Ride and Walk FAR Kick-Off Event!

Please join riders, sponsors, and members of the Autism Science Foundation community to kick off ride and walk season.  The happy hour event is free but RSVPs are required!
Why are Suicide Rates Higher in People with Autism?

ASF Weekly Science Podcast_ June 4_ 2018 Logo
Suicide is a major public health issue, especially in the autism community. Studies indicate that suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts are higher in people with ASD.  Rates are similar to those with bipolar depression and schizophrenia, but are higher in autism even without co-morbid psychosis.  The June 4th episode of the  ASF Weekly Science Podcast  summarizes recent data, publications, and presentations about rates of suicide, risk factors and new research aimed at preventing suicide 

Listen to the podcast episode here.

If you or anyone you know is thinking about ending their life, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: +1-800-273-8255 (+1-800-273-TALK).
What Can Baby Teeth Tell Us About Autism?

Science Advances published research that investigated the baby teeth of children and found altered zinc-copper metabolic cycles in the baby teeth of children with autism.  Speaking with  The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, ASF Chief Science Officer Dr. Alycia Halladay found the research interesting because it looks at a biological process at a critical time. This novel method allows study of prenatal exposures in a non-invasive way.  However, Dr. Halladay believes at this time it is unclear if baby teeth can act as an effective predictor of autism.

Read the news article here and the open-access research article here.
Why Some Individuals Develop Autism and Other Don't

Two boys dressed up as astronauts.
The Interactive Autism Network (IAN) published an informative article on epigenetics,  the study of the different external and internal environmental factors that influence how DNA is expressed. Despite having certain inherited genes, individuals may not express those genes if certain environmental triggers are not present at the right time and place. Epigenetic factors may explain why some individuals develop autism while others do not, even when they share the same genetic risk factors.

You can read the full article here
Register Now for the INSAR 2018 Summer Institute

INSAR 2018 Summer Institute Banner

This week, the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) launched its 2018 Summer Institute, a series of free interactive webinars for early-career researchers and members of the autism community.  You do not need to be an INSAR member to participate.

Each webinar will be co-presented by a team of researchers and stakeholders from the autism community who have developed successful community partnerships.   You can register for as many seminars as you want.  Register here, until July 25, 2018.
Make autism research possible!
Your support makes ASF's scientific initiatives possible.  Donations to ASF n ot only help to advance scientific progress, they give families challenged by autism the gift of hope.  Consider making a tax-deductible donation today.
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