InnerBrilliance Coaching
Radiate Your REAL Essence
July 23, 2018

You've probably heard of the power of manifesting what you desire. But, the concept can seem elusive and vague. 

To bring it to life, I wanted to share a resource that can help break down steps on how to do it. Plus, I share an example of manifesting a desire from my own life along with the 3 key steps to make it happen. (Check out the posts below for details.)

Hope they inspire you to harness your power to manifest your best life!

With Love,

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"Energy of Attraction" Meditation Series (Resource)
Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey are hosting another meditation series "Energy of Attraction" where you'll  learn how to create the life you want. 

You'll tap in to your ability to co-create your desires, let go of limiting beliefs, and see more opportunities for success.

The series starts July 23, and each meditation is only available for 5 days. So, sign up today!

 ~  Learn More  ~
The Power of Manifestation (from My Life)
As many of you know, I've had hearing loss my whole life and struggled with how to best deal with it.

So, I've been looking for an opportunity to create awareness about the experience of this loss and solutions to overcome it.

Becoming clear and convicted about this truth allowed me to easily and organically attract the perfect opportunity to do so.

 ~  Check it Out Here  ~
Let's Talk?
Rosie Guagliardo  
I love helping high-achieving people get the results they desire in life while feeling happier every step of the way.  

If you're ready to go from struggling and striving to living a life where you can achieve your goals with a lot more ease, grace, and joy, let's talk? 

Call me at (312) 286-0971 or email me at [email protected].  

 ~  Learn More ~
P.S. If you're ready to start living your perfectly inspired life immediately, learn about and sign up for your complimentary InnerBrilliance " Inspired Life Session."  
Or, go straight to my calendar by clicking  hereClick here to Schedule

P.P.S.  If you're ready to commit to experiencing all that you desire in your life and doing it with more grace and ease, sign on for the  "Be Perfectly YOU!"  program now.