Week of October 25 - 31, 2020
As we seek to continue to keep connected as a church family, below you will find several ways to participate in worship, prayer, and service with others from HBIC. We invite you to join us in any of these various ways this week!

There's also some important information in this week's e-mail, so be sure to scroll the whole way through!

We continue to pray that you will experience the riches of the Lord's presence during this time in which many of us are not able to be present with one another!
-- HBIC Pastoral Staff

Our pastoral staff are working together each week to record a worship service for our church family.

The service will be available on the HBIC YouTube Channel on Sunday mornings by 9 am, as well as anytime thereafter.

We are live-streaming both the 9 and 11 am in-person services. If all works well (it doesn't always), you'll be able to link to either of the live-stream services on our HBIC YouTube Channel ( at the time of the service, or you'll be able to watch the recording of the livestream anytime.

If you didn't register yet for one of our in-person services for Sunday, October 25 and would like to attend, please register on our church's website, If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the pastors.

The Worship-At-Home Resource Page serves as a companion to the weekly worship video on the HBIC YouTube Channel and includes the song lyrics, the sermon scripture, reflection questions, plus some links for children. ...If you have more than one device and you'd like to see the lyrics to sing along, or have the sermon scripture handy to read along, you can have the video playing on one device while you follow along with the worship resource on the other!

May you experience the blessing of God
as you worship this week!

Each week, we'll include here a link to the children's message... You can click here to view this week's special children's message on storing up treasure in heaven by Lanette Johnson and their children.


Please pray for Lin, Joe, Erin, and Margo Taylor and their family as they mourn the passing of Lin's father this week.

A Worship Survey was sent out this past week. We'd very much like all adults and all youth in our church family to share their input as we make decisions regarding our worship services for the coming months. Click here to access the survey. Responses are needed by October 31, the end of this week. Thank you in advance for helping in this way. And please continue to pray for our pastors and church board members as decisions are processed.

Our thanks go to Pastor Carmen and her volunteers for hosting a Kids' Coat Give-Away on Saturday morning!

Almost 140 coats and jackets were distributed to families who stopped by the church, along with 4 children's books per child, thanks to a donation of books in the last week from a family in our church, as well as a copy of the Our Daily Bread devotional booklet, Clinging to Hope in the Storm, for the adults. Continue to pray for the families touched by this outreach event!

Thank you to the church family for your continued giving to the church's ministry, whether you've been mailing in checks, have been giving regularly through E-Tithe, or have been using our online giving portal, easytithe.

Update as of September 30:
  • At the end of September, total receipts for year-to-date were $506,549, which is $35,620 behind the budgeted need for the same time period.
  • Year-to-date receipts, while behind the budget, are also $66,266 ahead of year-to-date actual expenses because our expenses have been lower than had been anticipated when we built the budget for the year.
  • In addition to giving to the General Fund, donations also continued for the Deacon Fund and the Food Pantry throughout September.

Thank you for your faithful giving to the ministry of our church!

Each year on Missions Sunday, we take a special Missions Offering, which is used primarily to provide a love gift to all of the missionaries sent out from our church, plus a small portion for BIC World Missions. Giving toward this offering thus far has totaled $12,778.53, as of October 22. Thank you to the congregation for your generosity!

Contributions toward our Missions Offering can be given anytime between now and October 31.
Since we do not have a weekly worship service bulletin during this time, we are including a Schedule for the Week in this weekly email.

The following will be taking place during the week of October 25 to 31:

  • Sunday, 9 am - Online Worship Service (HBIC YouTube Channel)
  • Sunday, 9 & 11 am - In-Person Worship Service (Fenced Lot)
  • Sunday, 9 & 11 am - Worship Service Livestream (HBIC YouTube Channel)
  • Sunday, 11 am - Youth Sunday School (Open Area)
  • Sunday, 4 pm - In-Person Youth Group (Lingle Park)
  • Monday, 4 pm - Creation Kids on Zoom (Zoom)
  • Monday, 8:15 pm - Young Adult Book Study (Zoom)
  • Wednesday, 6:15 pm - ESL Class (Zoom)
  • Wednesday, 7 pm - Virtual Prayer Meeting (Zoom)
  • Thursday, 9 am - Mission of Mercy (CE Room)

If you'd like more information, contact any of the pastors or the church office. And please keep these groups, gatherings, and meetings in prayer this week as you pray for the church.

Pastor Patty and some of our children's ministry volunteers are looking forward to hanging out with your children on Zoom, Monday afternoons at 4 pm, catching up with one another, playing some games, and praying together. Contact Pastor Patty for the link that your child will need for these times of connection designed especially for kids.

All are invited to join us for a Virtual Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings on Zoom, 7 pm.

We hope to see you at this special gathering to pray for one another, our church, community, and world! Click on the purple button below to link to the Prayer Meeting. Contact Pastor Hank for more info.

If you'd like to call in by phone (audio only), the number is 929-205-6099, and the Meeting ID is 810 3235 0433.

(Note: You'll be in a waiting room to start, not for long.)

All youth are welcomed to a Fall Party at 5pm on October 30th. We'll have food and lots of outdoor games. We're holding it at 339 North Locust Point Road, Mechanicsburg. Please look for an email from Pastor Brie with more details.

Beginning on Sunday afternoon, each week the opening page of our church's website,, has the registration links for both the upcoming 9 am and the 11 am services! Please be sure to register (by Saturday at the latest) in order to help the staff to prepare the check-in list, etc.

On November 1st and 8th, we plan to continue to hold services outdoors in our fenced-parking-lot on 22nd St., weather permitting. Bring your own chair if you can! (We'll also have some extra chairs available for those who may not have one.)

Volunteers will be needed to help with set up and tear down each week. If you'd like to help, please be sure to register before Saturday afternoon, and check off that you'd be able to help if needed. Thanks!

(Click here to see our protocols for meeting together during this time of COVID-19.)