack by email, however anyone needing one can contact ONZ Executive Officer Gayle Sheridan via
Salty snack and popular drinks garnish olives are the most disliked food in Britain according to a recent survey. Meal kit provider HelloFresh have revealed that while Brussels spouts held the top spot for a while, they've been booted out of first place.

This is disappointing news – we have some work to do in the UK, it seems!

A new report from Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries showed that household consumption of olive oil increased by 3.47% in 2018, the largest increase since 2011. Consumption of virgin and extra virgin olive oil led the way, rising by 9.2 and 7.2%, respectively.
Unique flavour – spicy, aromatic, fruity.
A batch of 120 new olive trees have just been planted in a stretch of woodland between Bidnija and Wardija as part of an initiative by the Mediterranean Culinary Academy to produce olive oil from olives purely endemic to Malta.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
With 2019 now well underway Friday Olive Extracts  (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,  you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

Good-for-you fats include monunsaturated fats and omega-3 fats—and certain high-fat foods are considered beneficial because of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients they contain. Looking for an excuse to eat foods with fat? These dozen high-fat foods are actually good for you!

Two of the 12 are no surprise … olives and olive oil. Let’s hope UK consumers read this!

04-Jul-2019 By Tingmin Koe 

China’s State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) is encouraging health food firms to contribute to the expansion of the Health Food Raw Materials Directory by presenting evidence to support the functional efficacy of ingredients to the unit. 

and while we’re on China and food regulations …

05-Jun-2019 By Tingmin Koe 

China has outlined a set of food safety proposals to achieve two main goals: to ensure that 98% of all products fulfil spot-check requirements by 2020, and that the nation's food safety standards will be regarded as the world's best by 2035. 
A new pest threatens the olive harvest of Palestine. Credit: Pexels
Saad Omar Ahmed has been an olive tree farmer in Palestine for over 17 years. Although he has witnessed many changes over his lifetime living in occupied territories, none have been as devastating as the recent decline in his annual harvest. His harvest has decreased by around 70% in the past three to five years, as disease and lack of rain have taken their toll on the trees.

03-Jul-2019 By Flora Southey 

Food brands are profiting from ‘free-from’ fake news, claims an Italian consumer rights organisation, after its study found ‘palm oil free’ products were higher in saturates and less sustainable than their palm oil counterparts. 

We’d no doubt urge them to just replace all other oils with EVOO but this is nonetheless an interesting discussion.

03-Jul-2019 By James Ridler 

The food and drinks packaging industry should move towards a mandatory labelling system that makes it clear whether a product can or cannot be recycled, the head of packaging at frozen food retailer Iceland has urged. 

The European Commission has “expressed interest” in working with olive oil co-operatives in order to help stabilize prices in Spain, according to an announcement from Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
What's On

Australian Women's Leadership Symposiums – all states, Australia 

30-31 July
Western Sydney University Soil Biology Masterclass – Richmond, NSW 

2 August
Entries close, 2019 Royal Adelaide Olive Awards – Adelaide, SA 

15 August
Entries close, West Australian Olive Awards 2019 - WA 

18 August
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshop - Mt Hawthorn, WA

20 August
Royal Adelaide Olive Awards Presentation Dinner – Lockleys, SA 

26 August
Entries close, 2019 Royal Easter Show Olive Oil Competition – Auckland, NZ

30 August
Entries close, Australian International Olive Awards – Sydney, NSW

31 August
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshop – Wangaratta, NSW

20 September
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshop - Roseworthy, SA

22-27 September
Sol d’Oro Southern Hemisphere – Tacna, Peru

24 September
2019 Taste of Excellence Awards, Sydney Fine Food Show – Sydney, NSW

4 October
Entries close, 2019 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

12 October
ONZ EVOO Awards Dinner – Wellington, NZ 

12 October
Awards dinner- West Australian Olive Awards 2019 - WA 

18 October
Presentation dinner, Australian International Olive Awards – Albury, NSW

16-19 October
2019 National Olive Industry Conference & Trade Exhibition – Albury, NSW

12-14 November
Food & Hotel China 2019 – Shanghai, China

14 November
Awards presentation, 2019 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

26-28 November
SITEVI – Montpellier, France 


7-8 February 
Sensory Masterclass – Geelong, Vic

9-12 February
World Congress on Oils & Fats – Sydney, Australia

23-25 April
2020 London International Olive oil Competitions – London, UK

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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 Olivegrower Communications:
Olivegrower & Processor 
March Issue
Australian and New Zealand
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