Fairgrounds Warming Up for First Summer Music Festival
Get ready to rock at the Cumming Fairgrounds this summer! The City's first ever live summer concert series kicks off on June 16 in partnership with Rosati's Sports Pub.
The inaugural Cumming Rock of Ages brings seven bands to the Cumming Fairgrounds for an all-day event that is fun for all ages (kids 15 and under are free!). Rock of Ages will include live music from bands playing original songs as well as plenty of long-time favorites, all paired with food trucks and beer and wine sales. There's also a complete kids' zone with plenty of kids' games and activities.
Music lineup includes: ZoSo - the Ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience; NAKD; Voodoo Visionary; Ultimate Aldean; North Main; Back in Black AC/DC Tribute; and Nightrain Guns N Roses Tribute Experience.
Food Truck Friday Rained Out; Fridays at Fairgrounds on June 15 |
Sadly, the City's second Food Truck Friday on School Street, which was scheduled for June 1, had to be cancelled due to severe weather in the area.
But don't worry! Our next food truck event is right around the corner on June 15 with Fridays at the Fairgrounds from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Fridays at the Fairgrounds events are fun for the whole family with plenty of food trucks with savory and sweet offerings, live music, hot air balloon rides (weather permitting), cruise-in car show, burnout contests, inflatables and games for kids. Come join us for all the summer fun!
Did you know? Cumming and Forsyth residents seem to love food trucks! The City's new food truck events on School Street and at the Fairgrounds have drawn thousands of patrons. View photo albums from these events on the City's
Facebook page.
Rain Holds Off for City's Annual Memorial Day Ceremonies |
Guests gather for the Memorial Day Ceremonies. Photo courtesy Lisa Ison.
Despite uncertain weather forecasts, the City was able to hold its annual Memorial Day Ceremonies on May 25 at the Veterans War Memorial.
While the possibility of rain did not allow for the placement of the more than 240 flags in the City's Avenue of Flags display, the eight new flags dedicated during the ceremony did fly proudly over the grounds. New flags were dedicated in honor of the following deceased veterans: Charles Sidney Cantrell; John W. "Bill" Corley; Dr. William Robert Dunn; J.W. Holbrook; Marcus Holtzclaw; Bernard G. Kearney; George E. Morris and Stephen F. Kost Jr.; and Johnny W. Stone Jr.
The family of J.W. Holbrook dedicates his flag. Photo courtesy Lisa Ison.
Other program participants included Master of Ceremonies the Rev. Bonnie Underwood, Keynote Speaker Ret. Col. John M. Davis, the Rev. Ted Miller, Mayor Troy Brumbalow, the North Georgia Barbershop Singers, and the Forsyth County Fire Department and Sheriff's Office Honor Guard. The Cumming VFW, American Legion, and Vietnam Veterans of America chapters also assisted with the day's activities.
Thank you to everyone who participated or braved the uncertain weather conditions to attend! More photos from the event can be viewed on the City's
Facebook page.
Council Recognizes Civitan Club and Promotes Safe Boating
Mayor and Council present members of the Cumming Civitan Club with a proclamation recognizing their service. |
Members of the Cumming Civitan Club were honored during the May City Council Meeting for their contributions to the community.
The civic club works primarily to assist special needs students and adults throughout the community with various opportunities they might not otherwise be afforded. For example, the club made a generous donation to the City of Cumming Recreation Department prior to the opening of the new Recreation Center on Pilgrim Mill Road for installation of several pieces of handicapped-accessible playground equipment.
Among other business during the May meeting and work session, City Council:
- Proclaimed May 19-26, 2018 as Safe Boating Week in the City of Cumming, and presented a proclamation to members of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary in honor of their year-round efforts to educate the public on the importance of safe boating practices such as always wearing life vests and following local boating laws.
Mayor and Council proclaim May 19-26, 2018 as Safe Boating Week. |
- Adopted a vape shop ordinance, which will allow the City to charge new licensing fees for any business wishing to sell vape items. The ordinance gives the City the right to monitor these businesses to ensure no items are being sold to minors, and creates consistency between the City and Forsyth County regarding rules regulating these businesses.
- Continued discussions regarding the possible implementation of guidelines that would allow for the serving of alcohol at some events held at the Recreation Center's multi-purpose room.
- Discussed appointments for the City's Fair Board. Council was instructed to give any names of possible members to the City Administrator. Council will vote on the board appointments at a later meeting.
- Approved an intergovernmental agreement with Forsyth County regarding installation of new picnic tables in the grassy area next to the School Street parking deck, across from the Brannon-Heard House. These picnic tables will be donated by local businesses and individuals, and will be used during various events such as the City's Food Truck Fridays.
- Approved the annexation of seven parcels of land totaling just over 110 acres, located near Northside Hospital-Forsyth. Council held a public hearing on the annexation, in which no one spoke against the annexation and an attorney representing the property owner spoke in favor of the move.
- Voted in enact a temporary sign moratorium regarding the issuance of billboard sign permits. A public hearing was held in which an owner of a billboard company spoke in favor of the moratorium, saying that he believes the City needs to revise its sign ordinance. The moratorium will be in effect for six months or until a new sign ordinance is adopted.
- Approved resurfacing work on Almon Hill and Elm Street, funded through SPLOST VII revenues.
- Approved transfer of ownership of a storm water detention pond to the homeowners association of The Gates at Castleberry. During the time the City owned the pond, work to bring the pond up to code, including installation of fencing around the pond, was completed.
- Approved the purchase of two service trucks for the Cumming Utilities Department and two character golf carts for the Cumming Fairgrounds.
- Approved a request by the Cumming Utilities Department to use video to inspect sewer lines inside the Habersham area subdivisions, and accepted a bid from Phoenix Fabricators and Erectors LLC to construct a new 2-million-gallon water elevated water tank.
- Approved soliciting of bids for new ceiling fans and wireless internet service for the Cumming Aquatic Center.
Big Summer Season at Playhouse
Bird dogs, knights, and beatles are just some of the things heating up the Cumming Playhouse this summer season.
Things kick off with The Bird Dogs (an Everly Brothers tribute band) on June 9 at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Audiences will be enchanted as they discover King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table in a four-weekend run of Broadway's "Camelot" from July 12 to Aug. 5, with shows at 8 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays and at 3 p.m. Sundays.
Music takes center stage in August with Peppino'd Agostino and Carlos Reyes, two master musicians from opposite sides of the world, on Aug. 11 at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m., and The Return: A Beatles Tribute Band on Aug. 18 at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Local Christian band, Redemption Song, takes the stage on Aug. 19 at 7 p.m.
The fall season kicks off with Playhouse favorite, "Smoke on the Mountain," a Southern Gospel musical comedy, with performances at 8 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays and 3 p.m. Fridays from September 6-30.
Click here to order tickets or for more information about any upcoming Playhouse show.
Some of the fresh veggies available at the Cumming Farmers' Market.
Cumming Farmers' Market Now Open
On June 2, the Cumming Farmers' Market opened for the season. Held every Saturday and Wednesday in the Cumming Fairgrounds Parking Lot 3, the Farmers' Market opens bright and early at approximately 7 a.m. and stays open until vendors sell out of product. The market features a range of homegrown and homemade goods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, freshly baked breads and desserts, honey, jams and preserves, and various art items. All items sold at the market must be home grown or hand made in Forsyth or surrounding counties. Come meet the vendors and purchase the freshest items every Wednesday and Saturday morning now through Sept. 29!
National Day of Prayer participants gather outside the Courthouse Annex after the event. |
City Joins County & State in National Day of Prayer Event
Mayor Troy Brumbalow joined a group of several Forsyth County and State of Georgia elected officials and ministers who took part in a National Day of Prayer event outside the Forsyth County Courthouse Annex on May 3. All of the speakers encouraged those in attendance to remain diligent in prayer for our local community, as well as for the state and nation. Visit the City's
Facebook page for more photos from this event.
Coming Soon
To the Cumming Playhouse
- The Bird Dogs (Everly Brothers Tribute Band) - June 9, 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.
- Broadway's "Camelot" - July 12-Aug. 5, 8 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays and 3 p.m. Sundays
To the Cumming Fairgrounds
- Fridays at the Fairgrounds - June 15, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
- Rosati's Music Festival: Cumming Rock of Ages - June 16, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
- Cumming Farmers' Market - Saturdays and Wednesdays, 7 a.m. until vendors sell out
To the Cumming Aquatic Center
- City Council Work Session - June 5 at 6 p.m. (Location: Gallery B, City Hall Second Floor)
- Planning & Zoning Board - June 19 at 5 p.m.
- City Council - June 19 at 6 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance. Click here for previous meeting videos. |
There's plenty to do in the City of Cumming this summer. From Food Truck Fridays and Fridays at the Fairgrounds to the new summer music series at the Fairgrounds, we hope you will join us for all the family fun!
City of Cumming
Division of Public Information