A message from Clark County Public Health concerning recreational water facilities
Recreational water partners in Washington:
Greetings. This message is being provided to keep you up to date on how recreational water facilities are being impacted by the novel coronavirus disease, or COVID-19.
While at this time, recreational water has not been identified as a likely source of COVID-19, the potential for close contact and other behavior of the bathers who use your facility may be a source of transmission. The following includes the state requirements and guidelines developed to outline steps you can take to reduce the potential of your facility being a source of transmission. Please keep in mind this information changes frequently. We will do our best to keep you updated with significant changes. You may also visit the
WA DOH Novel Coronavirus Outbreak website
for the most current recommendations from the state.
Under this proclamation, all water recreation facilities regulated under Chapters 246-260 and 246-262 WAC must close
This includes:
- Municipal pools and spas
- Waterparks
- Private club and athletic club pools and spas
- Apartment/boarding home/condominium pools and spas
- Hotel/motel pools and spas
- Home owners association pools and spas
- Camp/RV/mobile home park pools and spas
- Sorority/fraternity pools and spas
- Splash pads
- Float tank pods/cabins
This does not apply to therapeutic water facilities that are exempt from the aforementioned law and rules, according to RCW 70.90.250. This requirement may change as the situation with COVID-19 outbreaks develops.
To prevent COVID-19 from being transmitted at your facility, all water recreation facilities must close and prevent access to the pool area. The following guidelines will help reduce the risk of transmission:
- Close access to all recreational water areas by locking all access points such as gates and doors and;
- Post signs inconspicuously located (for example on gates, doors and/or handrails) indicating the recreational water facility is closed until further notice in response to the COVID-19 closure requirements and;
- Make sure all handwashing stations and shower rooms are fully stocked with soap, hot and cold water and single-use towels and;
- Encourage all individuals to use precautions recommended by the Washington State Department of Health and the CDC to minimize spread of COVID-19 including:
- Wash hands often with soap and water.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when sick and avoid close contact with others.
- Cover your mouth/nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing and sneezing with your elbow or a tissue.
- If social distancing cannot be followed, wear a face covering such as a mask, scarf or bandana over your mouth. Please note that masks do not replace the need to follow the above guidelines.
- Individuals who currently have or recently had symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should be asked to not enter the facility. Employees who are sick with those symptoms should stay home.
The viability of COVID-19 in water is low when maintained with proper residual disinfectant (chlorine or bromine). COVID-19 is thought to be as vulnerable to chlorine and bromine as other similar viruses known to us. Make sure to maintain water quality as required below to effectively inactivate viruses that enter the water.