TIP of N. Nevada's COVID19 Response
Like many of you, we at TIP are learning as we go when it comes to our new reality and life with COVID19. Here are some things we are doing to continue providing support while adhering to orders for isolation & social distancing.

  • Tele-TIP services: In an effort to ensure the safety & health of our volunteers and those we are called upon to serve, our volunteers are temporarily providing TIP services via telephone, text, and video chat.

  • TIP Volunteer Training Academy POSTPONED: Our 2020 Spring training academy was slated to begin April 23, 2020. We have postponed the training for the time being. New dates will be selected once the shelter in place order has been lifted and our community is once again able to move about the cabin.

  • Focus on emotional support via Tele-TIP services: No doubt by now you have felt the impact of social distancing, isolation, quarantining, and sheltering in place. It's emotionally difficult for just about everyone. Recognizing people need human connection, our volunteers have made themselves available to seniors in our community who are struggling emotionally right now. If you know a senior who might benefit from a conversation with someone who can simply listen and be there 'virtually', please feel free to call our dispatch and request services. All we need is the name of the person and a contact phone to reach them at. You can reach our dispatchers at (775) 745-5514.

Remember to connect with family & friends during this difficult time. While you may feel fine emotionally right now, others are not. Something as simple as a phone call to say hello and ask how someone is doing can make all the difference.

Video chats are a beautiful thing - don't be afraid to use them. Seeing someone's smile can brighten your heart in ways you didn't know possible before now. So hop on that Facetime or Zoom or whatever app you use to video conference, and connect with your people. They will appreciate it, as will you.

Just walk away...from the non-stop news and media barrage that can be so overwhelming. Make it a point to catch a morning news show and an evening news show, if you absolutely must. Then do your best to avoid news coverage between those two windows of time. Allow yourself those in between hours to think about something other than the doom and gloom that currently gets so much air time.

Offer to help those who can't help themselves. Reach out to neighbors, friends, family - anyone you feel may benefit from some additional support. If you're going to the grocery store, offer to pickup items for them while you're there. If, while you're out, you see something someone in your circle mentioned as a 'need', grab it & surprise them with it. Little acts of kindness are popping up everywhere and it's a beautiful thing. Why not join the fun?

Take care of YOU. Yes, you should absolutely be mindful of those around you, providing encouragement, love, & support where it fits. In order to do that, you must care for yourself. Give yourself grace during this crazy time. And maybe...just maybe...soak up some of the beauty that is having literally no obligations on your plate...maybe for the first time in your adult life. There's something to be said for knowing you have no need to pull out your calendar because there's literally nothing on it besides STAY HOME.
Sending health & love to each of you.

Gabrielle Totton
TIP of Northern Nevada, Inc.