June 13, 2018
A newsletter to keep you informed about all things women and politics from the Center for American Women and Politics, Rutgers University.

Women Win Nominations in Most Competitive Congressional Races in NV, ND, SC, and VA
Five primaries were held on Tuesday, June 12th, in Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina, and Virginia. Gender Watch 2018 project director Kelly Dittmar shares the most notable results for women.  

Gender Watch 2018
is a project of CAWP and the Barbara Lee Family Foundation.
CAWP in the Spotlight

Interview with CAWP director Debbie Walsh
The surge of women candidates puts CAWP in national spotlight, reports Charles Stile for NorthJersey.com. "Almost overnight, Trump turned a generation of offended women into activists, who suddenly realized that politics do have consequences... And for many, that now meant running for public office."

The summer issue of Rutgers Magazine features CAWP Director Debbie Walsh and CAWP Scholar Kelly Dittmar in the cover article, #WeToo. The piece highlights the work of women at Rutgers who have been advocates for women's leadership in multiple fields and disciplines.

"Following the presidential election of 2016, "there was a sense that elections themselves have real consequences on people's lives, and there was a real fear that the policy areas that mattered to women would be in jeopardy."
Debbie Walsh, Director, Center for American Women and Politics

"The question now is, will we have the energy and political capital to address sexual harassment in substantive ways, and are we willing to grapple with the nuances and challenges that come with accountability and changing the culture?"
Kelly Dittmar, Scholar, Center for American Women and Politics 

As part of CAWP's partnership with POLITICO, Debbie Walsh presented at
Women Rule: The Los Angeles Summit on June 5th.
Position Available at Eagleton Institute of Politics
The Eagleton Institute of Politics is seeking a Public Relations Specialist II  to develop and implement Eagleton's public and media relations plans, furthering the Institute's mission to focus attention on how the American political system works, how it changes, and how it might work better.
Women's political equality won't happen by accident.
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Democratic Women Are Running for Governor. Men and Money Stand in Their Way , by Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns for The New York Times.

Center for American Women and Politics
Eagleton Institute of Politics
Rutgers University | New Brunswick
191 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557
(848) 932-9384 - Fax: (732) 932-6778