March 27, 2019
For Immediate Release
Senator Alberta Darling
Evers' Rash Political Decision Jeopardizes State Boards 
Madison-Governor Evers is proving he cares more about politics than people. Recently, he fired 82 public members of numerous state boards and committees with little to no warning. State Senator Alberta Darling issued the following statement blasting the governor's partisan move:

"In a rash and irresponsible move, Governor Evers fired 82 citizens - including five from my district. It is clear he didn't put any thought into how his partisan move will affect real people.

These are private citizens who put in long hours and often drive hundreds of miles for meetings. They are Republicans and Democrats who care so deeply about Wisconsin that they lend their expertise to help our state move forward. As lawmakers, we rely on the expertise they bring to these boards.

Now crucial boards and councils are left in chaos because of Governor Evers' rash political decision. Boards that protect consumers, victims of domestic violence, and seniors are left without guidance. The governor continues to break his promise of bipartisanship."

Senator Darling represents portions of Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington and Waukesha Counties.
