March HMIS Update
March 25, 2019
We're currently feeling a different kind of March Madness, , it's the playoffs of HUD reports!

While we're wrapping up the Point in Time and Housing Inventory Count, the Longitudinal System Analysis corrections have been delivered to our CoC and System Performance Measures are on the docket.

All of the clean-up and corrections you've done these past three years are now making a huge impact. This is when confidence in the data makes a difference!

Let's finish strong by relying on our fundamentals and following a winning formula - the right HMIS workflow for your project type!

Check our new guide Data Collection Stages Explained to confirm your team's playbook.
March's HMIS Users Meeting Marterials
Have you finished correcting data for January 23rd yet? We need your help to finish PIT/HIC Reporting for HUD!

At last week's HMIS Users Meeting we discussed how Point in Time and Housing Inventory Count is progressing (we still need your help to finalize reports!) and we walked through the first System Performance Measure, the Length of Time Homeless.

Check out previous HMIS User Meeting presentations on our Data Center News Archive.
HMIS User Meeting
April's HMIS Users Meeting
Our next HUD reporting season System Performance Measures (SPM). Data from 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2018 will be included in six different outcome reports and one data quality framework report. Keep an eye out for how your program contributes to our Community's success.

Make sure you have April's HMIS Users Meeting on your calendar.
Tricks, Tips, and Troubleshooting
Can't find clients in a report? Check the ROIs!
Electronic Releases of Information need to cover all data entered for clients, entries, annuals, and exits. We've got you covered with the HMIS ROI Guide with Audit Report. Find out what the eROI should look like and where to find reports in ART.

When eROIs are recorded correctly, your hard work shines!
What's Next
Make sure you have these events and deadlines on your calendar!
In person or virtual HMIS trainings are available depending on demand. Please submit requests here to help our team schedule more!
January 30 th  -- Orange Point in Time Count

March 22 nd  -- Agencies' PIT & HIC Submission Deadline -- PAST DUE

April 15 th  -- Orange HMIS Users Meeting - Details Here!

April 30 th  -- HUD's Point in Time and Housing Inventory Count Deadline

May 21 st  - May 22 nd -- Registration is open for NC's Bringing It Home Conference

May 31 st  -- HUD's System Performance Measure Deadline
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