The Lord is doing so many great things among us, and we want to share it with you!
CORRECTED: March 2019 Ministry Update
Let's Celebrate! 

2019 marks the 65th year since the founding of New Life Advance International. 

We invite you to join us in Waco, Texas on July 19 (not July 18) for an evening of celebrating all that God has done through NLAI, what he is doing now and looking to the future. 

Stay tuned for more details, but please mark your calendar so you won't miss this special evening together! Contact Maggie Aldana for more information.
Has your contact information changed? Please let us know via the button above (with working link)! Also, some of our supporters have reported that our emails have gone to their spam folder. Please add the email addresses "[email protected]" and "[email protected]" to your approved list! 
Phase II of School Expansion is Complete! 

Phase 2 was completed just in time for the beginning of classes in January. It was exciting to start the 2019 school year with additional new classrooms for our special education program. 

 New Life Christian School is one of the important outreach ministries of New Life Children's Home. With Phases 1 and 2 of construction  now complete, our dreams of improved safety and security, the addition of high school classes, and an expanded special needs program seem more and more attainable. 

If you've experienced God laying a vision on your heart that seems to be too big for you, and then watch Him do it right before your eyes, you know how excited we are!

For more information, to see a slideshow of progress or to donate, please click the button below!