Habitat CFC E-Newsletter | December 2020
"I define joy as a sustained sense of well-being and internal peace—a connection to what matters."
Oprah Winfrey
Joy…for such a little word it packs a lot of meaning into it. It’s hard not to think about joy at this time of year. It’s also hard not to feel like COVID-19 has stolen a little bit of the joy of this season.

Perhaps Joseph Campbell has an answer for this moment. “Participate joyfully in the sorrow of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.” He is reminding us, as Oprah proclaims, that joy is something that is consistent within us that can’t be changed by outside circumstances.

I relish the holiday season’s ability to fuel joy that burns brightly throughout the year. I must admit that my supply of joy has been strained during this difficult year. Yet an unexpected comment from one of our homeowners during one of our focus groups reminded me that despite this year’s challenges, our work of providing homeownership opportunities has remained powerful.

When we asked Habitat homeowners what they would want future homeowners to know, one man shared, “You won’t believe the joy you have in your life [being a homeowner].” His statement embodies the definition of joy Oprah talks about – the joy of well-being and sustained peace. Consistently homeowners share with me the sense of peace that comes with owning a home.

While our holiday festivities may look a little different this year, I hope you will find joy in knowing the joy you have given to so many families through the time you have volunteered, the monetary gifts you have made, and the good thoughts and prayers you have lifted up.

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Feliz Navidad! Wishing you all the joy this season still has to offer.

Yours in partnership,

Dr. Cathy Collins
"My dream for my children is for them to have a good education, a great career, and a beautiful life. Life isn’t always easy, but if you want something you have to work hard for it. They see that Mommy worked hard to get this house.

But I also want them to have a deeper purpose – to give back and to help others. I want them to remember everyone who helped us build our dream."
 Amarilys, Habitat Homeowner

Because of donors like you, Amarilys and her children have a home that has been their safe haven during a turbulent year. But there are still 18 families working towards their dream who need the investment of donors to help build their home. Your donation helps families build a stable foundation for their children's futures.
Need some joy this holiday season?
Join a Virtual Home Dedication!
Join in the joy! Attend a virtual home dedication and see what Habitat is all about-- helping families achieve their dreams. Take a virtual house tour, listen to speakers who helped make it happen, offer your congratulations, and hear from the future homeowners in their own words!

Wednesday, December 16, 12 PM
Virtual Dedication of 171 Wessels
Home of Lisbeth & Family

To get the zoom link, please contact Suzanne Francis, Events Coordinator, at or 203-520-7690.
Giving Tuesday Raised Funds to Sponsor Child's Bedroom
We asked, and you delivered! Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we hit and exceeded our Giving Tuesday goal of raising $3,000 to sponsor a child's bedroom. Your generosity will change a child's life - THANK YOU!

If you haven't had a chance to make your gift, it's not too late. For every $3,000 raised, we can sponsor a bedroom for another child.
Congratulations to the families whose homes were dedicated this month!
Gustavo, Martha, & Family
Missed the virtual dedication? You can catch the recording anytime!
David, Migdalia, & Family
Missed the virtual dedication? You can catch the recording anytime!
Volunteer Spotlight: Dennis Corso
Meet, Dennis Corso, one of our Habitat CFC Core Volunteers. Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Dennis moved to Connecticut over 17 years ago and has made it his home.

Throughout his career working as a manager at an investment banking firm, Dennis always tried his best to treat his employees well and help those he could when they were in need. Volunteering was something common in his family with his wife continually giving to their church and his nephew traveling around the country volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. The inspiration Dennis got from his nephew's work had him Google local Habitat affiliates and discover Habitat CFC.

Volunteering with Habitat CFC allowed Dennis to do something completely different than he had done in his career. The drastic difference and the ability to work in the elements was a draw to him. After his first day of volunteering, Dennis knew he would be back. “The staff is fantastic, they are always welcoming and they made me feel like I had been volunteering for years.” He knew by volunteering with us he would be able to gain more skills and grow personally as well.

One moment stands out at our Granfield Avenue build site when Dennis was up on the highest scaffold he had ever been on. “I am typically afraid of heights but when I got to the top of the scaffold I felt like I had overcome my fear and I was no longer afraid.”

This year has been particularly tough for our volunteer program, as the numbers of volunteers allowed on site has been limited. Although there are these challenges, we have tremendous volunteers like Dennis who were able to make a commitment of working with us at least once a week since the early summer. “When I first came back it was just me and the project managers, which was difficult because there was less help and less interaction with people. As the months went on and a few more of the Cores came back, it began to feel like normal again.” When asked what motivated him to help during this tough time even with the risks Dennis said, “Now with COVID, home is more important than ever - so it keeps us going.”

When asked what he would say to someone thinking about volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, Dennis said, “Give it a shot, even without a lot of the needed skills, the willingness of the staff and other volunteers to show you what to do will help. Volunteering is very gratifying and a chance for you to achieve some personal growth. You see the fruits of your labor as the house moves along and you know you are helping these families change their lives for good.”

Thank you for all that you do Dennis!
Donate a Car, Build a Home!
Did you know car donations are just one more way you can support Habitat CFC's work? The proceeds from your car donation come directly back to build homes for local families in Fairfield County. Donating your car may also be tax deductible!

The Cars for Homes program is a great fundraiser that sustains our work. To date, Habitat CFC has received over $290,000 from Cars for Homes donations, and the program has raised over $1.1 million for Connecticut Habitat affiliates. Thank you to everyone who has donated a car, truck, boat, or RV to keep us building!
Learn About Advocacy! Join Our Webinars
Miss volunteering? Looking for a new way to get involved?

Learn about how you can use your voice to create change with our advocacy webinars. Join us live TONIGHT on Thursday, December 3 at 7 PM and Thursday, December 10th at 7 PM, or catch up and watch recorded sessions. Thank you to State Farm for the grant that made this series possible.

Learn about the history of housing policy, how we can shape it to build better communities and open opportunities for families, then create an action plan!

Email Anthony Orfino at for more information or to join in.
Let's Be Friends!
Follow the ReStore on social media and see all the latest finds!
If you love the Stratford ReStore, make sure you are following us on social media. Be the first to know when something special hits the floor, keep up with the latest sales, and stay in the loop on Habitat happenings!

Habitat CFC Stratford ReStore
1785 Stratford Ave, Stratford, CT | (203) 383-4358 |
Open for Shopping: Wednesday through Saturday 10 AM - 4 PM
Donation Drop-off Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 10 AM - 4 PM
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County | 203-333-2642