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for the pulp and paper industry worldwide

September 2018

Participating as industry experts in pulp and paper financing and M & A deals around the world  for over two decades, we continue to see the same mistakes made over and over.  This newsletter is designed to help you avoid costly mistakes we have seen others make.  We will be giving you one or two points each month to help improve your performance.
China's Approach to Recycled Imports--Followup

By Jim Thompson

We discussed the restrictions on the import of recycled fiber into China in this newsletter last month.

From reports we have heard in the past month, it appears that Chinese paper mill buyers are about to do something we have never seen done before.  Simply, that is to produce unbleached market pulp, from recycled fiber and virgin fiber, for export to China.

It is not that their demand has gone down; simply their government has made the restrictions so onerous that this makes sense for them.  How this will wind through the US markets and affect pricing is yet to be seen, but it is something to watch.  

Have a comment?  Email me at jthompson@taii.com.

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If you have a casual question or a major deal, call me on my personal cell phone - 404-822-3412 or email me at jthompson@taii.com. We are here to help.




Jim Thompson, CEO
Talo Analytic International, Inc.

JRT Banker's Engineer