What's Up Wednesday?

Waiver Days and Teacher Planning Time...

Last night at the School Board meeting, Dr. Watts announced that OSPI had waived three of the student snow days accrued in February.    The adjusted calendar now has the last day of school scheduled for June 25th.    
The adjusted calendar also created a situation where teacher planning time was greatly reduced during the month of March due to the added week of elementary conferences.  The loss of planning time was not lost on KEA leadership.
As a result, KEA and KSD agreed that the three waived student days will be considered "deemed done."  You will not need to document your time, nor fill out time sheets.  KEA members last day of school will also be June 25th.  Thank you for your patience and trust as we worked through this process.  You are truly appreciated. 
KEA Officer Elections are Happening Now...

KEA officer elections are now going on in your building. Please take the time to vote. Your building representatives have the ballots. Make sure that you sign for your ballot before returning it to your representative. Ballots are due on Wednesday, April 3rd. The candidates are:
KEA President:
  • Michael Lewis (Sawyer Woods/Covington)
  • Christie Padilla (Northwood Middle School)
KEA Vice President:
  • Tim Martin (Emerald Park)
KEA Secretary/Treasurer:
  • Becca Ritchie (Mill Creek Middle School)
  • Zack Stockdale (Kent Meridian High School)
Early Release Wednesdays 2019-2020...

Next year, the Learning First calendar will continue.  The one difference will be that elementary planning time will now consist of 50-minute blocks.  As a result, principal directed Wednesdays at elementary schools will now be the same as our secondary schools (not split).  For clarification, principal-directed Wednesdays will be entirely principal-directed and teacher-directed Wednesdays will be entirely teacher-directed. 
Upcoming Events
March 27
Exec Board Meeting
March 28
Student Loan Forgiveness
Workshop - Class FULL 
April 1
Sock & Underwear Donations Due
April 2
Culturally Responsive Classroom Behavior Interventions   
April 2
Social Justice Meeting 
April 3
Rep Council Meeting
Ballots DUE!  
April 8-12
Spring Break! 
April 17
Exec Board Meeting 
Be sure to check the KEA calendar for upcoming events
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