Issues relating to  BWC  Third-Party
  Administrator transition - Daily Update

May 1, 2018
In an effort to provide greater clarity to issues relating to the transition of the OML group sponsored BWC Third-party administrator responsibilities from CompManagement to CareWorksComp, we will be sharing updates and important messages with our members. We believe this will be beneficial as the transition proceeds. These messages will include information that we hope will add clarity to information our members may be receiving from other sources.

To that point, we want to caution our members of CompManagement's recent offering to OML members to participate in a group rating program NOT sponsored by OML. It is important for our members to know that this non-OML sponsored group has a past history of limited group rating options and nominal group rating performance.

The Ohio Municipal League's 2019 group rating program is offering multiple discount tiers ranging from an 11% discount to a 57% discount - the highest discount available.

OML's program is more comprehensive and accommodating to cities and villages of all sizes and with varying loss histories. Current 2018 OML group rating participants will be automatically re-enrolled into OML's 2019 group rating program.

We advise our members to please be cautious when considering CompManagement's communications.

If you have questions, please contact our new plan administrator, CareWorksComp, toll-free, at 1-800-837-3200.