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We have had a few threads come up called " Thoughts on the Hollow Body Hold" and " Bracing- Cal Dietz Video" with Brett Jones, Rhona Catt, Elsbeth Vaino, Brian Henson, Vicki Bendus, Matt Swiger, Colin Remillard, James Liang, Balint Tanos, Tara Weaver, Tim Caron, Brandon Marcello and Alwyn Cosgrove all contributing!!

I've discussed hollow, draw-in and brace in great detail. I think in many ways they are semantics.

A true hollow or draw-in is not necessary but learning what muscles create the action and understanding their relation to respiration is key.

As we develop a better understanding of core we will learn to, as Ron Hruska says, see the similarities and not the differences.  

Lots of great contributions on "Thoughts on the Hollow Body Hold

On the "Bracing- Cal Dietz Video" there was a lot of discussion about what bracing is and should we even cue it.

The only time we cue any type of "core activation" is during core focused drills. 

We don't cue core in anything else. So with bridges, anti-rotation, planks etc, we actually cue  "exhale hard on the concentric". 
This brings in the deep abdominals without cueing "brace", " belly button to spine" etc.

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Michael Boyle