IWL is a resource - check out what we've been up to in the news:
Advanced Women Leaders (AWL) Program

W e know that when women come together to  collaborate with, learn from, and support other  women, change happens for themselves and  the world and teams around them. 

The Bloombase Experience for Advanced
Women Leaders program brings together a small cohort of experienced women leaders committed to expanding their leadership approach and impact. The central purpose of the program is to support and challenge women to proactively grow and develop themselves to be even more confident, purposeful and influential leaders who produce positive impact in their lives, teams and organizations.

If you are interested in being a part of the next cohort in Indianapolis or Louisville, contact Sheri Fella.
Activating Male Allies
Half-Day Workshop

Katz, Sapper & Miller Conference Center (1st Floor)
800 E. 96th St. #500
Indianapolis, IN 46240

This interactive workshop is designed to help men with actively engaging as male allies. Women are encouraged to attend as well to share their perspectives and enhance their own understanding of the dynamics and how to create shared success. This IWL custom workshop is delivered by IWL CEO, Kim Graham Lee, who will be joined by Robert Lescano, an executive in the high tech industry with substantial experience with diversity and inclusion programs.

Cost: $99 for 1, $175 for 2, or $300 for 4

"Power Up" Louisville 
Half-Day Conference

The Olmsted

Save the Date!
5th Annual 
IWL Louisville Conference

Louisville Marriott Downtown

Save the Date!
Diversity Roundtable of Central Indiana
20th Annual Diversity & Inclusion Conference

Ivy Tech Culinary and Conference Center
2820 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46208

Join over 200 premier business leaders and diversity advocates at the 20th annual Diversity and Inclusion Conference hosted by the Diversity Roundtable of Central Indiana. There will be a host of informative speakers, seminars and panel discussions, as well as networking opportunities on engaging diversity, inclusion and equality for business success. 

The conference will bring local and national practitioners in the field of workplace diversity and inclusion.
This conference  will explore generations in the workplace and whether diversity training programs are changing attitudes of prejudice and bias. We will also tap into the research behind human behavior to challenge individuals and organizations. Our focus will be on becoming more open-minded and intentional about inclusion, while valuing people for their unique gifts, abilities and experiences.

Cost: $100 for Members
$150 for Non-Members
$25 for Students

Conscious Capitalism Indianapolis Chapter
Raising Our Game, Support the Business of Conscious Capitalism

Thursday, November 8, 2018
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Delta Faucet Company

Join fellow Indianapolis business leaders for CCI's last event of 2018. You will enjoy an enlightening evening of innovative and engaging interactive games designed to demonstrate why conscious business is good business. The program will explore the future of Indy's workforce, including an insider's view of Conscious Capitalism Indianapolis' 2019 playbook for transforming the Indianapolis marketplace into a vibrant center for Conscious Capitalism.

Cost: $50 General Attendee  
$35 Champion
(Includes heavy appetizers and a drink.)

NAWBO Kentucky
Business in the Bluegrass Symposium

8:00pm - 3:00pm
Bellarmine University Rubel School of Business
2001 Newburg Rd.
Louisville, KY 40205

The 2nd annual Business in the Bluegrass Symposium is gearing up to be a can't miss event that will provide inspiration, actionable education and intentional development of connections.  They are bringing you 2 keynote speakers, 8 meaningful and valuable break out sessions on topics that YOU have been asking for, expanded chances to connect with powerful women business owners and allies and some really fun surprises along the way.

Cost:  $99 Member
$175 Non-Member

Louisville SHRM
Equal Opportunity, Diversity, & Leadership Conference

Kentucky International 
Convention Center

Join LSHRM for the 32nd Annual Governor's Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Diversity and Leadership Conference on October 24-25, 2018. Hear from an all-star lineup, including Lt. Governor Jenean Hampton, Commissioner of Kentucky Department of Agriculture Ryan Quarles, University of Louisville President Neeli Bendapudi, WAVE 3 News Anchor Dawne Gee, Kentucky State University President Christopher Brown, and executives from Norton Healthcare, Brown-Forman, Humana and others!

Cost:  $125 Non-profit/Government
$150 For-profit/Public

Your donation will help us to equip women with the tools to connect, grow and advance as leaders.

Now is the Time to recap the 9th Annual Indianapolis Conference

Watch this full recap video to feel the energy of the day. 

On August 28, a sold out group of nearly 1,200 women and men came together at the Indianapolis JW Marriott for a powerful day of learning, connecting, and inspiration. Attendees learned the importance of being your true self, that women aren't seen or heard in media, and the power of asking questions - just to name a few key topics. and walked away knowing that #NowIsTheTime to take the future into their own hands.

Stay connected with us at .
Here are just a few things attendees told us they learned from the conference that will help them on their leadership journey:

"I loved the concept of  falling in love with a problem so that you're 
invested in the solution!"

"I will try to remove the subconscious 'tape' that often plays 
in my head at work."

"I need to be conscious of my biases and actively 
work to overcome them."

"Taking ownership of your career is the most important, freeing, and encouraging piece to building a future."

"I have not held myself to a high enough standard for supporting the women on my team and in our organization."
Mark your calendar for next year!

IWL Blog Post: Who Are You An Ally For?
By Kim Graham Lee
CEO, IWL Foundation
" For the past few years, I have been beating the drum on how important "male allyship" is to progress in closing the gender gap and accelerating the advancement of female talent. Yes, it's been a consistent message of mine and one that I am trying to live out loud in leading IWL. Recently, I have had a few humbling experiences related to allyship causing me to pause and reflect on my own privilege and the opportunity I have to help others on their equality journeys. "

Join us for a Half-Day Workshop on 
"Activating Male Allies"

Friday, October 26, 2018 | 9:00am - 12:00pm
Katz, Sapper & Miller Conference Center |  800 E. 96th St. #500

This interactive workshop is designed to help men with actively engaging as male allies. Women are encouraged to attend as well to share their perspectives and enhance their own understanding of the dynamics and how to create shared success. 

Attendees will walk away with:
  • An understanding of what it means to be an ally and what that really looks like
  • An appreciation for the role that unconscious bias plays in gender interactions
  • Frameworks to help with the uncomfortable and difficult, yet necessary conversations
  • Approaches to positively engage men/more men in the change
  • A planning tool to start or enhance your current "males as allies" effort

IWL CEO Kim Graham Lee will be joined in facilitating this workshop by Robert Lescano - an  executive in the high tech industry who is  passionate about developing women and underrepresented minorities to become next generation business leaders. Robert says:
"I am very excited and honored to be part of this important learning opportunity for men and women. I've observed a wide range of unconscious gender bias behaviors over my 30 years of business experience domestically and internationally. Working through my own journey enabled me to develop a personal passion and interest in allyship. Please join us and engage in a deeper learning discussion on our respective journeys to build male allyship in support of female leaders."  Read Robert's Bio.

Cost:  $99 for one, $175 for 2, or $300 for 4

Introducing an expanded, 2-part conference experience in Louisville.  SAVE THE DATES:

"Power Up" Conference Kick-Off
Thursday, February 7, 2019 |  The Olmstead

The inaugural "Power Up" conference is a lead-up event to the full-day IWL Women's Leadership Conference. Power Up will be a half-day community conversation about women and power in the workplace and beyond, particularly around sexual harassment and gender barriers.  

5th Annual IWL Women's Leadership Conference
Thursday, April 25, 2019 |  Louisville Marriott Downtown

Now in its 5th year in Louisville, the IWL Women's Leadership Conference is the premier professional and personal development conference for women in the greater Louisville area and region. This conference attracts over 400 professional women each year and is known for its top-quality content and attendee experience.  

Announcing the 2019 Louisville Conference 
Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Neeli Bendapudi
University of Louisville
Sheri Riley
Empowerment Speaker
Life Strategist
Award-Winning Author
Darleen Santore
Founder & CEO
Performance at Higher Degree (P.H.D. Coaching)

We are thrilled to have these three powerful women taking the stage for 2019, and we hope you'll join us - it's Your Voice. Your Power. Your Time.

Interested in Sponsorship Opportunities?

Wondering how your organization can get involved? We invite you to become a sponsor and showcase your organization as a leader in gender inclusion. Please contact CEO Kim Graham Lee, at  [email protected].

One of the main messages of the 9th Annual IWL Indianapolis Conference was the power of using your voice, so this October we're focusing on Speaking Up. We want to challenge you to use your voice this month. Are you being an ally to those around you? Are you advocating for your own best interests?  This month, instead of standing on the side lines, make the commitment to say something when you see or hear something that makes you uncomfortable. Find an accountability partner to take this challenge with you - it could be a coworker, a spouse, or a friend - anyone who you feel comfortable talking to about these situations. Make a promise to yourself and to your partner that you will speak up, whatever that means for you. If you mess up, it's okay! Talk to your partner and practice using your voice. The more you speak up, the more you can offer! 

Thank you to our 2018 Indianapolis Conference Sponsors!

Bose logo

Roche logo

Bardach Awards

Thank you to our 2018 Louisville Conference Sponsors!


IWL Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  To g ive to the IWL Foundation or become a corporate sponsor of the IWL Women's Leadership Conferences, contact Kim Graham Lee, CEO, at [email protected].
Better Together.
Integrating Women Leaders (IWL) Foundation accelerates the advancement of women  to drive individual and organizational growth and impact.