April 2019
Grace United Church of Christ
visit our website at
920.452.6795 •
500 School Street • Kohler, Wisconsin 53044
Rev Beth Petzke, Pastor
Cell: 920-371-8018 •

Grace and Peace to you all!

It appears Spring has arrived! Or is at least trying. The arrival of Spring, especially in Wisconsin, often lifts our spirits with better weather and longer days filled with more sunlight that seems to prepare us for Easter. Just as the winter helps us appreciate Spring more, so does the season of lent help us prepare for the joy of Easter.

As we enter into the second half of the Lenten season, we continue to look inward and examine our relationship with God. We consider what ‘things’ get in the way of a deeper relationship with the Divine. Author Marjorie Thompson, in her book Soul Feast , gently reminds us that,

“Self-examination is not an invitation to psychoanalysis, problem solving,
self-lecturing, or ego absorption. The whole point of self-examination
 is to become more centered in God by observing the moments when
we are or are not so....Self-examination is an opportunity to discover
 the problematic parts of your own attitudes and choices. A true spirit
of confession actually increases authentic self-acceptance and love.”

May this Lenten season deepen your relationship with God, through Christ, and may those things that provide obstacles and distractions in that relationship be recognized and removed not only in this Lenten season, but throughout the year.

For me, one of the most meaningful worship services happens on Good Friday. It is the time when we remember most vividly how human Jesus was as we remember his crucifixion. It is only when we embrace the darkness of Good Friday that we can fully appreciate the joy of Easter morning.

Later in the newsletter are details about the worship services of Holy Week here at Grace Church. All are welcome! In anticipation of Easter, we remember the events of Holy Week.

Palm Sunday (April 14) – Palm Sunday known as Passion Sunday, is a feast day that commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It falls on the Sunday before Easter, marking the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent.

Monday of Holy Week (April 15) – On this day, Jesus cleansed the Temple and cursed a fig tree for not bearing fruit. That evening, Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive oil and her tears.

Tuesday of Holy Week (April 16) – On Tuesday of Holy Week, Jesus debated with the religious authorities in the Temple and issued his famous discourse about the end of the age on the Mount of Olives.

Wednesday of Holy Week (April 17) – By Wednesday, the religious leaders were conspiring to kill Jesus, and Judas began striking his deal of betrayal.

Maundy Thursday (April 18) – Maundy Thursday memorializes the Last Supper of Jesus. It is the day in which he washed his disciples’ feet and invited Peter, James, and John to pray with him the Garden of Gethsemane before his arrest.

Good Friday (April 19) – Good Friday is the day in which we observe the crucifixion of Jesus.

Holy Saturday (April 20) – Holy Saturday commemorates the day Jesus’ body lay in the tomb. It is the last day of Holy Week and is considered a day of mourning.

May this Lenten season give us pause to dream about who we are as Grace United Church of Christ, and about what it means to be God’s church. May the joy of Easter give us courage to “Be the Church” in all the best ways possible, and to think about our life-giving ministries and missions and be open to the possibilities that God puts before us as we celebrate the joy of Easter and share the gifts give to us by the Risen Christ! Thanks be to God!

Peace & Blessings,
Pastor Beth
Thank you to all who have sponsored Grace Notes, Weekly Bulletins, Bridgeway Meals, and Altar Flowers in the past. This extra support makes a difference to many people in many ways. Thank you for your generosity.

Thanks to the members of the choir who served as song leaders for our new Lenten song, “Dream God’s Dream.”

Thanks to our anonymous church mouse who enhanced the chancel area for Transfiguration Sunday.

Thanks to all who contributed their time and talents to enhance our Lenten season.

Thank you to the church mice who enhanced the chancel area during lent and Easter.

Thanks to Chuck Ebert springing ahead our thermostats so that the church is warm and ready to receive people for worship.

Thanks to church mice for decorating for lent: Larry & Deb Ter Maat, Linda Billman, Bev Kramer, Lola Lindow and Judy Kummer.

Thank you to those who contributed socks for the Salvation Army Sock Drive for our Mission of the Month.

There are a number of things that just ‘happen’ here at Grace. For those who give of their time and talent to make things happen – whether anonymously or whether I may have accidentally not included, please know that we are thankful for your generosity! Please let Pastor Beth know if there are any errors or omissions. 
Please remember that if you admitted to the hospital and would like a visit from Pastor Beth, please contact her directly (cell 920-371-8018). Between HIPPA and the busyness of the hospital staff, oftentimes the hospital doesn’t call, therefore Pastor Beth would appreciate a direct call from you or your family to ensure timely visitation and pastoral care.    

Plans are under way to form a Grace Church Festival Choir to sing at the Maundy Thursday worship service and the 10 a.m. Easter Sunday worship service.
The Senior Choir would like to invite anyone who enjoys singing to rehearse with us at 7:15 p.m on Wednesday April 3, and Wednesday, April 10; and also at 6 p.m. on Maundy Thursday, April 18. 
All voice parts are welcome. For more information, or to volunteer, please contact choir director Audrey Braatz at 452-7706 or by email  or talk to a choir member.
Fun from Girl Scout Sunday
Thank you Shelley Heinemann for organizing the celebration of sisterhood!
Shop with SCRIP!
Kwik Trip cards are available in the church office. With scrip, you’re paying face value and you’re getting face value. Make your giving go farther! Pick up SCRIP the next time you're at church.
We have created a Lost and Found area located in the lounge (rear of the sanctuary). If your missing something, feel free to see if there's anything there that belongs to you. Any clothing or winter items not collected at the end of the winter season will be donated to a local charity.
Did you know that Texas Roadhouse offers a Sunday bulletin program to support local churches . On Sundays, guests that come into the Sheboygan Texas Roadhouse location can have 10% of their total food purchases back to the church! Simply present a current copy of your church’s bulletin to your server. 
Tai Chi Classes on Mondays at 5:30pm in the sanctuary. Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that is practiced as a graceful form of exercise. It involves a series of movements performed in a slow and focused and is accompanied with deep breathing. This gentle form of exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility, and balance. It is often called ‘meditation in motion’. All are welcome! You are invited to wear comfortable, loose clothing. Donations are welcome. Feel free to bring a friend. 
Recognition of Graduates will be here before we know it! Please contact the church office if you or someone in your family will be celebrating a graduation (high school, college, etc) this spring. We would like to recognize this milestone and celebrate it as a church family in June. 
Grace UCC 1998
Celebrating 95 Years of Ministry

Sunday, April 28 th will be a wonderfully busy day. Join us for worship at 8 & 10 a.m. when we will celebrate Grace Church turning 95! We will honor our 50+-year members, all the way down to our newest members. If you are a 50-year (or more) member, please contact Pastor Beth, we don't want to miss anyone!

Also on April 28 th , we will be holding a congregational meeting regarding the carpet replacement project. Your voice and vote are needed to ensure that we come to the best possible outcome – together!

We will conclude our day of celebration with a potluck after the 10 a.m. worship service. A signup sheet is posted in the foyer on the bulletin board. All are welcome!
Spring Plant Fundraiser
for the Carpet Fund! 
Grace is hosting a spring plant/flower voucher sale to help raise money for the carpet replacement project. It works great! You can place your order for the plants you want to purchase by April 21 st (Easter Sunday) and vouchers will be available for pickup on May 5 th . Vouchers can be redeemed directly at Caan’s from May 5 th - May 27 th . Order envelopes are available on the table in the foyer. Completed order envelopes can be placed in the box labeled Spring Plant Sale. Thank you for your support!

April 14-21
Holy Week
(a full schedule of worship opportunities can be found in this edition of Grace Notes)

April 28
95th Anniversary of Grace Celebration
Congregational Meeting

May 12th at 10am Worship
Faith Statement Sunday

May 19th at 10am Worship

Sponsorship is another way to support the ministries and outreach of the church. Through sponsorship of Grace Notes, you ensure that important information gets out to our church family, strengthening communication and fostering a sense of belonging. You can sponsor the Grace Notes newsletter for a month for $40. To signup to sponsor Grace Notes click the button below. 
A month's worth of worship bulletins can be sponsored for $40. Click the button below to be a sponsor.
Altar flowers can be sponsored to mark a special occasion in your life or 'just because'. Flowers can be sponsored for a Sunday for $37.50 or you can bring your own flowers. Click the button below to claim a week and specify any colors and kinds of flowers you prefer. Following 10am worship you are welcome to take the flowers home to enjoy throughout the week.
As a church, we support the ministry of Sheboygan County Interfaith Organization (SCIO) One of the ways we partner with them in ministry is by sponsoring a meal once a month to cover the costs of feeding the families staying at Bridgeway House. A donation of $40 provides the groceries needed to provide a nutritious meal for the women and children living there.
There are a number of opportunities to share your time and talent, please consider one (or more) of the following opportunities:

Liturgist/Lay Reader: If you are interested in reading scripture in worship, please contact the church office or Pastor Beth.

On Good Friday (April 19 th ) worship will begin at 6:30 p.m. A number of people (6) are needed to help with reading scriptures. If you’re interested, please sign up in the narthex. The scripture readings are there as well so you can review and take them with you. If you have any questions, please see Pastor Beth.

-Host a coffee hour/fellowship time. It’s as simple as signing up in the narthex and bringing some “goodies.” What is important – that we get together. Less important – what we eat or drink. Goodies can be homemade or store bought. Get together with a couple of friends or invite someone you would like to get to know better and host a coffee hour. Perhaps you like to bake but not host? Connect with someone to share the love! If you have any questions, please call the church office or Pastor Beth.

-Ushering: There is a signup sheet in the foyer. Or signup by clicking the button below. You are welcome to sign up for one (or more) Sundays. Consider ushering with a friend or invite someone you don’t know as well to serve with you. If you have questions, see Pastor Beth. It is quick and easy training!
April Mission of the Month:
Emmaus Meal
Grace is on the schedule to host the Emmaus Meal at the Salvation Army on April 13. Donations are needed as are volunteers to help prepare, serve, and cleanup. There is a signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the foyer. We have a great time working and serving together. Please consider being a part of this ministry however you are able. You'll be glad you did! 
The Missions Committee
Do you have a prayer request that you would like to share with Pastor Beth? Please reach out at any time or
920-371-8018. All prayer requests will be kept confidential unless permission to share with the congregation is given. 
February and March meetings of the Council have come and gone and we already have a good agenda forming for our next meeting April 11 that will include meeting with the confirmation class of 2019 and planning for the April 26 congregational meeting after 2 nd  service where we will decide on the sanctuary carpeting options. Council Representatives for each Committee are working to get up to speed on what’s going on from Missions to Kitchens while other committees remain inactive e.g. Evangelism. Listening sessions might help us vet out these forums and help us focus on what matters to Grace. The Council will assist in leading worship on April 7 while Pastor Beth attends the WI Conference and Association meetings elsewhere. We are looking into being recognized as part of the nonprofit “Amazon Smile” event where proceeds from purchases can be designated to benefit the church. Grace will have a presence in the Village’s phone directory and we are working on providing a children’s space in the rear of the sanctuary for quiet play during services.  Looking forward to celebrating 95 years of Grace with you at the end of April over a lovely meal with all your favorite potluck dishes .  

Submitted by Council President, Sandy Rabe
The younger Sunday School students are still enjoying their Holy Moly! curriculum. Caitlin and I are enjoying their insights; it's amazing how they can connect our lessons to what they've experienced in school, church, and at home. We would love to have any visitors from the congregation join us for Sunday School, even just to pop down and see what Holy Moly! is all about. It's such a neat concept: There really are no "spoken words." The kids get a grasp of what is happening in the video based on the colors used, tone, etc. For being so young it's incredible how readily they understand most of what is going on in the videos. We always seem to have lively discussions following the lesson and straight through to our craft. 
Our kids have been working hard with Mr. Joa during music time. They try so hard to stay focused during song practice, and as a bonus they now have CD's to take home and practice the lyrics. We've got performances coming up on Palm Sunday (April 14) and Mother's Day (May 12). Please mark your calendars so you can see all their hard work pay off! :)

Submitted by Sunday School teacher, Tahna Jensen  
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Grace Church is an accepting community of faith, committed to growth through change.
-Core values statement written on Saturday, May 13, 2017
Grace United Church of Christ
Office: (920)452-6795
Rev Beth Petzke, pastor
Grace UCC 1998