• Provide Feedback on the Draft Public Participation Plan and Draft Limited English Proficiency Plan
  • Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Transportation Planning and Decision Making
  • Take the UtahRideLink Survey
  • Register Now: Get Healthy Utah Stakeholder Retreat
  • WFRC Has Moved its Office!
Provide Feedback on the Draft Public Participation Plan and Draft Limited English Proficiency Plan

The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) seeks public review and comment on its Draft Public Participation Plan (PPP) and Draft Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan. WFRC has developed the PPP to be used in the development and adoption of the Regional Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, and Unified Planning Work Program, as well as WFRC’s other plans and programs. The PPP encourages residents of the Wasatch Front region to participate in the transportation planning and decision-making process. The LEP Plan outlines how to identify people who may need language assistance, the ways in which assistance may be provided, staff training that may be required, and how to notify LEP persons that assistance is available.

Comments will be accepted during the public comment period, which continues through May 3, 2019. Please direct questions or comments to Heather McLaughlin-Kolb, Communications Manager, at or (801) 363-4250.
Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Transportation Planning and Decision Making

Utah representatives John Curtis and Ben McAdams, as well as California Representative Mark DeSaulnier, introduced bipartisan legislation that will promote evidence-based planning decisions on transportation projects. H.R. 1517: Connecting Opportunities through Mobility Metrics and Unlocking Transportation Efficiencies (COMMUTE) Act would create a pilot program to use data-driven improvements in transportation access and connectivity. 

The COMMUTE Act would require the U.S. Department of Transportation to provide several states, metropolitan planning organizations, and rural planning organizations with data sets measuring how many specific destinations can be easily accessed by multiple modes of transportation. Destinations include areas with a concentration of available jobs, health care facilities, childcare services, educational and workforce training facilities, affordable housing, and food sources.

The COMMUTE Act is associated with access to opportunity, which measures destination accessibility or how many places one can get to in a short period of time. Access to opportunity is one of WFRC’s adopted goals, as well as a goal of Utah’s Unified Transportation Plan. This measurement helps simultaneously value land use decisions that reduce travel distances, as well as transportation improvements that help people move around more easily. This powerful measurement informs WFRC and its transportation planning partners in the transportation planning and programming process.
Take the UtahRideLink Survey

The Utah Transit Authority's (UTA) Coordinated Mobility Department coordinates and provides resources among human service entities to efficiently maximize transportation for seniors, persons with disabilities, and other groups with unmet transportation needs. They are currently looking for providers who would like to be listed in the UtahRideLink database

UtahRideLink is a trip discovery and planning information website that combines transportation options from all types of providers in one place. Providers include UTA, other government agency, non-profits, taxi companies, transportation network companies (such as Uber and Lyft), non-emergency medical transportation, etc. 

UTA's Coordinated Mobility Department is also identifying providers that would be interested in participating on a Local Coordinating Council (LCC). LCCs meet regularly and were established as forums to coordinate transportation efforts, foster partnerships, prioritize funding, and implement locally developed plans and projects.

If you are a provider of mobility services, please take this brief survey to be included in the UtahRideLink database and/or to be considered for participation on one of the LCCs.
Get Healthy Utah Stakeholder Retreat

Get Healthy Utah is a collaborative effort aimed at reducing obesity through improved healthy eating and active living. The organization is convening a broad stakeholder group to discuss all aspects of how to achieve better health outcomes. Representatives from cities, counties, and transportation agencies are invited to attend. Derek Parra, two-time Olympic gold medalist and Director of Youth Outreach for the Utah Olympic Legacy Foundation will be the keynote speaker at this important event.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Zions Bank, 1 South Main Street, Salt Lake City
WFRC Has Moved its Office!

WFRC recently moved its office is more central location that is easily accessible and served by multiple modes of transportation. The new office is located at the north end of The Gateway, adjacent to the Olympic Plaza, and on the second floor.

The office may be easily accessed via I-15, FrontRunner (North Temple Station), TRAX Green Line (North Temple Bridge/Guadalupe Station) or bus (visit for maps and schedules). Bicycle storage and validated parking are available.

New Office Address
41 North Rio Grande Street, Suite 103
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101