June 14, 2018

To HRP, its Minister Members and Congregational Leaders:
Yesterday, with a mixture of joy and sadness, I shared with the Council of HRP that I have accepted the invitation of the Guiding Council of the Presbytery of New Harmony, upon the recommendation of their search committee, to be their Transitional Executive Presbyter/Stated Clerk beginning August 1. This presbytery includes the 11 counties in the northeast corner of South Carolina, consisting of 65 congregations; 19 African-American, 1 Korean and 45 majority white worshiping communities.
There is joy in that I am grateful to be called again into transitional ministry with another presbytery which seeks to better fulfill its Constitutional responsibility for “assisting and supporting the witness of congregations to the sovereign activity of God in the world, so that all congregations become communities of faith, hope, love, and witness.” (G-3.0301)
There is sadness in that what we knew would happen is indeed happening; that our time and relationship is coming to an end. There is so much for which I am grateful and which I want to say with appreciation and thanksgiving. I have come to love all of you – the people and congregations that make up Hudson River Presbytery. I know that I will not have the opportunity, with the time I have left, to visit each of you with whom I have built a relationship – as I have had the privilege to work with, get to know and support the vast majority of our 79 congregations.
Your Council will be meeting next week to provide guidance and make decisions about the time between my leaving and the arrival of a newly called and installed General Presbyter; thus, more information will be forthcoming. In the meantime, I know you will continue to serve the Lord, your presbytery and your congregation well.
If you have any questions, please email or call me, 646.546.0522 .
As always, I thank you for your service with me, and for the realm of God!
God bless.
Hudson River Presbytery