November 2020:
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Meet the Saint of the Month

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary accomplished so much in her 24 years of life. She lived a life of holiness and piety, devoted to God. As a queen, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary built two hospitals and devoted herself to caring for the sick. She gave warm bread to hundreds of impoverished people every day. By virtue of giving this life-sustaining bread so abundantly to the hungry, she is the patron saint of bakers, charities, and the homeless. Watch Fr. Nathan's reflection below and learn more about this beautiful saint.

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for us!
with Fr. Bill Schooler

Bible Study is now offered at the parish on Thursday mornings immediately following the 8:45 a.m. Mass.

Bible Study is also live on Facebook at the same time!

Finally, Bible Study is recorded each week and can be found on the parish website, Below is the link to this week's recording.

Christmas 2020 is just around the corner and at Saint Pius X we are working diligently to ensure we offer many opportunities to attend Christmas Eve or Christmas Day Mass ~ both in-person and virtually. 

Please, follow the link below and take a look at the many options we will offer for Christmas. Then, help us with planning to ensure we can safely accommodate all who wish to join us! 

Complete a quick survey, one per household, and let us know which Christmas Mass you and your family will attend. Thank you!

Want to make this the best Advent ever?
At-Home Advent Retreat
Inner Peace in Divine Love
November 23-December 20
Join us for our first Saint Pius X "at-home Advent retreat"!
How do you do an "at-home retreat"? Each retreatant will use "spiritual exercises" to help guide their prayer and deepening intimacy with God.
What do I need to participate?
1) time to spend 35 minutes per day in prayer
2) a willingness to meet for spiritual conversation (either in-person or by Zoom)
3) a copy of our prayer texts
How do I sign up?
Visit or contact Michael Rubbelke,; 574-272-8462, ext. 122.
Let's prepare our hearts and world for the Savior's birth by getting to know and love Him more deeply!
A Special Advent Opportunity
Advent Bible Study
Advent, Season of
Divine Encounter
December 3, 10, 17
6:45-8:15 p.m.
CH004 (church basement)
This three-session Bible Study will help you to understand Scripture regarding how we encounter God in three ways:
 in Jesus, the Word made flesh
 in your everyday life
 in God's plan for the end of time
For details and to inquire about a virtual option for this offering, contact Michael Rubbelke,;
574-272-8462, ext. 122.

The following prayer will replace the parish stewardship prayer at Mass until further notice.

Mother of Divine Love, we entrust to you our nation and world, our families and loved ones, that we may be spared the worst of this illness.

In this time of trial and testing, hear the cries of those who are vulnerable and fearful.

For those already afflicted, obtain the grace of healing and deliverance.

For those working to help the sick and bring an end to this crisis, obtain the strength to continue their work.

Shelter us under the mantle of your protection, conform us to the will of the Father, remind us always of the love of your Son, Jesus, and bring his peace to our land and to our hearts.

Saint Rocco, protector against the plague and all contagious diseases, pray for us!