November 2016 Newsletter

SunHarvest Solar News

Vote for solar! 

Election day is right around the corner! Those elected to the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) will determine the long-term policies surrounding solar in our state, including an important APS rate case in March 2017. The future of solar in Arizona depends on us! 

When you cast your ballot, be sure to vote for pro-solar candidates Bill Mundell, Tom Chabin and Bob Burns. Click here to learn more about what you need on election day and to locate your polling place. 
Check out our battery backup installation!

Our SunHarvest team installed this 10kW rooftop solar system with battery backup last month! 

A Prescott Valley customer contacted us about installing a battery back-up solar system on his home. He had purchased the equipment at a wholesal e distributor many months 
ago, but had a very difficult time getting 
anyone to come out to provide a proposal to 
install the  system.  We  happily accepted 
the invitation! 

The system includes a complete rooftop solar array, and a battery bank that will store the additional power not consumed for consumption at night. We also installed a dedicated load center that will be solely powered by solar and batteries.

Whether you want to purchase your own system or go through us, we're here to assist with all of your solar energy system needs. Contact us today to get started! 

Arizona News

Start your solar installation today to avoid rate increases

In March, the Arizona Corporation Commission will cast a critical vote on the pending APS rate request case. This case is a huge deal for solar customers in our state, and will decide how we value solar in Arizona. The proposed rate plan would reduce the amount of compensation rooftop solar customers receive for energy they send back to the grid, and the net metering credit could drop. If approved, these new rate charges would only apply to new rooftop solar customers after next summer's effective rate date (July 1, 2017).

APS is offering a 20-year grandfathering clause to existing solar customers and customers who begin their solar installation before July 1, 2017. This clause will ensure that the existing net metering rules will apply to any systems installed before this date. 

If you are considering solar for your home or business, start your installation as soon as possible to ensure your solar energy system rates are not affected by this potential hike. Contact us today to learn more about which solar options are best for your home.

Questions remain in Arizona's value of solar proceedings

In October of last year, the Arizona Corporation Commission opened a new proceeding to investigate the cost of service and value of solar in Arizona. That investigation was expected to conclude by October of this year, but now the commission's ruling on solar valuation has been postponed until the end of November. The good news is that there is a recommendation for grandfathering in existing solar customers at current rates.

World News

New Source solar panels pull clean drinking water from the air

A new kind of solar panel is being tested in water scarce regions of Ecuador, Jordan, and Mexico where the device, called Source, pulls moisture from the atmosphere to provide clean drinking water. 

Developed by the Arizona-based startup Zero Mass Water, the setup uses solar energy to produce potable water for a family of four or an entire hospital, depending on how many panels are in use.

Last year, the company raised $7 million to back a series of pilot programs to prove how simple and cost-effective access to clean water can be.

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Solar power capacity tops coal for the first time ever

Solar power now accounts for more installed capacity than any other form of electricity generation, according to new data out Tuesday.

"About half a million solar panels were installed every day around the world last year," the Paris-based International Energy Agency said in a new report on the renewables sector, as emerging markets in particular bet heavily on green power. China also installed the equivalent of two wind turbines every hour last year.

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Energy Tips for November

Save some dough with these tips!

  • Save energy with every load of laundry
You can cut your electricity use back with just a few laundry routines. Wash your clothes in cold water whenever possible, always make sure your lint screen is clean, and try to only wash full loads. If you have to wash a smaller load, use lower water-level settings when available. 
  • Beware of vampires!
Halloween is over, but vampires might still be creeping around your home. Did you know electronics like TV's and stereos use energy even when you aren't using them? It's called "vampire" energy," and it adds up on your monthly bills. Get an advanced power strip to reduce the amount of energy wasted by electronics when they aren't in use!
"Pay it Forward"
Earn $500 for Every Customer Referred

Share the benefits of clean solar energy to help protect the environment, build a more sustainable future, and save homeowners money by our initiative to "Pay it Forward". When you refer SunHarvest Solar to another customer, whether it be friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers, you can earn $500 per referral.  Learn how to pay it forward!

Power the Positive
Our Charity Initiative

A $250 charitable donation will now be made for every solar system sold by SunHarvest Solar! By going solar with SunHarvest, you can score a triple-win for yourself. One for you,  one for the planet, and one for a non-profit organization that you choose from our list of selected charities.

If you are part of a nonprofit organization, or know of one that may be a good fit, please contact Gary Held to find out how to participate in our program and truly 
power the positive !
As one of the top solar energy companies in Arizona, SunHarvest Solar takes pride in helping residents convert to a greener and cheaper source of energy - the sun! 

Did you know that we are a l ocal , independent, sustainable  solar  contractor? When you support us, you help support your local economy. We are proud members of Local First Arizona.

Have we provided you with service? 
Review us and let us know how we're doing.