November 27, 2020
Pharmacy Update
UTSW Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Referral for COVID-19 Recovery
For patients who are having subacute or chronic symptoms after COVID-19 infection, UT Southwestern Medical Center is offering individualized outpatient rehabilitation programs for patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.
If you would like to refer patients to this program:
  1. Refer your patient for an in-person or virtual care consultation with “COVID RECOVER” in the comments, or call 214-645-2080 (Dallas) or 469-914-9187 (Frisco).
  2. Patients will receive a comprehensive PM&R and cognitive evaluation.
  3. Treatment may include referrals for reconditioning and strengthening, counseling, group psycho-education therapy, and cognitive therapy. 
Contact Us
If you have questions about items in the SWHR COVID-19 News or Southwestern Health Resources, send us an email: