What You Need
To Know This Week
October 28, 2020
Class of 2020, NOW it's your turn to cross the stage
If you are a 2020 graduate, we invite you to participate in a Graduation Celebration on December 19-20. Find out more here.
Important Dates and Deadlines
SPRING 2021 Registration Priority Dates:

Priority 1: Nov 16 (Mon), Nov 17 (Tues)
CalWORKS, AEC, EOPS, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, Veterans

Priority 2: Nov 18 (Wed)
Athletes, MESA, Puente, TRIO (see notes below for additional eligibility criteria), Gavilan College Promise/CA College Promise (first time to college) (see notes below)

Priority 3: Nov 19 - 22 (Thurs–Sun)
Continuing, first time to college students who have completed orientation/placement/ed plan, GECA (see notes below for additional eligibility criteria)

Priority 4: Nov 23 (Mon)
First time to college students (1st semester) and beyond who have not completed orientation/ placement/ ed plan

Priority 5: Nov 24 (Tues) -beginning of term
Returning, Transfer, Probation 2, Academically Dismissed, High School (except GECA)

All: Nov 24– beginning of term

CSU Application Overview Webinar - Hosted by CSUMB
11/9/20 - Monday 5:00-7:00pm

Health Fair events:
Narcan Training and The Opioid Crisis: Nov. 5  11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 818 0709 1843
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,81807091843# US (San Jose)

NAMI – IOOV: Nov. 5  2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Presenters are people with mental illness who are sharing their stories, how they cope with their illness, treatments available & resources.
Or iPhone (US Toll): +16699006833,93993491448# or 12532158782,93993491448#
   Meeting ID: 939 9349 1448
   Password: 898046
California Relay: Nov. 10  2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Sharing information on what relay services are, the different types available, and how to access them.
Individuals are required to register for the presentation to receive the viewing link.
Critical Student Supports, Gavilan Food Pantry: Nov. 12  4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Join to learn more about important supports including food, housing, and more!
Community Health Partnership: Nov. 13  11:00 AM
The presentation will focus on the importance of screening for cervical and breast cancer.      Every Women Counts offers free clinical breast exams, mammograms, and Pap tests to underserved California women.
Meeting ID: 838 4531 5724
Passcode: 890231
Dial by your location:    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

CSU/UC Application Assistance Drop In

11/13/20 - Friday 11:00-1:00pm
11/18/20 - Wednesday10:00-12:00pm
11/23/20 - Monday 2:00-4:00pm
12/3/20 - Thursday 5:00-7:00pm
12/4/20 - Friday12:00-3:00pm
Student Central
Face-to-face services will not be taking place at this time due to
COVID-19. Access all services online via Cranium Cafe and Zoom.
Are you taking a challenging course this FALL 2020? Need an extra support to boost your grades?
The Tutoring Center and Writing Center has your back with free online tutoring!! One-on-one tutoring gives you the opportunity to practice course-based skills and learn the content with a supportive peer tutor who has passed the class. You will receive an email after you complete the form confirming your tutoring session days and times.
Some Helpful Resources
Health and Wellness

Online Health and Wellness Resources: Wellness Central is a free online health and wellness resource that is available 24/7 in your space at your pace.

Students enrolled in credit courses have access to WellVia, a telehealth and telemedicine service provided via telephone and secure video by board-certified physicians. The first consultation is FREE of cost to the student.