October 2020

CIE Partner Spotlight
Feature Your Organization or Team Member
Tell us about your organization, your new projects, new programs, locations, new team, or share how CIE has helped you improve on the work that you do everyday! We will feature your organization or team member in our Social Media, CIE website, and CIE Newsletter.
ACES Listening Session
Community Responses to ACES
Please join this discussion to consider how CIE might be an additional resource in responding to needs related to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).

The guided discussion will explore opportunities to leverage CIE to document and share information relevant to referrals and coordinated support. We look forward to hearing your ideas, perspectives and considerations as our community aligns around pathways to support those who have experienced ACEs.

When: November 17, 2020
Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Register via zoom to participate.
Opportunities with CIE
Sign up for opportunities to participate and get involved with CIE!

Lyft Rides Opportunity - Offer free rides to your clients using CIE! Sign up to learn more about free Lyft rides to CIE clients with eligible transportation needs. 

Essential Goods Delivery Program - Partner with CIE. Sign up to learn more about free deliveries to your clients for essential goods like food and other essential goods.

ACCR Feedback Sessions - We need your feedback! Sign up to participate in the feedback sessions where we will share mock-ups of planned designed and targeted questions to learn about what our partners find valuable for Care Team Alerts (November) and Case Management Dashboard (December).

Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) - Respond to the needs of the Community during public safety power shut-off activations. Sign up for the opportunity to collaborate with CIE/2-1-1 on needed resources within the region.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's) - Contribute to improving the health and the well-being for Adverse Childhood Experiences. Sign up to learn more about how to partner with Accountable Communities for Health (CACHI) to leverage CIE.

CIE Community Voice - Share your Voice! Sign up to join our community voice for the opportunity to share your voice during the CIE Advisory Board Meetings.
New CIE Partners
Welcome to CIE, North County Lifeline!
New Direct Referrals
Family Health Centers: HEAP Rent Payment Assistance
Family Health Centers of San Diego is offering one-time payment for rental assistance for people experiencing homelessness in the East or South County. Clients are expected to be financially sustainable upon exhausting flex funds.

Two locations are available as a direct referral in CIE:

Home Start - Communities in Action
Home Start expanded it's Communities in Action services to assist families and individuals affected by COVID-19.

Now offering the following service as Direct Referrals in CIE

St Paul's PACE
St Paul's PACE expanded it's services! They are now offering PACE services in North County.

Their new locations address is: 304 Seacreast Way, Encinitas

This direct referral is available in CIE

Upcoming Meeting and Events
CIE's Community Voice Presents: A Conversation on Immigration and Other Issues that Impact our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Communities
Join us for a conversation where we will be addressing the impact that immigration has had on communities with people of color, and identify how we can do better as a network to have these conversations openly and bring awareness and healing to those voices in this CIE space. 

When: November 19, 2020
Time: 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Join Via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 996 1364 0129 Passcode: 169234
One tap mobile+16699009128
Legal Aid Society Monthly Webinars and Training Events
Legal Aid offers monthly webinars and training events for topics including Fair Housing Rights, Housing Discrimination, Source of Income and more! Visit their website or click on the link below to learn more.
Other Upcoming Events and Meetings!
Reminder: No CIE Monthly CIE Partner Network Meetings in November and December.

CIE Network Partners
Any questions? Contact us:
211 San Diego/Imperial | Community Information Exchange