March 16th, 2020
A Message from CASC
Dear CASCers,

As you know, the University (like much of the world) is taking active precautions around the COVID-19 virus. We recognize that the situation is changing rapidly, and this information may be subject to change based on University policies. 
We at CASC want you to know that we remain ready to support you as students during this unprecedented time. It is important that you know that we are here and that staff will remain available. Please note that CASC communications will primarily be managed online. For immediate questions and concerns, please contact the office by email at , and we will promptly respond.
(1) CASC Advising will still continue.
In order to schedule an advising appointment, refer to the LSA advisor portal for a phone or virtual meeting, and we will contact you during your appointment time. Please list your preference for either a phone or virtual meeting. If you share a preference for phone, enter your phone number in the "note to advisor" and we will contact you during the meeting time. Additionally, in-person drop-in hours, Wednesdays 1-4, are canceled for the remainder of the term. We will continue to monitor the email account to address advising questions, or other concerns.
(2) CASC Newsletters will continue.
We will continue to share newsletters with information and updates on a regular basis. As you can imagine the information is changing very rapidly, and we will do our best to provide updates as they pertain to CASC.
(3) CASC 10 year events: “Celebrating Student Activism” and “CASC Anniversary Celebration” and Graduation Ceremony will be canceled.
Given the current environment and under recommendations from the School of Social Work, CASC events from now until April 21 st will be canceled. This includes our 10-year celebration lecture on March 17 th and our celebration on April 2 nd . We are looking at options for rescheduling these events in Fall 2020. Unfortunately, all commencement activities are canceled, which includes the CASC ceremony. Graduating seniors will receive additional information about alternatives to celebrate your achievements as an undergraduate, and student in the minor.
(4) The SSW will be providing updates on a new website that will have broader information for students.  


Most importantly, we want you to know that we are here for you during this uncertain time.  
Please take care and be safe.
Katie, Amber, & Joe

Community Action and Social Change Minor
School of Social Work
University of Michigan   
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Community Action and Social Change Undergraduate Minor  | (734) 763-5733 |