This Week at BayMarin, June 17, 2018
Original Blessing

Over the next several weeks we will be exploring Genesis 1-2 during our Sunday morning service. These first chapters of Genesis have often been used to prove a point of view about creation or as history. Our hope is to open up a conversation around exploring more of who God is, who God created us to be and the wonder of all creation. Join us in asking God to give us all a more expansive vision of God and all creation.

House Concert

Our partner, Creative Interfaces will be hosting a house concert featuring our very own Tom Holmes and Kat Hamilton the evening of Friday, June 15. Drinks will be for sale to support both the band and Creative Interfaces. Concert starts at 7:30pm at the Cedar House - 1637 5th Ave., San Rafael, CA.
Visiting Worship Leaders

During the months of June and July the following people will be leading worship with us:

6/17 Holmes Family Band
6/24 John Jobs
7/1 - John Jobs
7/15 - Justin McRoberts
7/29 - John Jobs

Proyecto Equipando al Niño: Equipping Children for School

Proyecto Equipando al Niño
Equipping children for school

BayMarin is partnering with Iglesia Cristiana on their Backpack Event happening on July 28th where they will supply kids in need with a backpack full of school supplies so they are ready for the next school year. Many of the kids have been affected by the fires so the need is even greater this year. They are expecting 600 kids! 

Please bring a backpack (or two!) to church on Sunday and any school supplies listed below. You can also donate money toward the drive and we can purchase the supplies that way. Simply write a check and put "backpack" in the memo line. Or follow the link for the Amazon Wish List: 

If you want to  volunteer for the actual event, please contact Ashley Hurd. Volunteers are needed from 10am to 4pm and kids are welcome to volunteer as well! 

School Supplies
#2 pencils
Crayons(crayola brand)
Spiral College & Wide rule notebooks
Composition books
Pencil sharpeners
Glue sticks
3 ring binders
Pocket folders
Filler Paper(College and wider rule) 

Youth Rafting Trip

If you're a student in 6th-12th grade (or a family member of said student), and you like camping, being on/in the water, and eating then you should sign up for our annual Youth Rafting Trip August 17-19.
Cost is $40 per family to camp, and $90 per person rafting. Contact Bryan for more info.

Chamberlain Family

Many of you know and love the Chamberlain family and we wanted to let you know that they will be flying from Mongolia to be in the Bay Area for several weeks this summer. They will be at BayMarin sharing on update on June 24

Contemplative Practices

Check out our new Contemplative Practices page where you will find guides to different spiritual practices as well as really helpful websites and apps that offer great resources for contemplative practices.

Hospitality Volunteers Needed

Do you like to serve? Are you in need of a place to serve? Do you have a few minutes of time on Sunday morning? We could use your help setting up and tearing down various items on Sunday morning. If you'd like to help or would like more info, contact Bryan.

Prayer Requests

At BayMarin, prayer is a vital part of community life. We have three different teams of people who pray for the prayer requests that are submitted. Please share your prayer request with us  here.
Faith Community Opportunities

Our Faith Communities are our small groups - where church really happens as people live life together on a regular basis. We are looking for folks who would be willing to help lead and or host a Faith Community. If you are interested in learning more or joining a Faith Community, please contact Bryan.
Sunday Morning Prayer

We hope you will join us for Sunday morning prayer at 9:30am in the balcony of the auditorium.

Amazon Smile now supports  BayMarin Community  Church . When shopping with Amazon or Amazon Prime, Amazon will now donate a percentage of the purchase price of eligible items to BayMarin when you use Amazon Smile with BayMarin as your designated charity.

To get started, go to and select 
BayMarin  Community  Church  as your charity. From then on, Smile looks just like the Amazon you know and love, with the addition of "BayMarin" in the upper left hand corner of your shopping window. You can install a browser button that takes you to Amazon Smile directly. BayMarin will receive a donation each time you shop with Amazon using Amazon Smile.

Click here for more information on Amazon Smile.

Thank you for considering giving to BayMarin by shopping with Amazon Smile.

BayMarin Community Church | 415.507.0900 | [email protected] |
150 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael, CA 94903
Mailing Address: PO Box K, San Rafael, CA 94913