March 2019
Community Advocates Connections
Hello --

Spring is finally here! With it comes a sense of renewal and commitment. This year, we're recommitting to providing top-notch, innovative services and programs that meet the needs of some of our most overlooked community members. But we can't do this without your support. Fortunately, our long-time ally Direct Supply and our generous Board of Directors have stepped up and will be matching donations during our 48 Hours of Giving campaign, from March 26 to March 28. If you were thinking of donating to Community Advocates, the Milwaukee Women's Center, or the Public Policy Institute, our 48 Hours of Giving is a great time to maximize your gift. Thank you!

In gratitude,
Andi Elliott
Chief Executive Officer
Community Advocates
Your Gift Can Change a Life
48 Hours of Giving, March 26-28
Every day, we provide services and support at no cost for our friends and neighbors who are living without a stable home, fleeing domestic violence, applying for Energy Assistance, and are recovering from substance use disorder.

We’re able to offer these services because of our incredible donors large and small—including you.

How can your gift best impact our community? 
Your support will be maximized during our 48 Hours of Giving , March 26-28, when our Match Sponsor, Direct Supply, and our generous Board of Directors will match the first $15,000 of donations we receive.

Our 48 Hours of Giving campaign is an excellent time to contribute because your gift will be matched dollar for dollar. Learn more about 48 Hours of Giving at this link . Thank you!
Celebrating Our Siemer Families
Earlier this month, our Housing Advocates brought together the families who have found success through our Siemer Family Homelessness Prevention and Case Management Program . The aim of this program is to aid families who are at risk of homelessness, or who have already lost their home, so the kids’ lives won’t be disrupted. This allows them to stay in school and achieve academic success while avoiding the trauma associated with homelessness.

We had a wonderful celebration! The parents and kids had a great time, we enjoyed a delicious dinner, got inspired by the Milwaukee Women’s Center’s Deavon Collins, and, best of all, we were able to express how proud we are of our Siemer families. 
MCSAP Youth Summit Asked:
What’s Your Natural High?
Too many young people think that smoking weed is the best way to have fun, cope with stress, and be cool. But, as they learned at the Milwaukee County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition’s Third Annual Youth Summit on March 15, there are plenty of ways to achieve a natural high.

Keynote speakers Kwabena Antoine Nixon and Khalil Coleman inspired the 100 participants to do great things instead of getting hooked on drugs. 

During the high-energy summit, the young people were able to explore new activities and get “real talk” about substance use. Presenter Joshua Jenkins of Safe and Sound taught them how to write a song; the Public Policy Institute’s John Eshun and Amanda Clark of the 53206 Drug-Free Communities Project provided natural health and wellness tips; FACT youth from Neu-Life Community Development blasted them with facts about the dangers of drug and alcohol use; Raymond Rivera of the United Community Center demonstrated the Israeli self-defense system Krav Maga; and Mrs. Moore showed how to make a healthy snack. 

MCSAP is a diverse coalition of Milwaukee County partners who prevent and reduce substance use and misuse. The coalition is coordinated by our Public Policy Institute .
We are so grateful for Neu-Life for hosting, allowing their Farmfork youth to cook a delicious taco bar for lunch, and helping to organize this event. What a day!
A Conversation with Scott Allard,
Author, Places in Need: The Changing Geography of Poverty
Did you know that more poor people live in American suburbs than in our cities?

Contrary to long-held stereotypes of suburbs as places of affluence far from the needs and stresses of urban life, Scott W. Allard reveals the truth about 21st century suburbs in  Places in Need: The Changing Geography of Poverty . Allard found that suburban poverty has more than doubled in the past 25 years and low-income households in the suburbs resemble their counterparts in the cities more than we ever imagined. That said, suburbs don’t have adequate safety net support to meet the needs of their struggling residents.

Community Advocates Public Policy Institute and the City of West Allis invite you to a lively conversation with Scott W. Allard, author of  Places in Need: The Changing Geography of Poverty , on Thursday, March 28, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at West Allis City Hall, 7525 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis.

This free event is open to the public, but registration is required to help us plan for our guests.

Bring a friend, bring resources! Participants are encouraged to share resources from their community.
Unique Fundraisers for the Milwaukee Women’s Center
We’ve had some incredible, innovative support for Milwaukee Women’s Center this year:
Eaton Corporation’s South Milwaukee location held a bake sale and donation drive that generated $800 and much-needed items for the adults and kids staying in our Emergency Shelter and Family Support Center.
Altar’d State at The Corners in Brookfield named our Milwaukee Women's Center Division as its Mission Mondays recipient during the month of January. Guest Engagement Specialist Karina Oliva gave a generous check to our Development Director, Kris Uhen, representing 10% of the store's Mission Mondays net sales. 
A portion of each clean by Molly Maid of East Metro Milwaukee and Racine goes to the Ms Molly Foundation in order to increase awareness and provide support for victims of domestic violence. In February, staff dropped off a giant check at our center!

A big thank you goes out to everyone who contributed and organized these incredible fundraisers!
Calling All Cooks
Do you love to cook? Want to make people smile? The Milwaukee Women’s Center is looking for groups, clubs, or individuals to purchase, prepare, and serve an Easter meal, ideally a brunch for the 20 adults and 30 kids staying in our Emergency Shelter. The Center has a commercial kitchen, so food can be brought in already cooked and ready to serve, or the meal can be cooked onsite.

If you can’t help us out on Easter, we always welcome volunteers to purchase, prepare, and serve meals at the shelter. Best days are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, when roughly 50 adults and children gather for meals. Bring in your ready-to-serve food or cook it onsite. Interested? Contact Jeri Kavanaugh at 414-270-2984 or . On behalf of the adults and families relying on the Milwaukee Women’s Center for shelter and safety, we thank you!
We’re Hiring!
We’re looking for a talented Case Manager for our Project Bridge supportive housing program. Get details and apply here.
Save the Date
WGIRLS Milwaukee: A Night Under the Big Top
Friday, May 17
Don’t miss this unique fundraiser for the Milwaukee Women’s Center’s Emergency Shelter. WGIRLS Milwaukee is creating a Big Top-themed evening that will include carnival games, a silent auction, a wine and beer pull, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dancing, and live entertainment. WGIRLS is a national philanthropic organization made up of young professional women dedicated to empowering women and children in underserved communities.

Interested in sponsoring? Email .

March 26-March 28: 48 Hours of Giving: Lend a helping hand to a community member who needs one on their journey to independence, health, and wholeness. Your contribution to Community Advocates’ programs and services during our 48 Hours of Giving campaign can change a life. 

March 28: Suburbs in Need: A Conversation with Scott Allard. The Public Policy Institute is partnering with the City of West Allis to offer this lively discussion about poverty in the suburbs and the city, and what we can do about it. Register for this free community event here .

April 19: Empowerment Coalition of Milwaukee Workshop: Legal services are the topic of April’s ECOM workshop. Sign up here

April 24: Denim Day: Show your support for survivors of sexual assault by wearing denim and getting involved in activities around town. Here’s the City of Milwaukee’s Denim Day details.

We're always adding events to our online calendar. Bookmark it here.
Community Advocates
2019 Board of Directors
President: Sheree Dallas Branch | Public Relations Consultant
Vice President: Jodi Wire | We Energies
Treasurer: Sandra Samse | Johnson Keland Management
Secretary: Bryan House | Foley & Lardner, LLP

Board Members
Marquette Baylor | Aurora Health Care
Anne DeLeo | Community Volunteer
Valerie Gabriel | Community Volunteer
Dr. Stephen Hargarten | Medical College of Wisconsin
Erin Henry | Northwestern Mutual
Betsy Hoylman | Northwestern Mutual
Gary Ingram | Igary Events
Moriah Iverson | Medical College of Wisconsin
Sharon Jordan | Direct Supply
Pamela Klein | Fresh Coast Partners, LLC
Jim Liedtke | Community Volunteer
Kate Venne | Brady Corporation
Lisa Kaiser | Community Advocates | 414-270-2999  | |