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Hello Everyone! I am just back from my once in a lifetime trip to New Zealand. It is April, and the cold is still with us. I can't wait for the sun and the warmer weather!
As I returned from my trip, I was lucky to be welcomed back from so many of our patients. As usual they were so warm and genuinely concerned about my trip. Many patients came up to me and let me know how much they appreciate our physical therapy culture. They describe our staff and their experience as hospitality at its best! I love that phrase and hear it often from our patients.
Another phrase or question I hear from our patients is, "Where do you find such caring and sensitive people?" My response is usually the same. We seek out people that genuinely love others. Other skills can be taught; examining, answering phones, performing tasks that are challenging, although our standards are higher than most. We cannot train someone to love others. It's either a natural strength or not. What I mean by that is that our people get energized by caring for others. Caring for others is not something that drains any one of us. It is our calling, and we truly thrive on the opportunity to care for another person as if they were our own family.
This brings me to an example of remarkable care that I noticed this weekend. Most people who come to our clinic know our hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:00 am - 8:00 pm. On Friday we are open 7:00 am - 5:00 pm. We are open those hours for 2 reasons. One, so we can see patients on all three shifts. The second reason is to cover enough hours during the week that our staff can be home with their families on weekends.
That said, if we think a patient is in dire need of being seen because of serious knife stabbing pain or we are trying to save them from surgery and believe they need to be seen daily, any one of us might decide to come in Saturday and Sunday. With this in mind, I am sharing the next story, which embodies the culture of McDonald Physical Therapy. Every Saturday, I work out from 7:00 am - 8:30 am. Last Saturday, I came in and as I was ready to leave. Mary, one of our physical therapists' who just returned from having her first baby, walked in, carrying her baby in his car seat with a patient! Unbelievable! In my wildest dreams, Mary who only returned 2 weeks ago from her 3 months of maternity leave, cared enough about her patient, that she was bringing her in to treat her on Saturday!
Do I need to say anything more about our staff and their commitment to our patients? I often hear that patients can't get into physical therapy at other clinics for weeks. I also hear stories, that they get in to see their physical therapist, who recommends they are seen 2x's a week. Then they walk to a scheduler who informs the patient they can't get in for another 2-3 weeks? That makes no sense. If a patient needs care for an injury or pain, they need to be seen. Waiting is not an option once they have been examined and a plan of care for them is made.
Enough of my ranting. All I know is that I am back doing what I love- treating patients! I am back working with one of only 2 privately owned physical therapy clinics in our area working to help others heal! The mere thought energizes me, and I hope, if you are having any physical challenges, whether you are 8- 100 years old, you will call us! We will answer our phones, see you and walk with you along your journey to better health and getting stronger every day.


Health Information

4 Tips to Stay Active and Independent As You Age

Aging can have a bad reputation; however, there is no reason that growing older can't be a journey full of adventure and opportunities to live life to the fullest. All you need is proper guidance, proactive steps, and a positive attitude.
With the guidance of a physical therapist, you can improve mobility, maintain your independence, and continue participating in your favorite daily activities. As a movement expert, a physical therapist can provide an evaluation and design a treatment program to address any of your ailments and deficiencies, make modifications based on other preexisting conditions, and help you achieve your goals.
The following tips can keep you active and independent as you age:
  1. Staying fit. Whether you are participate in regular exercise or just want to stay fit for daily activities, exercise is necessary. Exercise is proven to help improve balance, strengthen bones, and prevent heart and brain conditions. A prescribed strength training and aerobic exercise program will help you maintain and strengthen critical muscle groups needed for your life.
  2. Staying balanced. Maintaining balance and avoiding falls are imperative to maintaining a quality of life and living independently. A physical therapist can prescribe a customized program of static and dynamic balance activities and exercises to improve your balance and prevent dangerous falls.
  3. Assessing the terrain. A physical therapist can make recommendations that make your home and other environments safe by eliminating dangerous barriers. Typically this means removing throw rugs, loose carpets, clutter, and modifying entry thresholds with ramps.
  4. Staying engaged. Successful aging is not only impacted by one's environment, but also how one interacts with their environment. Fear and social isolation are substantial factors that increase fall risk and jeopardize independence. To ensure active and successful aging, continue to engage with friends, family, and the community. Social experiences with friends and family help diminish fear and improve physical and mental capabilities.

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Fran's Favorite Quotes
"When it's dark, look for stars"

"Best Physical Therapy"
9 years in a row!


McDonald Physical Therapy


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