Housing Connection
December 2020
Building communities together.

TSAHC believes in the power of education and building capacity for our nonprofit housing partners. Through Housing Connection, we help affordable housing and counseling organizations access trainings, promote themselves, build capacity, as well as provide a network where best practices can be shared
Monthly Spotlight:
Thank you for an amazing year!
Thank you for all of your support assisting Texans throughout 2020!

TSAHC through Housing Connection has assisted over 50 counselors from 35 organizations in over 20 Texas cities in 2020! Even while quarantined, housing counselors received almost $30,000 in scholarship funds for courses involving foreclosure prevention, maximizing energy savings, and understanding credit reports.
To stay up-to-date on next year's Housing Connection training please bookmark this link.
Mark Your Calendars:
Recent News:

Source: HOUK Air Conditioning

Houk Air Conditioning is grateful for the support of their loyal customers in the Houston area. As a show of appreciation for 58 years in business, Houk is lending a helping hand to two families or individuals in need of a new heating/AC system whose homes are in the greater Houston area. In the spirit of giving during the Holidays, Houk AC will install the new systems at the New Year.

Please visit the link above to submit your application or family nomination by December 23, 2020.

Source: BankRate

Today’s renters are saving up to purchase a home more than in recent times. It can be a challenge to save up for a down payment, especially for those facing financial hardship and having a hard enough just paying rent.
According to Apartment Guide, the average one-bedroom rent is $1,617 — just a few dollars more compared to last year, but enough to prevent progress on the savings front. Meanwhile, the median existing-home price rose roughly 15 percent from September 2019 to September 2020, the National Association of Realtors reports.

Source: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

The pandemic is changing the way we celebrate the holidays. But even if we’re not all gathering around the table, it’s still a good time to communicate with family and friends. When you do, consider sharing tips for avoiding cyber scams and protecting finances. Scammers are hard at work trying to take advantage of the uncertainty brought about by the pandemic, as well as the generosity and distraction of the holiday season.

Source: Housing Wire

The incoming Biden administration has made improving racial equity a pillar of its domestic policy agenda, and appropriately so. There is a compelling argument that ending historic economic and racial inequity should start with housing, specifically down payment assistance. With home equity accounting for a quarter of total U.S. household net worth, policies that significantly narrow the 30-percentage point Black-White homeownership gap, which is as wide as it was in 1890, could also help narrow a vast racial wealth gap.
Thank You to Our Supporters:
Jael Zelada
TSAHC Approved Lender
Southwest Funding