Once again, Pacific Landscape Management has been named one of the 
100 Best Green Workplaces  in Oregon by Oregon Business. This is the 8th time we have received this honor and we are very proud to lead the local landscape industry in developing and improving sustainable service offerings and business practices. 

For nearly a decade we at Pacific Landscape Management have worked to improve our service offering, business practices, equipment fleet, and facility to be less impactful on the environment. Through this we have significantly reduced the use of pesticides through IPM and converted to the lowest toxic pesticides, converted to organic blend fertilizers, converted to low emission equipment including converting many to propane, are converting our fleet to clean diesel and hybrid, promoted the use of new water conservation irrigation technology, installed solar panels at two of our facilities, installed rain gardens and bio-swales at all of our facilities, and completed many other projects to reduce our environmental impact.  

We are also proud to be certified and trained in many sustainable practices including:  LEED GA EPA WaterSense Partners Portland EcoBiz Organic Land Care Practitioner Salmon Safe , and  Recycle at Work.
We are proud to have done this without impacting the cost of our services to our customers. We are proud of this honor and it only motivates us to continue our quest to serve you in the most sustainable way possible.  
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