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Dragon Tales
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I probably watch too much television. The truth is, I go in spurts. Binging for me means watching an episode or two a day, for about a week or two. I can barely remember a time when a week would go by in between episodes to let the anticipation build.

Lately, I’ve been catching up on Game of Thrones (HBO) in preparation for the final six episodes which begin on Palm Sunday. I never watched it before season seven (last year) and I’ve become enthralled. I usually don’t go for medieval fantasies, but this is really a story about basic relationships, power, ethics and legacy. These are all themes that are played out in the scriptures, and in our church lives. In the fifth and sixth seasons, there is more about how power can corrupt faith, pressing interplays between hope and despair, between life and death.

A show that my wife got me to watch was The Good Place (NBC). I am loathe to watch a sitcom from one of the big four networks in preference for more adult fare such as Archer or Bob’s Burgers. But Good Place is incredibly entertaining and profoundly thought-provoking. If you’ve seen it, I think it would make an excellent study guide for questions of the afterlife, ethics and soteriology (the study of salvation). 

Shows like this with a theological bent are on my list for the summer include Miracle Workers (TBS, Amazon Prime), which stars Steve Buscemi and Daniel Radcliffe, and Afterlife (Netflix), which is Ricky Gervais’ treatise on life, death and grief.

For those of us who are into instant gratification, binging something brings us closer to conclusion. Holy Week can’t be binged, even though we know the outcome. It has to be experienced and savored. It can’t be rushed through. Make plans now to attend services and be present as we participate in Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. We can watch all these shows during Easter!
Tanzania Forum on April 7 (This Sunday)
Our recent Tanzania travelers are sponsoring a forum on Sunday, April 7 during coffeehour (10:20 to 11 a.m.) in the Fellowship Hall. They will share their amazing adventures and the emotional connection to the Dageno community through photos and stories. It truly transformed their lives.
Vacation Bible School
@ St. Margaret's

June 24-28 - 9:00 a.m. to Noon

Ages 4 (by Aug 31) to entering 5th grade

$50 participant fee

$25 for those whose parents volunteer the entire week

Adult and youth volunteers needed!
To volunteer, please contact
the Rev. Patti Sachs
Visit from the Rev. Dr. Luis Leon on April 28

Join us on Sunday, April 28, as the retired Rev. Dr. Luis León, who mentored our own Rev. Peter W. Mayer at St. John's Lafayette Square in Washington, DC, visits St. Margaret's. He will be preaching at the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services. We will also have multiple Holy Baptisms that day so it will be a joyous day at St. Margaret's.
Summer Camps 2019

Day School Board Director Needed
The St. Margaret’s Day School Board of Trustees is looking for a new Board Chair who will replace Susan Roberts at the end of her two consecutive terms this coming Fall 2019. The St. Margaret’s Day School Board oversees the activities and affairs of the school. The Board Chair, a volunteer position, is responsible for leading monthly Board meetings, overseeing the finances of the school, presiding over the financial aid, nominating and executive committee meetings, and advising the Rector of St. Margaret’s Church in reviewing and preparing the annual contract for the Director of the school. The search committee is looking for a visionary to take the school to another level of programmatic excellence in partnership with the Director’s vision for the school. The ideal candidate would have a background in early childhood education or have strong roots in non-profit management, have an ability to advise on financial matters, have strong liaison skills and the ability to form successful partnerships between the church, school, and community through the development of active board committees. All parents, grandparents, and guardians are welcome to become members of the Board, but are not eligible to serve as the Board Chair as long as a child (or grandchild) is enrolled at the school. The next Board Chair will find that St. Margaret’s Day School is thriving under the current leadership and provides a wonderful opportunity to be involved in something truly special in our community. If interested or with any questions, please email Elizabeth Parker at dr.eparker@gmail.com
Holy Week 2019 Schedule
Ecumenical Way of the Cross at Manresa
April 19, 2019 - Noon
Find more information HERE .
Good Friday Family Service
The story of Christ's crucifixion and the message of the resurrection are complex and can be overwhelming to younger children. Families are encouraged to join the Revs. Peter and Patti as we journey through Jesus' story with interactive activities and dialogue that re-visit the concepts of the Easter story in a delicate and reassuring way.

Join us at noon on Good Friday, April 19, in the Fellowship Hall.
Easter Candy Needed for Egg Hunt
We are now soliciting donations of Easter candy for our annual Easter egg hunt for children to be held Easter morning during coffeehour.

We need individually wrapped candies that do not have any nuts in them or are not made with any nut oils. You can leave donations in the designated box in the narthex. Donations needed by April 14.
Remember a Loved One this Easter
Honor or remember a loved one this Easter and help decorate the campus for Easter. Purchase Easter flowers and your dedication will be listed in the Easter bulletins. To pay by check, use an order form in the pew pouch on Sunday and place in the offertory plate or bring to the church office. You can also pay by credit card online and email your dedication to laura@st-margarets.org. ( Look for the giving tab on the website homepage. )
Lenten Compline by Candlelight
Here is a video from one of our beautiful compline services. (The actual service begins about 7.5 minutes into the video.)

Each Wednesday at 7 p.m. enter the sanctuary for a short, contemplative candlelit service that builds each week from spoken to all liturgy sung. It will be the perfect way to observe the Lenten season and to close your day.
There WILL be Faith & Fellowship next Monday night, April 8, and then two weeks off, April 15 and 22.

There WILL be rehearsals for Spirit Singers & Youth Chorale on April 15th.

List of Activities
5:00 Spirit Singers in choir room
5:30 Acolyte practice in sanctuary
5:30 Youth Chorale in sanctuary
5:30 Arts & Crafts in Parish Hall
6:00 Fellowship Meal in Parish Hall
6:30 Youth Group in Classroom D
6:45 Adult Formation in Fellowship Hall
6:45 Motet Ensemble in choir room
Quick Links

Dragon Tales - Monday afternoons
Sunday Announcements - Wednesday mornings

St. Margaret's Church
1601 Pleasant Plains Road
Annapolis, MD 21409
(410) 974-0200 Office Phone
(443) 867-5463 Pastoral Emergency Line

Staff Contacts
The Rev. Peter W. Mayer, Rector, peter@st-margarets.org
The Rev. Patti Sachs, Assistant Rector, patti@st-margarets.org
Elizabeth Radley, Director of Operations, elizabeth@st-margarets.org
Jim Douglas, Director of Music, music@st-margarets.org
Laura Tayman, Communications & Programs Asst., laura@st-margarets.org
Jeff Conover, Youth Ministries Leader, jeff@st-margarets.org
Teresa McCorkle, Bookkeeper, office@st-margarets.org
Jim Bowersox, Facility Operations Assistant
Judy Hall, Churchyard Administrator, churchyard@st-margarets.org
Izzy Winn, Grants Administrator, missions@st-margarets.org