Dear CIM Friends & Supporters,

This fall has already been a whirlwind of celebrations and tunes, and there's no sign of slowing down!

Thank you to everyone who made The Harvest Home a successful event. We're so grateful to Liz Carroll, Billy McComiskey, and Dáithí Sproule for a fun-filled weekend of workshops and an incredible concert that kept our toes tapping late into the night. Special thanks to Jeanne Morales and Jo Ann Vano for heading up the Harvest Home committee! Check out our Facebook album for photos from the event.

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events. We hope you'll be able to join us!

  • Hamline Elementary Fall Festival | Saturday, October 6th. Our Advanced Youth Ensemble will perform at 2 pm followed by an Irish dance performance by O'Shea Irish Dance. Visit the Hamline Elementary website for more information. .
  • Volunteer Thank-You Party | Sunday, October 7th, 2-4 pm. If you volunteered for the CIM in the past year and haven't received an invitation, please email Aja McCullough Beers right away. You are invited!
  • Give to the Max Day | Thursday, November 15th. Celebrate Minnesota's generous spirit and join together in support of handing down the tradition.

We're still reeling from our award winning trip to Ireland for the Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann. In this email, you'll find links to two new blog posts detailing some of the wild adventures our families had at the fleadh.

And of course, there are always lessons and classes going on at the Center for Irish Music. It's not too late to sign up for fall term private lessons for all ages and abilities. Our Celtic Cuties classes have just started, so if you have little ones between the ages of 0-3, please join us!

Norah Rendell
Executive Artistic Director
Center for Irish Music

*CIM students: The " students " webpage is updated on a weekly basis. We request that current students bookmark this page and check in regularly to find out about upcoming dates, deadlines, events and student-related announcements. Thank you!
Would you like to help out?
Lend a hand by volunteering for our Éigse or Fundraising Committees
Volunteering at the Center for Irish Music is fun and gratifying. We love working with volunteers who are passionate about the Irish music community! Right now, we're looking for volunteers for the following committees:

Éigse CIM, A Gaela Event Planning Committee
Éigse, our annual fundraiser, takes a dedicated group of volunteers to run smoothly. This year's event is scheduled for February 23, 2019. We are especially looking for planning committee members who are available during the weekdays (between 9am - 3pm) and occasional weekends. The planning committee meets once-a-month between September - March, with a few extra meetings in January & February.

Fundraising Committee
We're excited to launch a new committee to support CIM's fundraising efforts. If you have experience with grant writing, community outreach, communications, or just enjoy sharing your enthusiasm for the CIM, this is the committee for you!

If you are interested or would like to learn more, please contact Aja McCullough Beers , Events & Communications Coordinator. 
Save the Date!
November 15, 2018
Give to the Max Day

The 10th annual Give to the Max Day , featuring new prizes like the chance to win a $500 golden ticket for CIM every 10 minutes! Watch our website for updates on how we'll be celebrating this day of giving.
February 23, 2019
Éigse CIM, a Gaela Event

The Center for Irish Music's annual fundraising event, including dinner, a concert by CIM instructors, a silent auction filled with fabulous Irish finds, and more! Consider sponsoring a table of ten in support of the tradition.
June 14-16, 2019
Minnesota Irish Music Weekend (MIM)

A 3-day traditional Irish music festival including workshops, lectures, sessions, and a concert with master artists from around the world, presented by the Center for Irish Music.
CIM Volunteer Thank-You Party
Have you volunteered for CIM in the past year? If so, we would like to honor you at our annual Volunteer Thank You Party on Sunday, October 7th, from 2:00-4:00 pm at the Dubliner Pub & Cafe in St. Paul.

Volunteers should have received a private invitation via email. If you did not receive one, please e-mail Aja McCullough Beers and we will send you an invite asap.

Thank you and we hope to see you there!
New on the CIM blog: Drogheda Dispatches
Drogheda Dispatches, Part 1

"Where are the kids from? They're fantastic!" "Minnesota in the States." "..." "It's in the middle at the top-on the border with Canada." "...anywhere near Chicago?" "Sort of..." Center for Irish Music students, parents and instructor Brian...

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Drogheda Dispatches, Part 2: A Parent Perspective

Norah asked me to write a few thoughts about going to the Fleadh Cheoil in Ireland. Our family of four traveled to Ireland with the CIM community twice, last month to Drogheda and last year to Ennis. It was the All-Ireland competitions that...

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Celtic Junction Arts Center Fundraiser - October 13
Celebrate and support our friends at the Celtic Junction Arts Center and Eoin McKiernan LIbrary with an evening of session music, snacks, drinks, and an update on the exciting things happening at the Celtic Junction.

Upcoming Concerts & Events
SATURDAY, OCT. 6 | 2:00 PM
Advanced Youth Ensemble Performance

SUNDAY, OCT. 7 | 2:00-4:00 PM
CIM Volunteer Thank-You Party

FRIDAY, OCT. 12 | 7:30 PM
Hannah Flowers CD Launch & Concert
SATURDAY, OCT. 13 | 6:30 PM
CIM Young Learner's Session

SATURDAY, OCT. 13 | 6:30 PM
Celtic Junction Arts Center Fundraiser

SATURDAY, OCT. 20 | 8:00 PM
Boiled in Lead (Todd Menton)
This is not an exhaustive listing of all events within the Twin Cities Irish community. For more listings, please visit the  IMDA Event Calendar , and the  Celtic Junction Arts Center  concerts.   
Support the CIM
The Center for Irish Music is a 501c3 nonprofit, and we depend on your support to continue passing down the tradition of Irish music and song. Please consider joining us as a volunteer or making a gift to the CIM today!
This activity is made
possible by the voters of
Minnesota through
a Minnesota State Arts
Board Operating Support
grant, thanks to a
legislative appropriation
from the arts and
cultural heritage fund.