The Light Green Machine Institute

April 2020: Will the Coronavirus affect future Pulp and Paper Mill Designs?

By Jim Thompson

Companies are learning about isolation and are improvising how they do it through this round.  In future designs, expect to see more isolation between visitors (delivery and sales) and the permanent staff.

Additionally, we are going to see more thought and planning go into who can work remotely and who must be on site.  I expect a serious examination of the thought of who really needs to be on site.

Industry 4.0 is going to facilitate these decisions.

We have never given a thought to designing mills with limited access.  It is a new field.

Years ago, mills were built with separate administration buildings.  The industry migrated away from that with the (appropriate) idea that everyone should be together.

Industry 4.0 is allowing everyone to be together electronically but physically separated.

This will be a growing trend.

As always, your comments will be appreciated.

Think light!

Jim Thompson

Send us your comments by emailing Jim Thompson
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