Volume 10, Issue 105 | July 2018 View as Webpage
Happy Summer!

I hope this newsletter finds you in a good part of your day!

Our theme this month is about getting new hires to stay. As unemployment goes down and the cost of turnover goes up - it's time to revisit how you welcome in your new hires.

As they say, you never get a second chance to make a great first impression. And, as you'll see below, first impressions really matter with new hires. Today we share three things you have to do, two new podcasts on the topic and a 'just for fun' video on making work fun!
Getting Them To Stay...
Once I researched the Company, their leadership and reputation, I then reflected on the direction I wanted to go and their offer.

I decided to give them a try.

Shortly after I excitedly made the decision, I started to doubt it. "Did I make the right decision? Is this really a good fit? Will they be able to deliver on what they promised?"

As my doubt started to grow, one of my contacts from the Company reached out to ask if I had any questions. Then, a stream of emails came - detailing what to expect, resources, timelines and next steps.  One of the leaders sent a nice email note of welcome and congratulations.

With all of that 'welcoming' my doubts faded and I felt excited!. 

As I started to do the work - doubt and worry crept in, again. This product was something new. I didn't understand all of the terms they were using and the processes were different. My worry and doubt quickly moved to calm confidence because from Day One they outlined a training process for me. Plus, they provided an online community with a "help and be helped" vibe as a resource for questions. Mentors were readily available for live one-to-one support, as needed.

My start with that organization was in 2009, and nine years later I'm still a part of it. They continue to be a foundational resource for my business - supporting all of my online work with my website, books, podcast, social media and newsletter

They reduced my fear, helped me understand the culture and the product and made sure I was productive quickly. While they're a vendor, not a new employer, they model PERFECTLY what it takes to get someone to stay with you, especially your new hires.

With unemployment low, the cost of turnover high and almost a quarter of organizations with NO on boarding/new hire process to help newly hired employees acclimate,  there has never been a more important time then NOW to take the time to properly welcome them so that they stay with you.

Alarming facts on new hire turnover:
- 67% are thinking about leaving on their first day.
- 25% will leave in the first 45 Days.
- If they don’t leave in the first 45 days, they tend to leave before their first anniversary.
- 86% decide to stay or leave within their first 6 months.
- A solid on boarding experience is tied to 50% greater new hire retention.

THREE THINGS YOU HAVE TO DO: Your on boarding process does not have to be fancy, but it does have to do these three things, (It's exactly what my favorite Vendor did for me.) Think back to ANY new job or experience you've had and the places you left quickly did not do a good job in one or all of these focus areas.

You must:
  1. Reduce fear.
  2. Increase their understanding of the company and the job.
  3. Give them everything they need to be productive quickly.

Since, getting new hires to stay is as important as it has ever been, here are two new podcasts for tips and resources:
  • # 44 - Getting New Hires to Stay - Reduce Turnover & Increase Motivation in the Workplace - 32 Ideas, Tools and Tips
  • # 45 - MORE - Getting New Hires to Stay: An Interview with HR Executive Judy Simmons, PHR (with Architectural Firm Cooper Carry)

Contact me to learn more about and to try a complimentary New Hire Coaching Report. Managers and new employees can begin using this tool right away to learn how to work together effectively. It also provides immediate demonstration of your commitment to employee growth and development. This is an easy, cost effective way to keep new hires engaged.

I'll close with five key questions you must ask and answer, during the hiring process and as you bring on new hires:

“Are they going to be happy?
Are they going to be productive?
Will they want to stay?
Will they own their job?
Will they contribute their talent generously?”
Dr. Robert S. Hartman

If you hire for job fit and then, as they start - reduce their fear, increase their understanding and help them be productive quickly, they WILL want to stay!
What's New - Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast
We've been adding downloadable transcripts for each our detailed podcasts. Use them for training and development and to ingrain information that's important to you. Check them out on our Podcast Directory Page, here .

While you're there, download our complimentary iPhone or Android App. With the App you can easily listen to all episodes and you'll notified when a new episode goes live.

Coming Up: We're pulling together a Series around the Five Wake Up Eager Habits with interesting interviews and development tips. You'll learn more about these Wake Up Eager Habits:
  • Enter the ZoneActivate Greatness
  • Grow Trust
  • Evaluate Job Fit
  • Re-calibrate Daily
  • (Acronym: E.A.G.E.R.)

I Have a Favor to Ask: If you've listened to our podcasts and they've benefited you in some way, could you take a moment and leave a review for us on iTunes? It will help others find us. Thank you!
This Month - Another Just for Fun Video... Make Chores Fun!
Our Newsletter theme this month is about getting new hires to stay. (See 32 ideas and tips for Getting New Hires to Stay, here.)

If you like music with a beat and could use a moment to smile and tap your toes click here to watch this video.

In this video you'll see Trey Kennedy - a social media guy who that over 1 million fans - make chores fun! This video is silly. but a good reminder that having some fun at work - is not a bad idea. I'm not sure how clean he's getting every thing - but he is doing it with style and pizzazz!

Here's something to think about and remember - it's more than okay to make your on boarding process fun and interesting! Winston Churchill said, “Personally I’m always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught”.

Capture their attention, get them involved, make it interesting... add a little fun in there!

Helping Senior Leaders build an energetic,
committed and drama-free workforce.

Suzie Price | Priceless Professional Development | 770-578-6976|
Certifications: CPExI, CPF, CPBA. CPMA, CPTHDA