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Preservation Action Alert
Two Historic Districts Being Appealed!

Next Tuesday afternoon, February 6, 2018, the San Diego City Council will hear appeal arguments for both the South Park (Golden Hill) and Valle Vista Terrace (in University Heights) historic districts. Save Our Heritage Organisation (SOHO) urgently needs your support to ensure that these two significant, not to mention charming, historic districts are not overturned!
SOHO urges you to tell the council to deny the appeals for both historic districts and not to remove any properties as contributors to the district. You can do this in person, via email using the SOHO link below, or both!
Please come testify on behalf of the districts before the council at City Hall, 202 C Street (12th floor). The meeting starts at 2pm. If you can't attend, please be sure to send an email to all the councilmembers so they understand how much San Diegans support these two districts in the heart of San Diego.
The two districts were unanimously approved at the October and November 2017 Historical Resources Board (HRB) meetings. The South Park and Valle Vista Terrace historic districts have each been appealed by three district residents.
Fortunately, the appeals do not present any legal grounds for the council to overturn HRB's rigorously evaluated designations. None of the appeal arguments meet the City's three requirements: factual errors in materials or information presented to the board, or new information.
SOHO asks that you include another important preservation element in your communications with the council. SOHO is asking the city to grant a waiver to property owners in these two historic districts. The waiver would entitle them to apply for the Mills Act in 2018, as opposed to waiting until 2019.
Please join SOHO in speaking at the City Council meeting on February 6 at 2pm to support the South Park and Valle Vista Terrace Historic Districts and the Mills Act application waiver.