UBCM Group Benefits Plan Newsletter  

March 2019   

What was your main health goal that you set for the new year? I ask because now is about the time it may start getting unclear. I think that the holidays make it easier to be removed from our routines and take on a new perspective. Then, the normal pace of life resumes and brings back the mindset that went along with it.  
I have often found myself getting really clear on big plans and exciting ideas. Then a few months go by and I find myself working back to the same idea but realizing I'd already thought of it but hadn't done anything about it.
Goals certainly have potential. But, like all things, they need regular nourishment to flourish.  So I am giving you a kind reminder to please take a minute and revisit your goals. Then, think through what kind of regular habits would nourish them. Some people write them down daily, others schedule a few hours each month to revisit them and plan the steps needed. Whatever your method...take your first, second then third step and by that time you should be off!.  
Quote of the Month

If you have any comments or concerns, do not hesitate to email  me.
UBCM Group Benefits Newsletter
March 2019
Our new Service Representative Contact for UBCM
I have the pleasure of introducing Jill Linsangan as the incoming Service Representative for UBCM.  About Jill:
Jill joined Pacific Blue Cross in 2012 as a Benefit Examiner in our Extended Health Claims area.  Since then, she has held positions in Customer Service and in Underwriting. Jill brings a wealth of knowledge in all lines of benefits, and is committed to providing superior customer service. Her contact details are as follows:
Jill Linsangan
Service Representative
T: 604 419-2353
Prescription for savings: Tips for managing rising drug costs  
For many benefits plans, rising prescription drug costs are impacting the ability to maintain coverage at current levels. Also, as a result of this, many employees are struggling to pay for medications, even with coverage.

Learn more about what makes up the price of prescription drugs, and how PBC's Preferred Pharmacy Network can help keep costs down and increase plan sustainability into the future. Contact UBCM if you are interested in updating your plan to ensure utilization of this cost-savings network.   Get the full story here
What's the difference between co-pay and co-insurance?  
Most people understand an insurance term like plan deductible, but it's likely that fewer people understand terms like co-insurance and co-pay and what the difference is between them. 
Our benefits provider Pacific Blue Cross is trying to make that easier for us. They've prepared a variety of materials to help you demystify your health coverage. 
Here's a short video that explains the difference between co-pay and co-insurance. The more you know, the more you can make your benefit plan work for you. 
Legislation Introduced to Eliminate MSP Premiums  
Government has introduced legislation that sets the stage for the elimination of Medical Services Plan (MSP) premiums on Jan. 1, 2020 and introducing the employer health tax (EHT).

Employer Health Tax Impacts
Last May, UBCM released a report concerning the impacts of the Employer Health Tax (EHT) on local governments.
The report showed a considerable variance in how the EHT affects communities. In general, local governments with smaller payrolls and populations will see a modest net benefit from the implementation of EHT. However, the majority (71%) of local governments will see cost increases as a result of EHT implementation. Most local governments with populations greater than 50,000 will see an average cost increase of $631,500 (or 92%) from 2017 to 2020 due to the EHT.
One of the key findings is that, taken as a whole, the EHT will nearly double respondents' Medical Service Plan related costs between 2017 and 2020. 2019 is a particularly challenging year since the local governments and other employers will be paying the EHT while still paying Medical Service Plan premiums in accordance with local employment practices.
Changes to the BC Human Rights and what Bill 50 Means for Employers
The bill was introduced in early November and proposed two key changes that employers should be aware of: 
  1. extension of the deadline for filing a human rights complaint from six months to 12 months; and
  2. appointment of a Human Rights Commissioner and advisory council.
The increase to 12 months for filing a complaint means a longer period of uncertainty about potential liability.  A copy of Bill 50 may be found here.

British Columbia - Employment Standards
On February 28, 2019, the Ministry of Labour announced consultations on the 
Employment Standards Act. 
The consultation paper outlines six themes: 
  • Theme 1 - Increasing protection of child workers
  • Theme 2 - Transforming the Employment Standards Branch
  • Theme 3 - Supporting families through difficult times with job-protected leaves of absence
  • Theme 4 - Strengthening workers' ability to recover wages/monies owed
  • Theme 5 - Clarifying hours of work and overtime standards
  • Theme 6 - Improving fairness for terminated workers Comments can be submitted until March 31, 2019.
Recent Changes to BC Pharmacare 
Effective April 1, 2019, B.C. is amending the Drug Price Regulation to increase patient choice and access to generic drugs. The amendment was introduced as part of the Province's commitment to the 5-year initiative announced by the pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance and the Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association in January 2018.   For more information, refer to additional resources on the 2019 Amendments to the B.C. Drug Price Regulation and Drug Submissions for Generic Drug Products.
National Pharmacare 
On March 6, 2019 the Canadian government announced that it had received the interim report from the Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare (Interim Report). 
The Interim Report identifies three initial recommendations for the implementation of n ational pharmacare:
  • creating a national drug agency to oversee national pharmacare
  • developing a comprehensive, evidence-based list of prescribed drugs - a national formulary- to harmonize coverage across Canada; and
  • investing in data on prescription drugs and information technology systems
These recommendations will be considered while we await the final report, which is due in spring 2019.  
Time to Spring into Action! 
When things get busy, the first thing that gets cut from our 'to-do' list is moving at work. However, this behaviour is at odds with all sorts of science. Not only are breaks essential to your health and overall well-being, but taking breaks has been proven to increase productivity, focus, and energy. Learn how to take better breaks at work here
UPnGO with ParticipACTION is the workplace wellness program that will help you spring into action any time of the year.

Visit to find out how the app, monthly challenges, and in-person and virtual support will help you and your employees get UPnGO'ing today.

Contact Elena Backhaus for more information and you'll be automatically entered into a draw to win an Amazon or Starbucks gift card. The draw closes at midnight on March 31st.  
Contact us at:
Anna-Maria Wijesinghe   
                         Nathan Roeters
Manager, Member & Association Services          Account Executive
Union of BC Municipalities                                   Pacific Blue Cross
Phone: 604.270.8226 (ext. 111)                          Phone: 604.419.2412
Email:                           Email: