November 23, 2020
The staff would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
The church office will be closed on Thursday and Friday
and will re-open on Monday, November 30th at 8:00am.
Please use the pastoral care line if you have an emergency need. Thank you!
Pastoral Care Number: 601-460-0570

Dear Friends,

As with most things in 2020, this year's Thanksgiving celebrations may look different. You may not gather in the same places or in the same ways. Some of your family may be unable to travel, and you may be attending "virtual" Thanksgivings. Many stores on "Black Friday" will be closed (which may not be a bad thing!)

We can be tempted to think of how much is different, how much we've lost, how much further we have to go until the pandemic is over; and as a result feel like there is no reason to be thankful this year. But, as Christians, our gratitude is not tied to "everything going right." In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Paul urges us to "give thanks in every circumstance." We are called to look for the good in every moment, and be grateful as a result. 

Here are some ways I've found gratitude in the midst of challenging circumstances.

Family: this has been a difficult year for my family. As you know I lost my father in April, and in October my nephew died after a life-long battle with Muscular Dystrophy. Both of these men, in their own ways. shaped me into who I am, and I miss them deeply. And yet, our family has drawn closer together through these losses and we've leaned on each other to draw strength. As a result of the pandemic we've spent more time at home with the kids, eaten more dinners together, and played in the yard until dark. I am grateful for my family. 

​Faith: ​this has been the most challenging year of ministry I've ever had. And yet, I'm amazed at the resiliency of the Christian faith. Growing up, we always sang the song, "the church is not a building...the church is the people." And this year we've been asked if we really believe that! I've seen people of all ages connect online and participate in drive-thru mission events. When we did return to limited in-person activities, I've seen people graciously honor one another by wearing masks, bumping elbows, and waving ecstatically since no one can see our smiles. We've loved our neighbors by doing our best to keep others safe. We've continued to worship God in our sanctuary, worship center, and in hundreds of homes across Clinton and beyond. When the conveniences of our faith are stripped away, we often see the reality beneath. And I've seen a deeper faith in Jesus emerge among so many this year. I am grateful for our faith. 

​Future: ​I believe that we have a future. This is not a "gut feeling" but a deep trust in the promises of God. I know that most of us are ready for 2020 to be over: no more pandemic, no more shutdowns, no more politics! But I'm ready for the future for a different reason. I'm excited for the opportunities we will have in the future, if we're willing to remember the lessons we've learned. We have learned to use technology to share the Gospel and connect with people who may have never crossed our threshold. We've learned to be more flexible, less rigid, and more understanding when things don't go "just right." We've learned that it's ok not to have every single night of our weeks jammed pack with "stuff" and it's actually refreshing to not be so busy. We've learned that life can change in an instant, and so we should savor each moment with family and friends. I can't change the past, but I can change my priorities moving forward. I am grateful for the future. 

In all these circumstances, I choose to give thanks. For my family, for the Faith, and for our future, I am truly grateful. I challenge each of you, somewhere between your turkey and your nap, to pause and reflect on what you are grateful for this year. It may be more challenging, but I imagine it will be more honest. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Grace and Peace,
It is important to pre-register for worship attendance. This pre-registration helps our staff to prepare our facilities each week and expedites the Sunday morning check in process upon arrival.

We are currently offering our one hour 9AM Traditions and 11AM Connections in-person worship services on Sunday mornings. We will also continue the online pre-recorded service at 10AM. You can access the online service through our website or facebook page whenever convenient to your schedule.

Each in person service still requires a reservation as we continue to abide by attendance guidelines with limited seating arrangements.

The 9AM Traditions service has increased attendance to 200 while the 11AM service is currently offering seating for 110 people. During the check-in process and service masks and social distancing will be observed.

To be able to operate under the current COVID guidelines / restrictions we need to know in advance who will be attending our services. This registration process enables us to:
  • Ensure we remain within the room’s capacity restraints.
  • Comply with record keeping so that we can undertake contact tracing if required.
Winter Sunday School Materials
Cokesbury Sunday School materials for Winter (December-January- February) have arrived and ready for pick up!

If your class is meeting on-site, the books are in your Sunday School classroom. For everyone else, books are available for pick-up at the church office! Please take one from the clear tote located outside the office door and make sure that you secure the box top for weather protection.

If you would like to visit a Sunday school class in-person or via Zoom please contact Sharonda to get connected to a group.

Please be reminded that we are continuing to operate under the guideline principles recommended by the CDC and the United Methodist Conference for small gatherings which includes social distancing and the use of face mask when indoors.

On-Site Sunday School

Discovery Class
Leader: Beverly Oliver
Sundays, 10am 

Hybrid Sunday School
​Hybrid classes offer both in-person and Zoom options. 

Sanctuary Parlor
Leader: Pam Stuart
Sundays, 10am 

The Differents
The College Hut
Leaders: David Langston and Sandra Rushing
Sundays, 10am 

The Redwoods
Leader: Jonathan Pennington
Sanctuary Parlor
Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm

The Upper Room
E-203 (Fellowship Parlor)
Leader: Tim Waltman
Sundays, 10am 

Virtual Sunday School

Faith and Fellowship
Leader: Anna Prestwood 

For more information about classes- on-site, hybrid or virtual-
please contact Rev. Sharonda Medina, Pastor of Spiritual Formation at or at (601) 924-6671.
A special word of thanks goes out to Brooke Prestwood for the beautiful special music last Sunday morning. It is always a joy to hear one of our youth singing their praise to God during worship. Thanks, again, Brooke for sharing your talent with us.

As we prepare to enter into the Advent season, we are already being bombarded by commercials, ads, music, sales, etc. even before we can celebrate Thanksgiving. Let's all try not to get lost in the commercial side of Christmas thus forgetting about the true meaning. It is my prayer that all of us seek to be a giving people all year long, but especially during this season. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I'll see you all in church this Sunday as we begin the Advent season with our annual Hanging of the Greens service.

In His Service, 
Shout out to Shelby Dean and Christian Sutherland
for leading us in worship during the 11AM Connections Service.
We are so thankful for the gift of your talents and your willingness to serve.
The youth will join together in celebrating Jesus on 12/13 from
4-6p. Our time together will consist of a message and an exciting game of White Elephant gift exchange!
- For White Elephant, each student will bring something from around the house (with parent permission!) and wrap it. This leads to more exciting, interesting, and funny gifts without the need to purchase anything new! 

One Year Old Room


Employment Period:
January 5th – May 27th 
Tuesday and Thursday (Weekly)

8:30AM – 2:30PM 
12 Hours/ Week
Position & Duties:
MMO One Year Old Teacher 
Primary care giver and Teacher will provide a safe, loving environment through play activities, snack, learning times, lunch and nap time.

TEACHER (Hourly Wage Position)


Employment Period:
January 6th – May 21st 
Monday, Wednesday and Friday (Weekly)

11:15AM – 2:15PM 
9 Hours/ Week
Position & Duties:
Preschool Play Day Teacher 
Primary care giver and teacher will provide a safe, loving environment through play activities, snack, learning times, lunch and nap time.
Email Jamie Steadman to schedule an interview.
Note: Interested applicants may interview for one or both opportunities.
Submitted by Jamie Steadman, Director

Our preschool students donated canned foods and gently worn coats for the 4C’s of Clinton. They are learning to be thankful for what they have while at the same time looking for ways to help others who may not have as much as they do. Learning to give generously and helping others requires much practice to become habit.  

We want to hear from
you and what your interests are!

Teams will operate
on a rotation system.

Contact Tom Edwards
or Debb Tubb
Expanding our reaching through online services has been a blessing and a challenge. We are so thankful that because of your generosity we were able to upgrade our technology in order to begin a production process for online worship.

Our mission in this expansion is to continually lead people into a new or growing relationship with Jesus through the use of our technology resources and technical gifts. We will continue to seek how to best serve every ministry with our technology in order to accomplish this mission.

We are desiring to build a media team that will begin training to assist with the Sunday morning livestream and production. If you are gifted in the areas of technology, photography, video production we would love for you to consider offering your skill set to a team. However, no previous experience is needed to participate - just a willing heart and interest in learning.

As this need for online worship continues to grow we want to invite those who are interested in continually striving to develop a servant's attitude and heart, to serve on Sunday morning rotations, understanding that participating on this media team is a public ministry and an act of service unto God while accomplishing the mission of First United Methodist Church.
Stewpot Community Services provides thousands of men, women, and children with hot meals, groceries, clothing, shelter, and other programs. Stewpot has a goal to provide 800 Christmas baskets for families in the community. Each basket includes a turkey and lots of non-perishable items. 

We will be collecting canned goods and monetary donations through Sunday, December 13th. There will be collection bins in both buildings and in the church office to drop off non-perishables. 

Financial donations are also welcome. Just note: "Stewpot Christmas" on the memo line of your check. (The cost of a turkey is $15-$20 and a total basket cost is estimated at $50.)
We are taking orders for poinsettias that will be placed in the Sanctuary or the Worship Center during the season of Advent. To place your order, please call the office 601-924-6671 with your
 honorarium or memorial request. 
The cost for each poinsettia will be $10. We kindly ask that you mail your payment to the church office, or drop in the model church on Sunday and memo “poinsettia” on your check.

Orders and payments can always be made at the church office during regular hours (M-F 8am - 4pm). Deadline for orders will be Wednesday, December 16.
Our church continues to serve our congregation and community during this season. If you have a prayer request or if you, or someone you know, has a need complete a short request form (click on button). These requests will be reviewed by our Pastoral team.

Please review the prayer list download. If you would like to add to the prayer list please continue to use our digital form for submission which can be accessed by clicking on the link in this email or on our website.

Pastoral Care Line 601-460-0570
November 2020
November 1: $28,631
November 8: $22,315
November 15: $14,133
November 23: $10,635
Total Giving: $75,714
October 2020
​​October Giving: $82,788
Other Income: $6,264
Total Income: $89,052
Oct. Expenses: $109,396
October Deficit: ($20,343)
​​​​​​2020 Year to Date
Through October

​​YTD Giving: $849,895
Other Income: $86,460
YTD Total Income: $936,355
YTD Expenses: $1,043,134
YTD Deficit: ($106,778)
Thank You For Your Continued Generosity!
Missed last week? You can catch up online!
In the midst of all the glitz and glitter of the season, we may lose sight of the earth-shattering news (literally) that in Jesus we see Heaven on Earth. As we prepare our hearts to once again rejoice over this Good News, perhaps we can be on the lookout for glimpses of heaven breaking out among us.
November 29 / Candle of Hope
Isaiah 64:1
“Tear Open the Heavens and
Come Down”
The people of Israel had longed for a messiah, a delivering King, who would rule in justice and peace. Isaiah is a bit bolder in his request. Not just for an earthly ruler, but a Divine King, who would tear open the heavens and bring a bit of down with him!

December 6 / Candle of Love
2 Peter 3:8-15
“A New Heaven and a New Earth”
Peter reminds us that the one who came in Jesus, will come again in Glory. Advent is a time of looking back and looking forward. When Heaven broke out, it wasn’t just to rearrange the furniture, but to remake everything: including Heaven and Earth.
December 13 / Candle of Joy
John 1:6-9
“The True Light of the World.”
John takes us way back before the manger, to let us in on a world-changing secret, that the one we call Jesus, is a brighter star than all the rest, brighter even than the sun in the sky.

9AM Worship Service
The Sounds of the Season
Christmas Musical Presentation featuring a String Quartet, Angelicas Ringers, and Special Soloist

December 20 / Candle of Peace
Luke 1:26-28
“Nothing is Impossible”
When Mary is told she’s going to give birth to the messiah, she can’t believe it, it’s impossible. She’s the first to hear the Good News, that when Heaven comes to earth, anything is now possible.
The Voice is our weekly update for the latest announcements, ministry activities and event information at First United Methodist Church.
Want to know more about us? Head on over to our website, Facebook page or follow us on Instagram. If you missed last week's sermon, you can catch up by visiting our sermon archives. See You on Sunday!

We are so glad that you are interested in the ministry of First Methodist Clinton!
If you have an emergency need or need to speak
with a pastor please feel free to call.

Pastoral Care Number: 601-460-0570
Submitting information for The Voice:
Please email your submission by noon on Thursday to
All content submitted is subject to approval and editing. Thank you for your cooperation!