June 2018

Suicide: Being Part of the Solution             
The week of June 4th was a difficult week. Like many of you, I was shocked when I learned Kate Spade had taken her own life.  I was traveling on June 5th and learned the news when I received a text message from a Crisis Center of Tampa Bay staff member.  It just so happened my phone was in one of my favorite hand-bags, an all-black Kate Spade that my husband, Steve, gave to me as a gift on our 1st wedding anniversary.

I had followed Kate Spade's career since 2000 and was a great admirer of her as a fashion designer and business women.  I suppose I felt a sort of kinship with her since she was just a few years older than me. I had watched interviews with her over the years.  She seemed smart, charming, and surprisingly down-to-earth. 
That Friday morning, I received another text.  Renown chef, author, and TV personality Anthony Bourdain had taken his life in France.  I'm not as familiar with Anthony's career, but friends and colleagues have let me know he inspired them to cook, travel, and enjoy the good things in life. 
Kate and Anthony both seemed to have it all.  They had thousands of fans, made millions of dollars, and were both raising young daughters who they loved.  
I don't know the specific struggles they faced.  At this point, there are rumors and speculation.  What I do know is they were hurting, they needed help, and they falsely convinced themselves that suicide was the only option. 
Depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts are no respecter of age, income, gender, education, or celebrity.  These conditions do not discriminate.  Young and old, rich and poor, black and white, gay or straight all silently struggle while wearing a mask to hide the agony they experience on a daily basis. 
There is no single solution to these problems.  Each person's pain is unique, therefore each person's solution is unique.  However, we can all be part of the solution.  We can do our part to fight stigmas associated with mental health and in seeking support.  We can be committed to developing authentic relationships and having candid conversations with our loved ones about their feelings, and we can do our part to help connect people to community resources. 
The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay is here as the community's gateway to help, hope, and healing.  Anyone who is struggling, and anyone who is looking for advice on how to help a loved one can call 2-1-1 or 1-800-273-TALK.  We stand ready 24 hours a day to provide emotional support and connections to resources. 