Middlebury Institute of International Studies
Trump and Kim
Beyond Hanoi
In the wake of the failed summit between the leaders of the United States and North Korea, several CNS experts offered their views in multiple media outlets on what went wrong and what comes next.

East Asia Program Director Jeffrey Lewis published opinion pieces in the Washington Post and NPR . VCDNP Executive Director Laura Rockwood featured on Deutsche Welle television . Senior Research Associate and Nonproliferation Review Editor Joshua Pollack spoke to Reuters , Newsweek , and Vox . The National Interest asked Research Associate Grace Liu what she thinks happens next in US-DPRK relations , and Research Associate Dave Schmerler spoke to CNN about post-Hanoi activity at the Sohae missile launch site.
Raising the Red Flag on the
Saudi Nuclear Deal
Writing for The Conversation , Middle East Nonproliferation Program Director Chen Kane discusses the important legal, economic, and strategic concerns raised by the lobbying efforts within the United States to sell nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia.

Citing a recent congressional report on the subject, Dr. Kane writes that it is "alarming" that "White House officials may have attempted to bypass or sidestep important conditions and time-consuming legal requirements" of such a sale, "potentially enriching themselves in the process."
Getting Real with Jack Ryan 's
"Dirty Bomb"
Sometimes a scientist just can't let technical inaccuracies on television pass. Rather than continue to yell at his TV, Scientist-in-Residence George Moore took to writing in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on what Amazon Prime's "Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan" got wrong about its portrayal of "a so-called radioactive 'dirty bomb' in a Washington, DC, hospital."

"While interesting and enjoyable," writes Dr. Moore, the show "contains some serious technical errors... (that) risk sufficiently serious consequences that they need to be addressed."
Judge Juche
In the first of a series of articles on the legal (mis)adventures of North Korean entities and individuals overseas, Research Associates Cameron Trainer and Shea Cotton discuss one of the strategies North Korea employs to circumvent sanctions: the use of bulk cash transfers.

"Russian authorities have caught several (North Korean smugglers)," they write for NK News , "and the way Russia has handled their prosecutions sheds light on the country's implementation of the UN sanctions regime."

The article discusses the cases of three DPRK nationals, as told through successive Russian court filings. These are their stories. < Chung-chung! >
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Russian MFA
The INF Treaty Crisis: Filling the Void with European Leadership
"All signs suggest Washington and Moscow will not be able to engage in constructive dialogue on arms control for a long time, perhaps years," writes Senior Fellow Nikolai Sokov. "Others must fill that void to prevent an unregulated arms race, and key European nations are best positioned for that role."

Writing for Arms Control Today, Sokov—a former Soviet/Russian arms control negotiator—opines that "broader foreign policy and domestic political impulses are prevailing over substantive arms control or security considerations," and that "prospects for a renewed arms control effort will be defined by answers to two related questions: Who will agree to talk to Russia, and with whom will Russia agree to talk?"
Safe and Secure
Nuclear Power Programs
Last month, the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-proliferation organized a panel discussion on the "Safe and Secure Use of Nuclear Power to Provide Reliable, Affordable, and Sustainable Energy for All."

The panel comprised experts from the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Nigeria, and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Speakers discussed various aspects of planning for a nuclear power program and producing nuclear power, emphasizing the importance of creating an "enabling environment" domestically, the role of safety and security, as well as the challenges they faced and how they addressed them."

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