Mazel tov to our spring b'nai mitzvahs and get the 4 most common mitzvah party mistakes
 How to Avoid the 4 Most Common Mitzvah Party Mistakes 

You've spent months (if not years) planning the perfect mitzvah celebration for your son or daughter - you have the perfect venue, the best DJ (of course!), an awesome theme, and great decorations. What can possibly go wrong??! 

As they say, the devil is in the details. Over the years, I've seen a few common mistakes, that won't always break your party, but can be the difference between a good party and a great one. On the surface, these missteps may not seem like a big deal, but when you see them in action, you'll certainly wish you did things differently:

1. Not Placing All the "Action" in One Space - It may seem like a good idea to have the photobooth in the lobby, the buffet in a side room, and dancing in the ballroom to give your guests lots of space. In the world of a 13-year-old, this turns into "packs" of kids moving from one space to the next and their attention being very divided. Put all the action in one space so no one misses out on anything!

2. Video Montage That's More Than 8 Minutes - It's so hard to narrow down all the great photos of your child growing up (and of course you need a picture of all the guests in the slideshow at least once), but don't allow your slideshow to get longer than 6-8 minutes. Your guests will all thank you!

3. A Party That's Too Long - Like the old saying goes, "you've got to know when to leave the party"! It's better to leave your guests wishing for more than wondering when the party will be over. I recommend a 3 hour party for afternoon celebrations and a 3 or 3 1/2 hour party for evening celebrations. 

4. Putting Dessert out Before the Hora - Dessert is the best way to sidetrack your guests away from the dance floor. If you'd like to see a big hora, keep your guests waiting for dessert until after it's over!

Mazel Tov! See you Soon!

Mazel Tov to our Recent B'Nai Mitzvahs!
Thanks for having us be a part of your celebration!

Jack Ringel
Nina Paine
Michael Robinson
Mayerson JCC - Cincinnati Athenaeum Congregation Beth Tikvah

Josh Goldman
Tori Raiken
Gabby Russell
Boathouse Restaurant Joseph Hotel Westerville Community Center

Jonah Hara
Julia Sitter Ethan Winer
Camp Mary Orton Congregation Beth Tikvah Vertical Adventures

Madison Tibbals Lindsey Cram
Sydney Lesko
Congregation Beth Tikvah New Albany Country Club Grand Event Center
Ultimate List of Food & Drink Ideas for a Sensational Mitzvah Celebration 

Get inspired to make your celebration sensational!  We found THE ULTIMATE list of the most popular trends for all of your food and drinks. Make your celebration amazing!  You'll find tons of ideas which include: 
  • Event Catering Trends
  • Interactive Food and Drink Buffet Station Ideas
  • Sweet Exit Takeaways
  • Drink Bars

 Unique Bar/Bat Mitzvah Themes 

Whatever theme your heart desires, you can create.  You'll be inspired to think outside the box with these uniquely special Mitzvah theme ideas!

Template for a Polished Bar/Bat Mitzvah Speech

As a parent, one of the high moments of your celebration is the speech you lovingly deliver offering a blessing to your child. A mixture of sentiment and humor, with perhaps a touching story all wrapped up in a two-minute memorable moment; you want to deliver it well.  If you're looking for a few tips to help make your speech perfect, check out this template that serves as an exemplar for a beautiful blessing.

Memorable Ways to "Sign-In" Guests

Patten Creations Guestbook Signature Quilt
Patten Creations Guestbook 
Signature Quilt

Looking for more creative ways to personalize your child's celebration to represent their unique personality?  Do you want to create long lasting memories?  Check out these inspiring sign-in options! 

12 Bat Mitzvah Planning Lessons I Learned From My Daughter

One mom opens up and shares the insightful lessons she learned from planning her  daughter's Bat Mitzvah. You'll find these heartwarming moments endearing and thought provoking as you plan your daughter's celebration! 

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