February 2019
Monthly news & updates

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2019 AGM and Conference
May 17 - 19, 2019

École Rudolf Steiner de Montréal
4855 av. Kensington, Montréal, QC, H3X 3S6

Walking with our time: Can we transform evil?
with Christine Gruwez

We still live with a dual understanding of the world and ourselves. Dual, or dualistic, means: either ... or. A choice has to be made and by choosing one of the two terms has to be excluded.  Rudolf Steiner is the one who has given this dual world view new possibilities. From duality to polarity, meaning: both terms can interact in such a way that something new can manifest.
The key word here is “gentle/mild”. For a Manichaeism of the future, mildness, for example, is the ability to meet fellow human beings in their 'greatness', not only by incorporating their 'smaller' sides, but thanks to these very ‘shadow’ aspects, to nurture the light within them and let it shine forth. 
These can only be very small steps. Actually they cannot be small and unpretentious enough. The art of the small steps is taking care that with each step a following one will remain possible, without determining in advance what it will be. In this presaging, tentative procedure, mildness emerges as a signature of a real transformation, in which ever more will participate. 

From the World Society
Dear Members and Friends of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada

On The Evolving Role of the General Secretary

Each November, as part of a set of important meetings that take place at the Goetheanum, the General Secretaries from around the world gather as a circle of support for the Executive Council of the General Anthroposophical Society.
During the establishment of the Anthroposophical Society at the Christmas Conference of 1923/24, the circle of General Secretaries, as an organ of this Society, was established. As described in the proceedings of the Christmas Conference, this circle was envisioned as forming a link between the heart of this Society at the Goetheanum and the groups of members who had joined themselves through a National Society, or Group, in their various countries. Rudolf Steiner placed great importance on the role of these individuals, who were seen as being able to represent anthroposophy in their countries, while also communicating to the leadership at the Goetheanum essential developments occurring in the countries they represented.  These first General Secretaries were remarkable individuals and were seen as being an integral part of the work of the Vorstand, and indeed part of the Vorstand when in Dornach.
Over the intervening decades a form of working has evolved where this circle of General Secretaries, who represent national societies with more than 500 members, have joined the Vorstand, or Executive  Council, twice a year; in November and before the General Assembly on Palm Sunday.
As Anthroposophical Societies began to be established in countries with less than 500 members an alternate representation process has evolved. These Societies have been represented by Country Representatives who join the circle of General Secretaries in the spring meeting before the Palm Sunday General Assembly.
As part of the efforts of the Executive Council to re-evaluate the efficacy of their leadership structure, this body of representatives from  ............
World Waldorf Alumni Festival in Halifax, NS in 
August 7 - 12, 2019

The Waldorf Alumni/ae world Festival is a summer holiday adventure into the past, present and future of Waldorf education. Join us as we explore what Waldorf was, is and might become through artistic workshops, plenums and breathtaking field trip excursions. The festival will not be the same without you. 

Podcast: Bees and Biodynamics

Thanks to Michael Wilson of  Farm Talk Radio and John Bach of  Bach Biodynamics for giving permission to share this podcast which speaks of biodynamics, beekeeping and how to build stronger hives.The interview took place at John’s home in North Vancouver. Listen to the Podcast  here .
The Sensory Migration from the Real Word to the Digital World
Notes by Chantal Lapointe on a lecture in two parts by Philippe Perennès
Reproduced with the approval of the lecturer

PART ONE (the second installment will appear in next month’s eNews).
A list of the speaker’s reference sources appears at the end of this article

On October 27, 2018, I had the good fortune of attending a two-part lecture given by Philippe Perennès, on the phenomenon he appropriately terms the “Sensory migration from the real world to the digital world.” The first talk dealt with the consequences of this “migration” on the development of the child, and the second talk asked what we can do to counter this situation. 
What actually is at stake here? The latest statistics on our relationship with the digital world are alarming: currently, the number of cell phone subscriptions outnumbers the number of human beings on the planet. We can also see that the young spend a great part of their day in front of screens, whether it be for messaging, watching television and videos, or gaming. If we measure in months the amount of time young people spend interacting with screens and devices, it would extend from January 1 st to May, 24/7 – that is to say one third of their lives. 
Therefore, sense perceptions that were formerly directed towards the real world, are now glued to the virtual world; and that is what brings Philippe to speak of a “sensory migration.”

Meeting the world through perception

Faced with this situation, the speaker asked whether or not it was possible that this “migration” had no effect whatsoever on the human being. Or if, on the other hand, it does have consequences, what are they? In an attempt to answer this question, he asked us to turn our gaze towards our own perceptual experiences.  ..........

Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto Offers First-Ever Retreats for Young Adults (18-35)

This year, for the first time ever, the Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto will be offering retreats for young adults, between the ages of 18 and 35. Two different retreats will be offered on two different dates and in different locations.
In the world we live in today, there is great need for deeper understandings of what lies behind the material. Many are suffering from the dissonance created by the disharmony of our modern civilization. These weeks will help us to penetrate the greater currents at work in the world today and to find a way to bring harmony back into our lives and the world around us. 

1. At Glencolton Farms in Ontario in July 19th - 25th, 2019
The first will be July 19th to 25th at Glencolton Farm near Durham Ontario. This is the farm of Michael Schmidt and Elisa van der Hout. The theme for the week will be “Experiencing Anthroposophy on a Biodynamic Farm”. This is billed as a seven-day retreat for young adults from around the world, interested in deepening their knowledge of anthroposophy and nature.
For more about Glencolton Farm retreat: https://www.rsct.ca/GlencoltonFarmRetreat2019

2. At Wakefield, in the Gatineau Hills in August 2019
The second retreat will be from August 18th to 24th, near Wakefield, in the Gatineau Hills of Quebec. There the focus will be deepening knowledge of art, anthroposophy and the natural world. Although this retreat will be held in Quebec where both French and English are spoken, this retreat will be conducted in English.
For more info about Wakefield retreat: https://www.rsct.ca/WakefieldRetreat

EXTRA: Waldorf Alumni/ae World Festival
Coincidentally, these RSCT young adult retreats are scheduled both before and after the Waldorf Alumni/ae World Festival that will be taking place this summer in Halifax from August 7th through 12th. 
If you are coming to Canada this summer to attend one of these young adult retreats, why not plan to stay a bit longer and also go to the Waldorf Alumni/ae World Festival. For more info: https://www.walumni2019.ca

There may be young people who would like to take part in one of these young adult retreats but who cannot themselves afford to pay the costs involved. If you would like to help make it possible for more young people to attend these events, please consider sponsoring a young person to attend by making a tax-deductible donation to the RSCT's sponsorship fund. Your sponsorship could make a difference in their lives. 

News for Ontario Members

An Imagination

May I share a dream?
Can you imagine once a month the seminar room at Hesperus Village would open its doors and change into a festive environment, gathering members of the Anthroposophical Society from nearby and further away in our region to a membership evening?
Members as well as Friends from across the GTA could be invited to gather and meet, share in various presentations and current affairs, creating warmth and light through our interest, enthusiasm and love for the Anthroposophical Society as a being, the earthly home of Anthroposophia?
Interest and the joy in conversation, meetings of eyes and warm handshakes! This festive gesture would gather focus into a seasonal mood through verse, recitation, eurythmy and music, as well as other offerings by individual members able and willing to share their research or study through lecture or presentation.
Sometimes this could lead to sharing and conversations in smaller groups, artistic activities and plenums. At other times Rudolf Steiner’s words would be heard in one form or another, as he also joined this Society in the last year of his life and we have no reason not to think that he would no longer be amongst us when we gather in his name?
I picture this as a lively, uncomplicated new form of gathering where friends of all different organisations and places would meet each other once more simply as members of the Anthro- posophical Society, strengthening the core of her Being, that of Anthroposophia, and as Steiner said, developing a true interest in each other and discovering ‘how anthroposophy lives and expresses herself in each of us’.
We enjoy a very strong presence of the School of Spiritual Science in this area, but what we could consider as the ‘other side of the coin’, the Anthroposophical Society, the mother of our movement, seems to have been sorely missing as a visible presence for many years now.
As two sides of a coin. What if we pictured it this way? Could that be enough for many of you to feel spoken to and to be moved to join this initiative and to decide on March 19th to help birth a new recognized local members group and perhaps start meeting regularly and see what begins to come to life when we do?

Through tangling soul-hinderances,
Through wrangling spirit-darknesses,
To earnest clarity,
To shining verity.
– Rudolf Steiner,
in Truth-Wrought-Words

Regine Kurek

An Invitation

Local Anthroposophical Society Members are invited to meet March 19th at 7pm at Hesperus to decide about forming a new local Recognized Members Group*. Non-members who would like to be part of this, are invited to join the Society.
What groups are there now in the Thornhill area?

Invitation to Society Members from the Organizing Committee
The organizing committee, which has met three or four times so far, would like to invite all local members of the Society to gather in the Foundation Room at Hesperus (upstairs living room in the old section) on March 19th at 7 pm, to come to a decision on forming a new Recognized Local members Group*. If you are a member of the Society and can’t be there that day, and would like your voice to be heard, either yea or nay, please email me at rchomko@gmail.com with your message for the meeting.

Richard Chomko
For the organizing committee, which consists of: Sybille Hahn, Barbara Gunther, Regine Kurek, Christine Tansley, Shirley van Houten-Routledge, Sharon Ballah, Richard Chomko, Verena Hoffman, Mary Warkentin, Laurie Harper-Burgess, Graham Jackson, Marianne Else
*Recognized by the Anthroposophical Society in Canada ** these groups meet at Hesperus
February Newsletter
Newsletter from Society for Biodynamic Farming and Gardening

We are keen to form a relationship with you.
Spiritually Striving Youth in North America

Thank You to Members Who Have Supported Us!
General Information and Upcoming Events